May 05, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.05.04

Hosts get together for a conversation regarding recent Renegade shows, important geopolitical events, and other controversial topics.

Siegfried, Dana, Lugh, Sledge, John Friend.

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  1. Only a Jew brings every different culture together to create division. Same with race,

    This is the last comment i'm leaving on Renegade posts because i'm too fed up with racial divisions that stems from a Chosenite neander(thal obsession leading back to their Jewish Bible and Talmud.

    It's obvious Renegade thinks they are doing well because they receive so many comments (mostly hatred for all the mistakes they are making)

    There is not a universal truth and arguing any point out of a pompous Chosenite mindframe will only sabotages the movement.

    Let's give Renegade one chance, if they can admit wrongs on racial issues then I will consider them for a Kosher Free stamp of approval on their broadcasts. If they cannot do what is right and admit their mistakes on racial issues then we will be able to take off the veil on this theft of the truth movement. There isn't even a need for me to debate the issue if they can see the racial hatreds the Jewish Bible condones then they will Admit what is True.

    Renegade thinks Jew Agents are the ones leaving all the 'hate' comments but it is really people who followed them at a time only to realize how much disgust they now have for what seems to be a fraudulent people taking over the movement.

    So. One last chance, prove us wrong. Will they keep fueling racial divisions while our enemy robs our prosperity and future well being? Or.. will Renegade prove to be a Kosher Free movement and Unite instead of Divide us against the Jew?
    We shall see.

  2. Yes, let's all unite!

    One world, one people, one race!

  3. @2:53

    Yes! Let's all divide!

    1 Heaven, 1 Chosen Race!

    6000000 Jewish Problems but a jackass aint one.

    And you sir are (hope you don't mind the ad-hominem but...) a jackass.

    Are most racists Jews? Or are most Jews racists?

  4. When you deny God you have realized you are human. When you return to God, you have realized you should never be satisfied with being human.

  5. 2:53 AM Spoken like a true Renegay

  6. Some great comments here guys after the garbage in the first one! "ThusSpokeYahweh" most certainly IS a jackass alright! So far more positive comments than negative ones - and just because there are sometimes a whole slew of anti-Renegade posts don't fool yourself that these are all by separate individuals because they most certainly are not! ;) Keep up the good work Renegade and just keep ignoring the jackasses like the first poster (who I'm pretty damn certain posts under many different names...

  7. The anon at 3:04 that is me, I forgot to choose my name.

    Sorry to end your abrupt delusion of appearing in many different usernames when I post (If you think so feel free to check my ip). But that might hurt your reality that not just one "rectalrebel" or 'citard' dislikes your show it's the majority now and your in the minority little man.

    You made a complete idiot out of yourself by the way there 'YahWehLicksPigBalls'

    , since I am 3:04 calling 2:53 a jackass for making the one race strawman to try to make him seem right somehow because we aren't all one race, if you can't even work with someone from another race to complete your goal you are a Jewish Neanderthal.

    Based on your choice for a childishly offensive name and not even being able to realize my name is supposed to be treated with sarcasm I'm going to make a guess that you are either a Circumcised Neanderthal or someone that suffers from severe brain damage.

    Based on your behavior from your previous posts I'm gonna have to say... you are one comment shylocking kike.

    You better hope the readers of your posts aren't that bright, otherwise your in trouble jack.

  8. Yay Guiliani is the best! Multicult fever everyone! Let's ignore immigration and non-whits crimes because we're all just one human race guyz. After all, race is just a social construct man.

  9. No more hate! No more hate! No more hate! No more hate! No more hate!

    Nazi go home! Nazi go home! Nazi go home! Nazi go home! Nazi go home!

    I imagine that "ThusSpokeYagweh" will be chanting this in the streets with hoardes of niggers and mexicans at some point.

  10. ^ Strawman above. Think for yourself.

    If you have a problem with another race fine, but be careful on taking the bait these guys are setting up.

    Frank Collin's American Nazi Party was a joke, nobody takes the KKK seriously when it comes to info.

    They are setting people up for ANYTHING that will not be accepted by the public. And the task to get the public on our side is hard enough! Just keep this in mind.

