May 12, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.05.11

Some of our notorious hosts get together for an airing of grievances, a discussion of solutions, and a boisterous conversation with anyone who wishes to join the show.

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National Protectionism



  1. It's quiet, too quiet.

  2. Creaturd fags. Bill Finck is still waiting for a debate. It amazes me how you losers can be so anti-christ yet claim to be pro-white. Jesus was more Aryan than you'll ever be.

    Hail Yahweh!

  3. Bill Finck can shove the Torah up his ass, if he hasn't already.

  4. surcomsisedKIKESwannaBeAryansMay 12, 2013 at 6:28 PM

    LOL,debate what!?Who is the real mutilator !!Whos KIKE in the pants was better CIRCUMSISED!!

  5. Are you interested in donations ?

  6. Be able to get a couple thousand
    people marching the streets in silent demonstrations , THEN we can talk donations !!!!!!

  7. Regedage is prepubecent fantasy land of knights and dragons.

  8. Having tough times, Kyle?

  9. 4:19 PM

    Having tough times, Kyle?

  10. 9:10

    So that would make jesus a pre-K nap-time storybook character, right?

  11. Seriously does Lube suffer from Autism? he sounds like his brain is getting fucked while he's talking.

  12. 10:33 PM

    What makes you say from my comment anything about i have something to do with christanity?

    I think you're just delusional egomaniancs, that's all.

    You don't even know what god to worship, Shiva, Zeus, Thor or Zarathusra.

    Thats why you are losers and you will always be a losers, and keep dreaming - nobody in right mind would never join your little antisemitic aspie club of lord of the rings.

  13. Their idea of national protectionism is mudwrestling with each other naked on the field, high on weed and acid, singing fireside anthems to blue aryan god Bhagavadgditha.

    Probably not even that, they're too lazy to drag their asses even to outside lawn.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Jews are pretty clever. I think one of their main priorities, with propaganda, is appealing to females. This is clever, where females go males are sure to follow, even if it is retarded, that's just the way it is.
    I'm not sure, because I'm not female, but I don't believe any of these peoples propaganda appeals to females.
    I think most of their propaganda is more likely to appeal to the teenage boy type. Nobody likes teenage boys, they don't even like themselves, which is why they are drawn to this crap.
    Females do like teenage boys of the androgynous, Justin Bieber type. I suggest renegade broadcasting enter Lugh in American Idol.

  16. 10:57 PM These fucking wankers obsessed over christianity all day, yet they don't even have any fucking plans for street activism or start building an organization, and you only wonder why less than 200 people sign their stupid petition! LOL
    These wannabe pagan, dungeon and dragon nerds are Just Pure entertainment! all talk no action bullshit.

  17. " This is astonishing.How can it be explained ?
    US President Eisenhower's " Crusade in Europe " is a book of 559 pages;
    the six volumes of Prime Minister Churchill's "Second World War" total
    4,448 pages ; and Former French President De Gaulle's three-volume "Memoires de Guerre" is 2,054 pages.
    In this mass of writing ,which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not
    including the introductory parts),
    published from 1948 to 1959,one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers',a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."
    Professor Lynn,Professor Emeritus,
    University of Ulster,December 5,2005

    US President J.F.Kennedy obviously
    didn't know either :
    Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived......He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.He had
    in him the stuff of which legends are made."

    English Bishop Richard Williamson on Youtube :" Not one Jew was gassed in a Nazi gas chamber , only
    The holocaust is a HOAX !!

  18. Renegade has entered into second stage of failure, appealing mainly to female audience, since no white nationalist male will never accept these weaklings as leaders.

    That's exactly what happened to their former buddy and spiritual mentor - Anal Rebel.

  19. 2:29 AM

    You're right, petitions (beggings!) are the only thing they can come up to, internet "activism" is as ineffective and illusionary if it's not followed by real actions.

    We all know that this will never gonna happen. Everybody are just running their mouths, thats all.

    Leaving the damn country is probably best thing one can do for youself and your family. Screw this degenerant hellhole.

  20. Is dat Siegfried?

    Jammin' for victory!

  21. HAHAHAHAHA! So many neurotic fucktards here it's not funny! Yet I laugh?!

    Jesus is real! I saw his face on a tortilla once! It's true!

  22. Jesus appears everywhere my brother! He is real alright or why would he appear on my dog's butt?

  23. It was refreshing to hear the feminine voices and their perspectives.If given the opportunity they will add the needed extra dimension to the conversation that can lead to the building a physical movement in the flesh off the internet.Lugh,your job is to guide them ,not constantly talk over them.I am hoping the women will become a regular part of the Renegade discussions.

