May 21, 2013

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.05.20

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - 'Robot Alchemy' ... Texe's Brilliant New Book! 

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Tim O'Shea - Vaccine Horrors Mounting

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Over US

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Rense' site


  1. rare article written by Jeff Rense
    shows his love type?

    Howard Stern interviewed,

    since I started listening to Mami, I haven't listened to HS, lol

    Lady Gaga & the interview went a totally different way in that sheLG, didn't understand some just 1+ concepts in sexuality & didn't have much interest in them either. she apparently has one longer term partner whom she does not use very much.
    So, the worst part is that she uses & portrays a lot of stuff she really doesn't know 100% nor believe in.
    the skimpy outfits is probably just standard Italian-American, even though she herself is largely Germanic, so that is probably another lie.

    for the record, this is an honest manifestation of she

    -walks lowes

  2. Rense and Collins together in coverup of the Nuclear Sabotage at Fukushima. You can add Robert Bowman to the list. He was in Japan too and is the inventer of the MX Missile. A favorite on Alex Jones Prison planet. has irrerutable evidence on it
    Dr. Robert M. Bowman on Alex Jones TV

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can the first commentator learn english before posting here.

  5. thank you uploader

  6. Thanks for uploading this, and the other Rense's.


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