  11. I could care less what the public thinks. Most of them are brainwashed nigger loving haters of their own race, like yourself. It's a pipe dream of marxists that different races will band together and be a big happy family but that just isn't the way nature works. Just like at the end of the day it's every man for himself, it's every race for themselves. It's how it's always been and how it always will be. It's not pretty and frilly like you want it to be, but if you haven't noticed mother nature is a cold bitch and she doesn't give a shit about your feelings. Bigger animals eat smaller animals, that's how it works. It's your job to make sure you don't get eaten. But when you follow the rules and stick to your own kind you're rewarded with more refined genetics and a stonger, more cohesive unit. Take the jews for example. As much as we hate them, their success is due to racial homogeny. Do you see lions teaming up with monkeys in the savanah? No, because that would be anti-nature. So learn nature. It's clear the jews don't want you to.

  12. Why even entertain John "Friend" on your show? He associates with convicts and pedophiles, and he has gook children. Him and his CI christard army are such a waste of time it's not even funny. They're nothing but an annoying cancer on the white race. They'll never let go of the jew bible. Teaming up with them is like shooting yourself in the foot. They only handicap the truth and any effort to make the truth known. As can be seen in any comment section on the few radio shows that aren't pro-christard.

  13. Great show guys, keep up the good work. Show on YT:

  14. Why the support from renegade for CG? I mean yes he is anti jew book but he also supports multiculturalism, says white victims of black on white crime need to "get over it" (yes he did say that), and also said he supports fbi, atf arresting white nationalists(yes he said that as well). The man is a complete menace.

  15. "Are most racists Jews? Or are most Jews racists?"

    Why an either/or?
    Most jews ARE racists.
    Most racists ARE jews.

    There is not other "tribe" on the planet as racist AND criminal as the jew. They are special. They are chosenites!

  16. "Multicult fever everyone! Let's ignore immigration and non-whits crimes because we're all just one human race guyz."

    Let's get rid of the jew and THEN we can try to un-fuck the multicult bs that the jew created.

  17. Can any force stop the jew control over immigration?

    The problem is the jew and the RESULTS of the jewish immigration. Take care of the jew, then fix immigration. Simple.

    Try to go after the immigrants, after the jew has opened the flood gates is what the jew wants. Go after the jew first.

  18. Racism is natural. Calling jews "racists", thinking it's slandering them, only helps justify what they do. They're only doing what's natural for the success of their race. If white people were just as strict with asking themselves "Is this good for the white race?" before doing something then jews never would have become the dominant force.

  19. Lugh!


    Lugh rules.

  20. 9:28 AM

    Eat shit, pagantard.

  21. May 5, 2013 at 2:26 AM

    Fuck you, Mike, renegade is a joke and your antichristian rants will lead you nowhere.

    According to people who signed your pathetic petition you have 200 fans mostly.

    Good luck with your WOW wankfest.

  22. Father, we beg Your blessing for the Right to Life, the Unborn, the weak, the sick and the old; all who are finding themselves being targets of the vicious culture of death; that our Lord Jesus bless and protect all who stand up for the Christian dignity of persons. That God enlighten those who are traveling down death's highway by their involvement, in any way, with either the contemporary death culture, selfism, relativeism, or any of the new age errors of our times, that God envelop our culture with His Divine protection and help us both individually and as a nation to true enlightenment, conversion and repentance of our selves and our culture. Help us to turn from our national sin of abortion, and return to, and once again become a Christian nation, on the narrow road, that is, the path to becoming a nation and culture, under God. Amen.

  23. "The movement steadfastly refuses to take up any stand in regard to those problems which are either outside of its sphere of political work or seem to have no fundamental importance for us. It does not aim at bringing about a religious reformation, but rather a political reorganization of our people. It looks upon the two religious denominations as equally valuable mainstays for the existence of our people, and therefore it makes war on all those parties which would degrade this foundation, on which the religious and moral stability of our people is based, to an instrument in the service of party interests."
    - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

  24. "His life [the Jew] is of this world only and his mentality is as foreign to the true spirit of Christianity as his character was foreign to the great Founder of the new creed two thousand years ago. The Founder of Christianity made no secret of His estimation of the Jewish people; when He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God, because then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. At that time Christ was nailed to the Cross for his attitude towards the Jews, whereas our modern Christians enter into party politics, and when elections are being held they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with the atheistic Jewish parties against the interests of their own Christian nation."
    - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

  25. Lugh is awesome!

  26. Another shitty roundtable with hangovers and smell of unwashed body odors.

    These guys can't decide, eighter to be drunken comedians or do "sirius" toof radio.