  24. Did none of you notice that 10:57PM dropped the A Bomb? JEWDAR JEWDAR!

  25. Just goes to show you who's trolling them. I wonder why?

  26. 3:45 PM

    Yeah, that's christard spammer. Pay no attention to him.

  27. Good call MaryC! The YID always eventually slips up and blabbers it out.

    YID! YID! YID!

  28. @ 6:30 AM
    @ 6:33 AM


  29. A great conversation and the main issue discussed is how White Men have to defend Our Women.
    But the CI spammers will always be there to fill the responses with more Christian filth.
    I found the source for the inserted Quote into Mein Kampf that John Friend$tein uses in his blog.He calls himself Diggerfortruth and is affiliated with Christogena, and the now Jewdaized ZCF.Another Real Jew.

  30. Please refer to this pdf authentic copy of Mein Kampf from for the real version.Liike all jews do John friend uses the wilipedia version.​Hitler-MeinKampf-FordTrans.pdf
    The quote:
    And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord." is not there.Proof that John Friend is a liar and a fraud.

  31. Good find sholtes. Lets see how long before christard spammer calls you a butt fairy, zapoper takes the jew cock out of his mouth, deletes your comment, and then deletes mine.

  32. John Friendstein is a closet queer and a race mixer. Of course he's liar.

  33. RabbiJesusMinistriesMay 13, 2013 at 7:49 PM

    It's truly a blessing from Yahweh that we have such dedicated christian brothers under our tree of Israel. They do so much of the leg-work agianst the dirty heathen anti-semites themselves that we Jews should reconsider being so selfish and tell them that they can be real jews too.

  34. This was one of the best "Roundtable" broadcasts. It was great to hear from Sinead and Claire.

    Much more praise should be given to the Renegade boys for constructively attacking the three Abrahamic faiths and the misogyny that saturates each one of them. And the boys should be saluted for making it a point to explicitly welcome and encourage female participation. Lugh was absolutely correct when he pointed out that the NSDAP and Hitler received overwhelming support from the women of Germany. That reality was certainly not born from the National Socialists being bullyboys, thugs, misogynists and haters of beauty, the human body and sexuality.

    In addition to the hostility towards women that permeates much "The White Nationalist Movement" in America, there is the ridiculous notion that all "serious 'WNs'" need to breed as much as possible. Claire was thoroughly right in her disagreement with this absurdity. To put it much more bluntly than she did: If you cannot take of yourself, if you cannot provide for your children, and/or if you are not capable of protecting, nurturing and loving your family, you should not be having kids. All that America needs is more wannabe thugs, aimless consumers, abused and loveless unfortunates, and fodder for the JewSA's glorious military adventures.

  35. There is a complete collection of speeches by Adolf Hitler at
    Speeches from Hitler's Germany
    Going through many searches I found references from Justice For Germany and even though they are a good cause and do expose the lies and persecution of Germany use many false quotes and have a Christiaan agenda. I tried to verify what references they used and so far have not found any. they have absolutely no recorded speech references and cite many Adolf Hitler written speches in their references that are not even there.
    There is a constant effort to use Adolf Hitler to promote a Christian agenda and the Christian Identity is guilty of infiltrating the real records by inserting qotes in Hitler's actual writings and sppeches.
    The above post I said but the site is actually
    Justice for Germans even uses Richard Steigmann-Gall (born 1965) is Associate Professor of History at Kent State University, and was the Director of the Jewish Studies Program and his book for references.Like John Freind ZCF and Total Fascism they all censor all of my responses.


  36. the more I search out the names of the references like : The Path to Power, Charles Bracelen Flood writes that "Hitler had a flair for drawing; filling the apartment at 31 Humboldtstrasse with his sketches, he dreamed of becoming a great painter." But for most historians, the only moment that matters in Hitler's artistic career is the art school rejection. The key text is from Hitler friend August Kubizek, who wrote that after receiving the rejection, Hitler launched into a tirade in which "his face was livid, the mouth quite small, the lips almost white. But the eyes glittered. There was something sinister about them. As if all the hate of which he was capable lay in those glowing eyes . . . Hitler never ceased to feel ashamed of what his dream of being a painter had become."
    The more lies and anti Hitler personalities I find.
    The internet is flooded with liars about Hitler and every name I find that Justice For Germany and other sites like this one flooded with unsubstantiated qoutes all leading back to the unofficial sources and absolutely no links to any actual recordings of Adolf Hitler.If you want to know Hitler listen to his recorded speeches and only believe what you hear right from his own mouth.

  37. Blame everybody to be jewish or chrisian who does not agree with you.

    Hail satan!

  38. Anyone who says "Hail Satan" just has to be a Jew. Isn't it synagogue time?


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