May 07, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.05.07

Guest: Rodney Martin, the Beginning of the End, the Battle of Berlin

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  1. For those that were wondering if SPINgola was co-opted. You just got your proof.

  2. I only see proof she is being trolled, but thanks for your concern.

  3. Most people ' out there ' in this world consider the 'American People '
    the greatest criminals on the face of this earth. Why ?? Because you NEVER
    express any remorse , you NEVER feel sorry for all those millions of innocent people 'out there' in this world , thousands of miles away from
    your home that were slaughtered , nuked and burnt alive, napalmed, phosphorized and on and on and on..
    Why do the American People have no feelings ? Is that because they consider themselves exceptional ??
    (BTW , that's what they have in common with the Jews )
    These American People really think they are good people ..
    Most people in this world have nothing but contempt for you.
    The American People should tell their government to stop fighting wars and sacrifice their men and women in wars that are NOT been faught in their interest !!!!
    And NOT via e-mails , get out there
    by the millions .
    Martin Luther King was able to get a million men out there in the streets for his " Dreams " , so should the common man be able to do the same.
    THAT will wake up some people......
    If nothing happens in the near future , I wouldn't be surprised if
    someone out there drops a-bombs on
    this country , just to tell you : you had it comming and you deserved it

  4. 7:56 PM Keep sucking the cock of yahweh. Idk who likes it more. You or the jews.

  5. Troll Time with Turd.

    Thanks Heeb Squad for another highly entertaining edition of TT with Turd.

  6. Wow, Corky sure does get a lot of internet radio interviews. How does he do it? Corky, you da man!


  7. This here society is a high crime ,
    dog eat dog multicultural melting pot society , controlled by a clique of jews and their partners in crime , a bunch of plutocrats.The people in these USA are quite possible the most
    stupid ones in the industrialized word.
    They get fecked 24/7 by the " Chosen Ones" and don't even realize it ...
    And all that flag waving ,oh vey

  8. Google 'Israel is paying internet workers to manipulate content.'
    As many of you may have suspected,Israel is paying and training internet bloggers to delete,rewrite and revise internet content to shape public opinion to Israel's benefit.Additionally, investigative reporters that infiltrated groups have reported that Israelis are being trained to spread disinformation and to try to create conflicts among different religious,racial,and ethnic groups if it would benefit Israel.......

  9. "Most people ' out there ' in this world consider the 'American People '
    the greatest criminals on the face of this earth. Why ?? Because you NEVER
    express any remorse , you NEVER feel sorry for all those millions of innocent people 'out there' in this world , thousands of miles away from
    your home that were slaughtered , nuked and burnt alive, napalmed, phosphorized and on and on and on.."

    Most don't know about the extent of the slaughter as the jew media manipulates the perception of the herd. The slaughter is just normal business operations for a jewish business plan to dominate the planet. Basically the public is brainwashed by jew media. Most will stay that way. Most always do.

    "Why do the American People have no feelings ? Is that because they consider themselves exceptional ??"
    They have feelings that are shaped by what the jew presents to them via their media cabals and their influence by public education (indoc centers). Yes, they are taught by jews that they are in fact exceptional and free. They are trained to talk and act a certain way to be politically correct.

    "These American People really think they are good people ..
    Most people in this world have nothing but contempt for you."

    Yeah. This is a shame. As soon a jew parasite is removed perhaps that can be changed.

    "The American People should tell their government to stop fighting wars and sacrifice their men and women in wars that are NOT been fought in their interest !!!!"

    They won't listen. The jewish control is too deep. Most people did not want the jew health care scam, but the jew forced their puppet politicians to pass laws for it.

    "Martin Luther King was able to get a million men out there in the streets for his " Dreams "

    MLK was a jew tool. Of course with the jew controlled media, it is easy to get a lot of people marching.

    "If nothing happens in the near future , I wouldn't be surprised if
    someone out there drops a-bombs on
    this country , just to tell you : you had it coming and you deserved it"

    We get bombed quite regularly by jew ops. Nothing new if they do more; and there is no doubt they will. They seem to love it. It is part of their culture.