  27. All I can think of when I hear Andre's scrappy voice is him savagely raping young girls in bamboo huts.

  28. 1:12, 1:14

    You're using a propaganda piece that Hitler used to unite Germans as proof for how Hitler felt in private. Pretty irrational. He knew it was suicide to take on the Church head on at that time. He used Christianity as a political tool that could be cast aside when Germans were fully indoctrinated into pagan National Solicialist natural law policy. The worship of a jew would have been phased out.

  29. Rational Response SquadMay 5, 2013 at 2:08 PM

    2:05 PM

    Hitler was christian redneck KKK neonazi hater, dude.

  30. Jesus Christ Lugh, next time adjust your fucking mic, you're blowing my ears out over here. Fuck!

  31. There is Yahwe , the 'God' of Christians and Jews , and there is Allah , the 'God' of the Muslims..
    Question : Are these two Arseholes the same person ??

  32. 2:05 PM
    Whatever Hitler said is a lie, whatever you say he thought is the truth. This sounds jewish.

  33. Even the Communists do not go after Christians,middle class businessmen, or intellectuals when building a movement.They unite with property owners and say it is the "big boys" that own the ports ,vast enterprizes,large corporations that they are against.Then they start to pick away at those who allied with them in the beginning and their agenda unfolds.They roll out the Manifesto which was there for all to read from the very beginning.
    You will get nowhere going after Christians when trying to form a united front against Power.And we all know who the Power is.

  34. WHY can't the movement just get rid of the homosexuals, pedophiles, homicidal murderers & all other sorts of depraved cultures that exist deep inside the movement itself?
    every time I look some "host" is supporting 1 or more of these type of people!

  35. It's the Christian run banks and media, jews are just a distraction.

  36. 2:23

    I'm not making anything up. Im basing my argument on what was published quoting what he said to industrial leaders and what he talked about in private. In speeches and in Mein Kampf he's careful not to degrade christianity but he never neglects to mention that Jesus was jewish. If you're trying to say that the Nazi party was a Christian organization, then you're just insane. They appeased it to gain numbers.

  37. Bill Finck, Scott Roberts, Mike Deleney and Andre are just hillbilly trash who spew racial hatred.

  38. Lugh and Sieg are definitelty getting better, love you guys!

  39. 2:40

    Funny. In reality you're a part of the trail of destruction that the jew has dragged behind itself. But you make jokes, consciously or subconsciously, because you want to escape the possibility that you might be forced into re-evaluating your existence outside of the bible framework and without a jewish messiah to love and cherish. Like a baby that doesn't want to give up it's bottle of jew milk. That's christian troofers in a nutshell.

  40. 2:48 PM

    There's nothing wrong with racial hatred. It's natural. There's no better unification method for a group than hatred of the opposing group. It's how animal species survive.

    Those you mentioned are trash for other reasons. Mainly their spreading of jewish religious filth and degenerate criminal activity, namely, car theft, unprovoked murder, and pedophila.

  41. 2:58 PM
    Not only is racial hatred natural, so is tribal hatred, hell, let's just lower ourselves to the level of the thug negro and start shooting people for being on the wrong street!

  42. Andre is just redneck trash jew hater.

    Funny how these white trash christian racists can't get enough of hating innocent jews, must be jelousy, lol

  43. 3:22 PM

    I agree, chrstian whites are utter scum, we should kill them all

  44. There is Yahwe , the 'God' of Christians and Jews , and there is Allah , the 'God' of the Muslims..
    Question : Are these two Arseholes the same person ??

    Yes, they are in fact the same deity. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Mormons, and Freemasons all worship the god of Judeo-monotheism.





  47. 3:26 PM

    I know that you worship Jack Daniels, you little piece of shit.

  48. 3:05 PM
    Or you can grow up, stop making jokes, use some critical thinking ability in a serious manner, and work on a level similar to the United States. Smaller white tribes delineated by location and culture, but united on a larger front by race. Not a complicated idea to grasp. Unless you're a marxist.

  49. 2:43 PM
    There is no proof that the contents of this pamphlet were the thoughts of Hitler and it's retarded. If you had any real life experience, you would know that businessmen like to hire Christians, not because of any belief system, but because they are more likely to dependable, moral, family people, who will show up for work every day.
    The antichristian Hitler quotes you use have been refuted by Rodney Martin, although an amateur historian, his level of expertise makes you look like the idiot you are.

