May 01, 2013

Lugh's Den 2013.05.01

Golden Dawn discussion / Nietzsche, Wagner, NeoAryanism and National Socialism vs. Marx, Engels, Judeo-Christianity and Communism



  1. You know Golden Dawn is full of turks and arabs? They're far from the original Aryan Greeks. Most of them are christards too.

  2. golden dawn are really illuminati vatican assasins ZOMG

  3. 10:40

    No, faggot troll, they're just sheep that follow whoever appears to have power. Golden Dawn is a jewish freemason controlled opposition. They use christards as their soldiers because that what they do best, fight under the jew's banner.

  4. With their stupid ass olive branch logo they're getting grafted into the olive tree of Israel as we speak. Jews know how quickly the goyim will jump on the first bandwagon.

  5. May 1, 2013 at 10:56 PM
    Olive branch was originally a Greek symbol.

    Very few Christians are Golden Dawn, there's already a Christian Far Right party. Most GD are either secular or pagan.

  6. 10:29 PM Well the Original Greeks where more blond, now because of arab and Turk admixture, they're basically no different than sicilians and southern spaniards and Portuguese, But its foolish to say all greeks are Non-white, just some.

  7. Golden Dawn is a Rosecrucian order. They practice esoteric Christian Identity. I'm sure it's an accident that the trooftard movement consists of worship for both these groups.

  8. I wish these guys would have a christard on, to put them in their place. I'm tired of having christards spew their filth all over my face!

  9. May 2, 2013 at 12:04 AM

    Why the fuck would Greeks follow a religion that says English people are the real Jews?
    Besides, only an offshoot of GD practices CI and that offshoot was banned from GD proper. The symbolism of "Golden" in greek thought refers to the Greek Golden Age.

  10. Ok Loogie. You masterful sage you.

  11. I think lube's my favorite. I just like to say it loooooooooob!

  12. Aryan Buttlove said...
    I think lube's my favorite. I just like to say it loooooooooob!
    May 2, 2013 at 12:27 AM

    Because obviously sir, you are gay. Only a fag would continually reference buttlove. Just go to the Celtic Faggot's blog and you'll see a perfect example of overt faggotry. My guess would be you're probably a regular "cat room" visitor right? ;)

  13. Very few Christians are Golden Dawn,... Most GD are either secular or pagan.

    [citation needed]

  14. Anonymous said...
    You know Golden Dawn is full of turks and arabs? They're far from the original Aryan Greeks. Most of them are christards too.
    May 1, 2013 at 10:29 PM

    Citation needed.

  15. Perhaps you can cite instances of GD being Christian, beyond one singular figure providing a blessing.
    The majority of the evidencce points to the GD being a secular ethno racialist org.

  16. surcomsizedKIKESwannaBeAryansMay 2, 2013 at 6:35 AM

    Its very interesting how SURCOMSIZED Aryan wanna bees ,JEWmerican brain dead filth likes to talk about Europe! Even when they never have seen further out of their trailor park they still like to play smart like they know something!
    This comment section shows clearly that JEWmericans are the most stupid and dementid mongrols in the universe!
    As soon as that piece of shit, jewish experiment called JEWSA stops existing,Europe will finally prosper!In Europe people do not see deference between israHELL and JEWSA,BOTH ARE SURCOMSIZED MONGROLS!

  17. The amount of no brain mamzers at this website really amazes me.

    "Very few Christians are Golden Dawn, there's already a Christian Far Right party. Most GD are either secular or pagan."

    HAHAhahah u fucking idiots :-DD

    ALL GREEKS are Turkish mongrels ALL, but hey take them into your family please. you Neo Aryian mongrel you .

    "Why the fuck would Greeks follow a religion that says English people are the real Jews?
    Besides, only an offshoot of GD practices CI and that offshoot was banned from GD proper. The symbolism of "Golden" in greek thought refers to the Greek Golden Age."

    Lube no sense ass backwards idiot as usual keep talking idiot, it exposes your ignorant mongrel mind even more. Good Stuff !!

  18. funny GD is close to G-D that I thought you were alluding to the latter. look, the only way you will really know is to send someone over there to check it out in person.
    Iff Golden Dawn is that important to you...

  19. The truth will outMay 2, 2013 at 8:09 AM

    I often marvel at your online persona here and insistence that your narrow view on the world outside your own immediate sphere is accurate because it's as distorted as anything I've ever seen on my TalmudVision set.

    Golden Dawn distribute food only to Greek Christians.

    This is the main charge being made against them.

    I'm assuming you've never lived in Europe, as your world view seems to me to be comprised solely of what the Disney channel tells you.

