May 30, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.05.30

Guest: Richard Boyden, Jewish Racism and The Genocide of American Indians

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  1. Christopher Columbus was a (Marrano) Jew. I really had no clue! Thank you, Deanna Spingola.

  2. anon @3:49 So was this guest; a crypto jew who tries to instill white guilt by promoting the holohoax and those evil Nazi's and shared blame for the genocide of the indigenous indian population.

    Richard Boyden, Jewish Racism and The Genocide of American Indians
    "Being Jewish on my Grandfather’s side, having lived in Israel, and as a former radio talk show host, I many times focused on issues related to Israel including interviewing Holocaust survivors.These were Jews who were victims of Nazi Racism. Even though my Jewish roots were not "official" due to the fact I have no immediate "matrilineal" connection to my heritage, I am acutely aware of the Spiritual calling and role of Jewish people in their relationship with God and mankind. Because of this part of my life, I was aware of injustice and racism on a level that allowed me to understand more fully the genocidal history of American Indians and sadly enough, the role of Jewish people in this tragic history."

  3. Deanna

    The Spingola special with Clint Richardson and Freeman Burt was a really good special.

    What was discussed in this show is only discussed by a very limited number of programs on the internet and never in the so called MSM.
    There are some foreigners that know more about America's REAL history than most Americans. This is due to the social engineering factories known as our public school system. The American public schools, K-12 and public Universities are operating from a curriculum provided by the U.N. It's sovietized "education" indoctrination (dog training, like Pavlovs dog)

    I would like to share something which British General Cornwallis told George Washington at the surrender at Yorktown.

    "The confession of General Cornwallis (left) to General Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 17, 1781) has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.

    "Jonathan Williams recorded in his "LEGIONS OF SATAN," 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown."

    Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:

    "Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."

    I want to share a few good web sites to research the real history and relationship between the USA and the UK (British Crown)
    interesting reads from this site is
    Who Running America:
    Our Enemy, The State:

    Treason in Government!Admiralty on Land!!:

    Another good web site is:
    click the Informer and James Montgomery links.

    On barefoot's world web site, here's some more very interesting enlightening reading.

    Senate Report 93-549

    War and Emergency Powers Acts,
    Executive Orders and the New World Order


    The Abolishment of Local Government

    The Rape of We The People and
    The Constitution For The United States

  4. Beware layers of intricate jewish subterfuge that obfuscates partial truths with lies and pushes on the strategic jewish agenda. Expose jewish criminality and use even that to further the jewish agenda, a very sophisticated level of jewish deception at play especially when jews talk to jews. One obvious example: jews are not a race?!

  5. If you liked Spingola special with Clint Richardson and Freeman Burt,you should be listening to Common Sense Revisited with Tod McGreevy and Corey Eib on RBN. Freeman Burt was a recent guest and the May 4th show was fantastic.

    Spingola also had Jan Irvin as a guest recently. Irvin said that he and Clint arre close friends. So, look for more interesting stuff coming from that relationship.

  6. Good catch anon @5:31

    Still listening, & loving how Deanna is gently handling this... not sure if he's a zio-shill or just a "benignly ignorant/misguided" guy. He's a schitzo mix of presenting real history & criminality, and enshrining zio-revisionist historical myths (holohoax, eeevil nazis). Reminding me of Deanna's handling a couple weeks ago of the 2 scandinavian jooz who were trying to incite anti-muslim resentment, while playing dumb on 911 and the joo role in euro/muslim immigration.

    Don't miss Deanna's 2 shows last year dealing with the Irish Holocaust,

  7. That "confession of General Cornwallis" is another fraud like the Albert Pike "three world wars" letter. You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe such an obvious hoax.

  8. Last Sledge's broadcast was pretty good, he downturned the christian bashing a little bit and took some interesting calls. I guess he learned from his mistakes and wants to win his audience back. But as he is allied with morons and he defends them, we should be not expecting much of this turn.