  50. 3:22, 3:25, 3:31 are the same person. He pretends that pagans think christians are the enemy when they know full well that christians are just products of the jew. He's probably a rabid John Friend supporter.

  51. we need to get back to beginning. I know being a "host" is a gaudy position, filled w/ pretense & frivolity. I know >20% of the "hosts" in the movement are homosexuals. I am going to start naming names. I was going to say that renegade has two gay "hosts."
    but then I remember that there is little movement in the movement.

    the 2 current homosexual hosts on renegade are lugh & dana

    my network will be outing other gays & forcing you guys to finally deal w/ something real.

    -Jack Flores

  52. Whatever you say spic. I bet you're christian too. Most spics are.

  53. Being pagan is like so edgy and cool and you can wear cool makeup and clothes and stuff. And like long wavy hair like vikins and its totally wild and awesome!

    Guys do you dig my new helmet?

  54. 3:48 PM

    How's your hangover, sig?

  55. 3:32 PM
    Which whites am I supposed to unite with? The ones who have no problem giving our jobs to non-whites who work for less? Or maybe the ones who have no problem getting rid of my freedom of speech, choice, association or my right to bear arms to protect my rights and property? Maybe it's the ones who pay interest on debt to drive inflation, or watch tv to decide what is normal.
    No thanks, I don't want anything to do with those white people.

  56. I kinda love these shows, but why do all Renegade hosts sound like castrated peacocks with asperger syndrome?

  57. 4:05 PM
    How about you stick with your christard brothers that sold us out to the jews for universal equality. I hope you enjoy the non-whites, because 2/3 of the world's christians are mestizo, negro, and asian. I said you wouldn't understand white racialism if you were marxist, but I should have included christian, because they're almost exactly the same, only differing in theology or lack there of.

  58. What is this, Webster Tarpley hour?

  59. 4:14 PM

    Better christian blacks who take care of their families then fatherless, godless murdering hood rats.

  60. 4:26 PM It's predictable yet interesting how you rationalize hating fellow whites that don't worship a mythical marxist rabbi.

  61. The american WN-movement is retarded beyond belief. Absolutely mindblowing.

    Fucking yankees, no seriosity whatsoever.

  62. These guys want to hook up with Occupy leftists?

    HAHAHAHHAHAA, that figures, if they'd drop their anti-jew rhetorics, they would turn into perfect leftards.

  63. 4:14 PM
    This is bullshit and you are a liar and an idiot, you greatly exaggerate the influence of Christianity on Americans.
    Less than 20% of Americans attend church regularly and the majority of these churches are highly segregated.
    Almost 100% of Americans watch tv every day for hours. This is where people get their ideas about what is normal, Christians don't run tv.

  64. 4:31 PM

    Mike, seems that reading masonic bible fucked up your mind pretty bad, man.

    You should read what Our Great comrade Lenin wrote about the dangers of opiate of the masses.

  65. May 5, 2013 at 4:31 PM

    Don'w worry man, America is done and finished. Finito. Soon these idiots will rot in FEMA camps anyway. I I don't feel any pitty for them. You cant bake bread ouf of the shit.

  66. THE christard spammer is having a field day on this post. I can't be the only one that sees its the same guy clogging up every renegade show with idiotic comments.

  67. I fucking love beer and Skyrim!!

  68. "Fundamentally Judaism is Anti-Christian."
    - The Jewish World, March 15, 1923

    While it is the standard disinformation practice of apologists for the Talmud to deny that it contains any scurrilous references to Jesus Christ, certain Orthodox Jewish organizations are more forthcoming and admit that the Talmud not only mentions Jesus but disparages him (as a sorcerer and a demented sex freak). These orthodox Jewish organizations make this admission perhaps out of the belief that Jewish supremacy is so well-established in the modern world that they need not concern themselves with adverse reactions. [...]

    Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement." [...]

    Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.

  69. 5:33 PM yep, you're the only paranoid weirdo.

  70. I am surprized that John Friend decided to join with this shit fest.

  71. Mike Literus says:

    Great show guys.

  72. So funny when i hear them talking about what territories whites should inhabit, like they already rule the world. Lol, this is why drugs are bad, m'kay?

  73. Jews never discuss their battle plans on fuckin internet talk radio, you guys are so easy target that this isn't even funny.

    Thjats why they're always ten steps ahead of you, whatever you do.