  10. How many jews are there on this planet ? Offically appr. 20 million.The world's population is appr. 6 billion = 6 thousand million people ... 20 million jews are 0.3%
    of the world's population !!!
    And still, everybody is afraid of their leaders ??
    The Germans were not afraid .....
    May be 'our leaders ' are corrupt down to the bones ...

  11. " The Wise Old Man " is always standing there in the streets , alone

    Have a good night .

  12. If these "activists" want to do anything proactive, they could start by telling people to stop watching tv. If I don't hear "stop watching fucking tv" several times in every broadcast any of these people make, I know they are phoney.

  13. "How many jews are there on this planet ? Offically appr. 20 million.The world's population is appr. 6 billion = 6 thousand million people ... 20 million jews are 0.3%
    of the world's population !!!
    And still, everybody is afraid of their leaders ??
    The Germans were not afraid .....
    May be 'our leaders ' are corrupt down to the bones ..."

    Jews are a small minority; always have been, and a small minority like no other
    in recorded history. They are most prolific parasitic and racist criminal cult ever known by man.
    I don't think "every is afraid of their leaders" at all. The politician are blackmailed and bribed by the jew crime cult. They do not scare anyone. What "leaders" are you referring to as I cannot think of one.
    The Germans were afraid at times and at other times, not; such as when Hitler came to power. Then, they seemed ecstatic. I do believe they became very afraid after the war when the jew crime cult had them fire bomed by Corp USA and killed many thousands. Also the almost 2 million Germans put in Corp USA Eisenhower's 200 camps in open fields. I guess those guys might have been affraid at least for whatever familiy that survived to be raped by commies.
    "Leaders corrupt?" Ha. What leaders? Just men of a political nature being blackmailed and bribed for the jew. Just routine treason. Jew business as usual.

  14. Nice thought on TV. We should at least show some slight pity towards those that reveal themselves to be "Watchers of Television". Sort of hint that you feel sorry for their addiction and wish them well with it.

  15. Have a good night .

    Nightie nite, sleep tight. Have dreams of taking some heat off the jew. See ya tomorrow!

  16. Fuck people that watch tv, banned, go to huffington post or daily caller or some other outlet for brain-dead pieces of shit.

  17. be·nev·o·lent
    1.Well meaning and kindly.
    2.(of an organization) Serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose.

    charitable - kind - benign - benignant - kindly

    Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

    malicious - malignant - ill-disposed - spiteful - vicious

    Persecution of Christians by the nazis

    Catholic Church Against Hitler and Nazism


    Hitler hated Christianity & replaced it with a Nordic religion

    "It is deplorable that the Bible should have been translated into German, and that the whole of the German Folk should have thus become exposed to all of this Jewish mumbo jumbo… As a sane German, one is flabbergasted to think that German human beings could have let themselves be brought to such a pass by Jewish filth and priestly twaddle." - Adolf Hitler

    "Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both." - Adolf Hitler

    "The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. - Adolf Hitler

    "Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance." - Adolf Hitler

  18. 12:57 AM
    Your m.o. gives you away jew. Repeating the same refuted lie over and over.

  19. MamisJEWshitMadeInTELAVIVMay 8, 2013 at 5:36 AM

    Reading comments on this JEW OPERATION BLOG ,two words come to my mind,,,STUPID AMERICANS!!!

  20. 1:49

    You're the jew. The typical m.o. of blaming someone else for being a jew is what jews do.

  21. Jews generally make up talking points using misleading or false information, when someone points out their information is false or misleading, they demonize the person and continue with their phoney narrative. Antichristian/pagan element is jewish.

  22. "By defending myself against the jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    Mr A Hitler


  23. “Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived…
    He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.
    He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.” - John F. Kennedy

  24. 5:06 PM
    More jew propaganda.

  25. Just listened to Rodney and he does know a lot about what happened to Germany following WWII. but then he allies himself with the same Church who desecrated Hitler's grave and was the intitaiton of the decimation of Europeean culture. He like the real jews is just another enemy to the recovery of European civilization. He is the problem not the solution. The jewdao christian tent that is bringing us back to the source of the problem which is worshiping their gawd and following their book. Hagee and ?Rodney are two faces of the same coin He is a jew.The believers in the third Reich were the traitors and the women went into christian churches to pray to the jew savior and were raped and murdered while in the church,They should have called for Thor and Odin.


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