May 15, 2013

Corporate Win: Supreme Court Says Monsanto Has 'Control Over Product of Life'

Indiana farmer must pay agribusiness giant $84,000 for patent infringement  

 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday in favor of biotech giant Monsanto, ordering Indiana farmer Vernon Hugh Bowman, 75, to pay Monsanto more than $84,000 for patent infringement for using second generation Monsanto seeds purchased second hand—a ruling which will have broad implications for the ownership of 'life' and farmers' rights in the future. 






**Read article at Common Dreams**


  1. 3 jewish justices, liberal credentials true meaning, very obvious

  2. Death To monsantoMay 16, 2013 at 2:50 AM

    On 25 of may are the world wide protests against monsanto,EVERYBODY should join the protests!

  3. Time for a little hands-on "protesting" against JEWsanto methinks ;)

  4. Another traitorous decision by the Jew S Supreme Court, only this time it was unanimous. This latest decision should serve as a warning about future gun control laws being upheld.

  5. I love that tomato, where i can buy one of these?


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