  74. 6:16 PM These fags complain about how they are not targeted and interviewed by the ADL or CNN like CI's or the David dukes, but maybe its because the rentatards are totally irrelevant little shits like the rest the of tards of the troofer movement, that they could care less about them and their hermaphrodite goat worshipping, nordic viking wannabe loser audience.

  75. I personally signed the "No 'Dual-Citizens' in Gov." petition -- because I believe it is a good one. But I am NOT a fan or listener to anyone on Retrograde radio (altho' I used to listen to Sledge until he totally flaked out).

  76. The New Testament: A Pro-Jewish Book

  77. Andre - pedo race mixer, wigger.
    Mike Deleney - illiterate control freak, CItard
    Scott Roberts - blabber-mouth wigger, race mixer
    Bill Finck - murderer ex convict, pig, CItard
    John Friend - CI, ass kisser, race mixer
    Mike "Sledge" - slavic alchoholic, "comedian", self-proclaimed "protectionist" leader
    Kyle Hunt - ginger new ager, pseudopagan numerologist
    Lugh - retard
    "Siegfried" - sicilian nigger, autist
    "Dave from Texas" - satan worshipping astrologist, gypsie

    These are your saviours, white people.

  78. 6:25

    Hey man, don't chimp out. Just pray to Yeshua that these heathens are executed.

  79. There has been nothing of value in the american nationalist movement since William Pierce and NA. Nothing.

    These "national protectionist" guys just seem to be delusional and full of hubris. Clowns.

  80. The New Testament: A Anti-Jewish Book

  81. 7:30 PM

    You forgot Keef & Rich - guidos on steroids, lol

  82. I would say the last leader was George Lincoln Rockwell, without him you probably wouldn't know who William Pierce was.

  83. I was asking is 'Yahweh the 'God'of
    Christians and Jews ,and Allah the
    'God' of Muslims , and are both of these Arseholes the same person ?
    I been told , 'Yes bothe are the same
    'deity' .
    Now my next question, since these
    ' deities' are located in the middle east , do we or should we European
    people worship these murderous bastards ??? babykillers for instance ????

  84. 7:58 PM
    Why don't you shoot yourself, this would be a nice sacrifice.

  85. These clowns here in that so called movement are not even able to get a couple thousand people marching down the street in silent protest , most of you @#$#@$ are obviously guys that are still in puberty, numbsculls
    Donations ? for what ?? you stupid jabberwhacks

  86. Rockwell was spectacular for sure, but I really appreciate Pierce's legacy, mainly the radio broadcasts. In an ideological sense he was important IMO.

    Wtf's Linder doing anyway? Obviously intelligent and well-spoken but just seems a bit eccentric and impossible to co-operate with.

  87. 7:54 PM

    I agree, there has been steady downhill from there. We could go even back to 1930's Father Coughlin's times, but he wasn't as much as national socialist as pro NS populist.

  88. A National Socialist Workers Party
    could ONLY work in Germany. Two reasons: Germany was still a homogeneous society and the German
    workforce was by far , I repeat , by
    far more intelligent than you clownish @#$#@%$# !!

  89. Renegays are a bunch of fuckin' clowns.

  90. Why aren't these donation begging
    'leaders ' of the "movement" organize
    a silent demonstration in front of the AIPAC building and show these mutthafecking jooo creeps what you as AMERICANS think of fighting and dying in their wars ???

  91. A thousand men like the "Wise old Man
    would make all the difference and before you know it , you would have a
    MOVEMENT !!!!

  92. How come " The wise old Man " doesn't
    get any support ? 10 strong young men at his side and No mutthafecking jew would dare to rip his sign out of his hands...

  93. When one listens to these clownish
    'leaders' of the movement and then go
    to Deanna Spingolas interviews with the " Zioncrimefactory " one realizes
    right away what a bunch of immature
    idiots these guys are , compared to this highly intelligent young man.
    THAT'S why this clique of clowns had to get rid of him , he is intellectually so far ahead of these

  94. nonconformist said...

    A National Socialist Workers Party
    could ONLY work in Germany. Two reasons: Germany was still a homogeneous society and the German
    workforce was by far , I repeat , by
    far more intelligent than you clownish @#$#@%$# !!

    May 5, 2013 at 8:18 PM


  95. 8:36 PM

    Because they are too comfortable behind their laptops in security of their nice homes and they are unable to connect with the masses. Can you imagine drunken Sledge or Lugh give fiery speeches to the crowds of whit patriots? I would be a fuckin laugh fest! And they know it.