    I would never have classed Greece's Golden Dawn as a Christian movement, however they are far from anti-Christian.

    You really are beginning to grate my tits with your misplaced calls for a Bolshevik uprising.

    Seeing as I took the effort to bother responding to you, from their exhaustive manifestos of intended laid out plans and promotional literature here's the first I grabbed from my collection from Golden Dawn's charter.

    A promise to uphold and promote virtues of the ancient Greek gods and the Christian faith and Greek Orthodox Church."

    If you want to report on Golden Dawn, how about talking to someone involved in the organisation and not some half-arsed rewrite by some jewish New York post reporter.

    Fuck knows where you get your information from but your motivation to me smacks of a Bolshevik Leninist.

    This is for the others that read here keep your eyes peeled on Jobbik and Golden Dawn, so far they are the best hopes for Europe right now, Svoboda and a few others also are making great waves.

    If you want to know what's going down with these groups, go to the official websites of these organisations and ask them yourself rather than entrust your research to a Cheka wannabe who seems to not understand how the world works outside the American/jewish TV version of the outside world.


    Delenda Est Judaica!

  20. If they're christards then that means they're controlled and will wind up being used as a chess piece against our cause.

  21. Good show lugh your getting better !

  22. If the members of Golden Dawn don't worship the one true god - the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - then their political movement is doomed to eventual failure.

  23. Oy vey every group is jewish controlled opposition except rentafags!

  24. Lube likes it in the ass, goos show loob!

  25. 8:09 AM

    Loog knows it all, cause it's on the wikipedia.

  26. So what Lube, you and the RENTATARDS are going to start saying Golden Dawn are secret Pagan Occultist. LOL yea more pagan wet dreams from the runnygays

  27. Loogie don't know anything about life beyond american borders. Most of european christians are not nutcases like in America who sing hosiannah to Israel all day. Infact most of them rarely even go to church, except maybe on christmas and they dont watch rambling and money grabbing teleevangelists on TV.

    Religion in Europe is a private business and part of a culture. American nationalism is a joke, because there is no such thing as american nation, never was.

  28. Golden Dawn is evil nazi satanic mystic order, like Thule society, this is exactly like Hitler started!

    We must stop them because they want to throw innocent jewish bankers out of their country!

  29. 3:40 PM,

    European Christians aren't real Christians. They're phonies and fakes.

  30. Yeah if they were real Christians they would be sucking the cocks of the Chosenites like the Christians in America.

  31. the truth will out,
    They only hand out food to GREEKS, Christianity has nothing to do with it.
    Note how they put the Greek Gods first in that statement they put out as well.
    When they started they were strictly Neo Pagan, and Neo Pagans make up the inner circle.

    May 2, 2013 at 3:40 PM

    I am very much aware of this, and it is why I am extremely critical of American Christian nationalism.
    It will die out there before it does in America, though the disgusting actions of American Christians might cause a schism that accelerates that.

  32. Christian greeks are worse them jews.

  33. Elvis Died For Our sinsMay 2, 2013 at 8:05 PM

    Ci main problem is that they claim angosaxons to be real israelites. This is such a ridiculous and unsubstantiated theory, that makes fat Elvis Jesus blush.

    Only in Amurica, fuck yeah!

  34. 8:05 PM No its mainly the Celtic, and Germanic peoples that are the true Israelites, like the Germans and Scandinavians and Finns. Because of the Mongrelization of southern europe, not every Med is seen as white. I mean You can't deny theres some arabs that look no different than some greeks.

  35. 6:24 PM Lube, if you think the Greek people are gonna back the overthrow of christianity with the replacement of paganism and satan worship, then you got another thing coming, you don't speak for the GD and never Will. They are smarter, and know how to play their cards.

  36. 9:50 PM

    Maybe but that doesnt mean that they're fuckin jews!

  37. 10:07 PM ok, what the fuck are you talking about

  38. Lugh is not American, he's Canadian.

    Here, I'll ask him right now, Lugh, are you Canadian?

    BTW, good show topic, your delivery still needs some work but you will get better.

  39. 9:50 PM Celts and Germans are NOT Israelites you shit-for-brains. The stupidity of you CI retards is too much to even describe in words.

  40. All this jibber jabber about this and that and where does it get you? Where does it get us? Nowhere. ALL these comments are just a waste of time, including mine, and some of you are spending A LOT OF TIME posting what basically amounts to "blah, blah, blah" and nothing else. A worthless comment on a tiny little blog in the middle of internet oblivion changes nothing. The broadcasts from Renegade however do have a little more power. That is all that matters. Love it or hate it, that is one truth amongst a few other truths and commenting here will not change that. FACT.


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