May 15, 2013

David Duke Show 2013.05.15

Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald discuss some vital aspects of Dr. Duke's new book, The Zionist Conspiracy, and then go into the Jewish mechanism of power and the disturbing trends in America that are creating a dumbed down populace. Then they go into the dramatic aspects of Jewish racism and show how European Americans are far more discriminated against in leading universities by favoritism toward Jewish students than by favoritism toward other larger minorities. They also show how Jewish supremacism is extremely harmful to every racial group in America and around the world.

David's site

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  1. There must be a reason for more people from all races to listen to David Duke as he gets it perfectly right that all of Humanity is under deadly threat from the jewish supremacist tyrannical world order. The fight must be broaden to include ALL INTELLIGENT JEW-AWARE individuals of whatever race and creed because this fight cannot afford to be weakened along any racial division except the jew. After the criminal masters elites are totally crushed and annihilated, every other problem including race, sovereignty of nations and the thousands of other grievances inflicted by the jewish parasitic tribe CAN BE HARMONIOUSLY RESOLVED. We can all live amongst OUR OWN RACE AND CULTURE free of jewish manipulations.

    That's the glorious future for Humanity if we can come and stand together against jews.

  2. more shades of Boston
    2 guys taken alive



    A Short History of the BIble
    Atrocities (a few)
    Sex, Obscenities, Filth
    Morality And Contradictions
    God, Satan, Jesus, Heaven
    The Inferior Status Of Women
    About The Dark Bible

  4. Hey 12:08 PM, you got a link for Foote & Ball: 'The Bible Handbook' (1886)? Long ago out of copyright but no pdf on the web even at

    Free Thought /secularism

  5. Scanning your blog....

    It's so cute when yall Nazis get together and pretend to think other Nazis are gay or Jewish or whatever. Don't know who you think you're foolin', but it is some comedy to read.

    vvooiitt, are you high? Taint no thing as "race", leastways not the meaning your trying to hang on it. But there'd be some great laughs looking at your step by step plan for the "white race" to go home and leave North America to what's left of the Indians. I'd buy a bucket o popcorn to see you push that. You think you hate the French now, just wait until you try to immigrate. That goes for Germany, Austria, Spain (maybe not Spain. Aint nobody told you Spanish are European and wouldn't want to confuse you), Scotland, Wales, Norway, Sweden. Albania, get the idea.

    Shore as shit they just can't wait for yall to return home to YOUR OWN RACE.

    Looks like I'm gonna need more popcorn.

    Okay, enough playin. Here's something to look at, be educational like and funny too. Well, funny for us:

    Now you run along and tell Mr. Duke. ya hear?

    - A Basterd


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