  96. By the way , the Browns , the Blacks
    and the Yellows would never agree with you guys , they will always support that government ,you need to understand , they are in this country by the millions BECAUSE of that government , and in case of civil war they would stick together
    against any white movement , dispite
    their hate towards each other.....
    It's too late , your forefathers let the Jews control this country ,
    they made a battleship out of it , for their agendas and machinations to control the world.

  97. In my opinion there is a chance to bring down the jewish stranglehold on white civilisation . This power rests
    on two pillars , two mega lies : The
    claim to be " The chosen ones " and
    certainly their HoloHoax. One needs to ridicule that first statement by asking for evidence , do 'you mutthafecking creeps' have anything in writing , a document ...If not , get your stinking arses OUT of our societies , and so on .. I think THAT may work , ridikule these racist basterds ...
    And if these creeps try to quote some Jew book verses , tell them to shove it up their arses !!!!

  98. Word. You harvest what you sow.

  99. How come a stinking Jew professor can
    go public asking for the extermination of the White Race ?
    How come this creep is still enjoying life ??? How come nobody is teaching
    this pig a lesson ?

  100. Hey, you guys take it easy on Mike Sledge. He lives in a city that's 71.6% nigger:,_Georgia#Demographics

  101. The American People is owing 16 TRILLION ,(may be even more) , Dollars to the International Jew Banksters .Have fun ....

  102. The number of dollars doesn't mean shit. The fact that we even associate with jew banks is our own fault and demise. We need our own banks.

  103. On the latest Spingola interviews one
    could hear a guy by the name of Robert Wilxox , saying Stalin and Hitler were to evil human beings ...
    Why Hitler ? because he and his administration decided to take the control of money and economy out of Jew hands and put it back where it belongs , into German hands ? THAT makes him an
    evil man , according to Mr Wilcox ...
    I say , shove your books up your arsehole , Mr.Wilcox ,thank you

  104. There is obviously a reason why most of these arseholes here call themselves " Anonymous ".

  105. Americans love paying interest on debt, they like to brag about their credit rating, that tells how good they are at paying interest on debt. They want to make credit rating part of the criteria for getting a job. Why should you have a job unless you are paying interest on debt?

  106. Anonymous said...
    The number of dollars doesn't mean shit. The fact that we even associate with jew banks is our own fault and demise. We need our own banks.

    May 5, 2013 at 10:49 PM
    NO,It's not you fault , you are just one
    of the 99.9% herd animals

  107. Also:
    Anonymous said...
    "......... We need our own banks...."

    Yes absolutely , but first we need to "take care" of the traitors in our societies

  108. Do all the loser basement-dwelling masturbators that comment here realise their weak, snivelling comments fall only on the ears of other delusional idiots upon who it has no effect? No, I don't think so. Conclusion: they are as ineffectual personally as the seed they spill every day by their own hand! Laughing at you all idiots (even though it's really only a small handful of the same people) LOL! But hey, feel free to keep posting worthless crap on a tiny, unnoticed, insignificant blog in a tiny little far flung corner of the internet - you're really making a difference... NOT! LMFAO!!!

  109. 11:24 PM

    The "traitors" are every single person who voluntarily pays interest on debt beyond the interest on debt we have no control over. Everyone who watches jew media is also a traitor, this is jews main means of programming people.

    Don't you think it would better to let people know they are traitors before "taking care" of them. This could be awfully wasteful and leave a big mess.

  110. 11:38 PM ummmm, you've been reading it and you just posted on it

  111. Hey , " I'm A Really Important Troll"
    are you one of the slimy " Chosen Ones " ,one of those primitive skunks that mutilate their children ?

  112. Anonymous said
    Don't you think it would better to let people know they are traitors before "taking care" of them. This could be awfully wasteful and leave a big mess.

    May 5, 2013 at 11:49 PM
    I think the 'masses' have no idea what's going on and they are not interested either.They dont't know about the machinations by the" Federal Reserve ", these herd animals don't even show up in the streets on 9/11 !!!

  113. Anonymous said...
    May 5, 2013 at 11:51 PM

    Yep, that about sums up the intelligence level of the average comment poster ;)



  115. 8:48

    That thai slut was't even very hot.


  117. Romanian Girls are Hot!!!

  118. Canadian whites will need to settle in the South over the next 30 years. The White controlled South. White People will wake up to a ice-age coming. Open them up with this.


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