  9. I thought Isabella kicked the jews out of Spain not give them money to go on expeditions? Can't have conspiritard nonsense both ways. Can't be that gullible. there's a jooooooooooooooooooooo behind every corner ... lol fucking jewthers almost as bad as twoofers.

  10. Wait I have the proof from The Kikeington Post " Some scholars, after analyzing Columbus' will and other documents, have devised a new theory about the explorer. They believe he was a Marrano, or a Jew who pretended to be a Catholic to avoid religious persecution" Jews Said It so I believe it. If Columbus was a kike the jews would have laid claim to that a long fucking time ago, use your fucking braincell, you can't figure out the jew spew yet ?

  11. Yawn, claims of Columbus being Jewish = ye olde news:

    Interesting listen this one, but Spingola's short term memory is failing. She should get a notepad and write down the guest's last comment before the commercial break, it's embarrassing listening to her saying she can't recall.

    Paul Call around 1h10m restores some equilibrium.

    'Native Americans'? Wasn't that the likes of Kennewick Man? Maybe the 'genocide' of N. American Indians was the fate wished on them by Karma for 'genociding' Kennewick & Co. Nature knows no sentiment, just survival.

    I have never seen a scan or live print of Jonathan Williams' alleged book "LEGIONS OF SATAN" although I've looked on and off since 2006 when I first noticed it being mentioned online.


  12. + She mentions as an aside near beginning a listener finding the key to fixing nail fungus in Dr Ingram's book 'The cure is in the cupboard' - in fact its full title contains the clue, it's oregano oil.

  13. May 31, 2013 at 12:58 AM
    No he didn't. He just didn't focus on it. He called Jesus a shill.
    Christians are useless, they can stick to Christian radio shows full of half truths and half measures that won't get anywhere.

  14. I have read ol' Cristobal communicated(written) with his sons in hebrew. RBG

  15. Another point, notice how caller Shelley (well all, here there and everywhere) refers to "Talmudic", "Cabbalistic" &c. hate, supremacy &c. &c. but the essence of all that is already in the Old Testament, eg Isaiah saying the 'nations' will lick the dust off their feet.

    But admitting that even to themselves is impossible for those who espouse Part 2 of the J-Book.

  16. 4:03 PM
    Woe is us, Christians are worthless, only us brave antichristians hold any hope for the future.
    It's to bad we have to cower behind our keyboards, lest our opinion become public and our antichristian, communist brothers rip us to shreds.

  17. Shelie got it right! Pegged this guy as a jew from the start and he is. This guy went to Israel and spoke the language; hebrew or yiddish. He claims the holohoax is real. So he must be lying in some manner about the evil Christians who were behind the torture and genocide of the indigenous Injuns; he did not discuss the indigenous Palestinians that his bros and sis's genocide daily.

    Why does Spingola need an extra station to "handle the truth" when she must be distorting it on RBN?

  18. Anon 5:31 spotted it.

    Go back to 1:01:00. Deanna asks Boyden if he is a Jew, "yes or no". But this cagey guy NEVER ANSWERS YES OR NO. He talks instead about a Christian Methodist who made Indians cut their hair. Boyden then says that this is just as bad as the Jew who scalped Indians? WTH? I don't think Boyden knows what "scalping" means. Or else he is a retard. He is certainly dishonest because he dodged the "yes or no" question, knowing that the answer was unfavorable to him. Later Deanna makes him answer, and he is more vague than he was in the quote provided by Anon 5:31.

    And then all of the stuff about the "holocaust" and the "nazis"... That crap drives me up the wall. I'm glad Deanna called him on that also.

  19. All you retards have clearly shown me in your comments that YOU are no different then the JEWS/NAZIS/WHITES/FREEMASONS/KKK etc. who treated Native Americans like animals and therefore you are of the same spirit as the muderers and haters of.

    So what is a JEW? Anyone really know? LOL or one should ask what the fuck are any of YOU!? Punk ass pussies come to mind...that is evident in the a collusion/collection of "don't ask don't tell" perverts still hanging upside down in your closets hey?

    My take on all of you is that your spiritually...your black spirited identity is validated by the fact you are MURDERERS IN YOUR HEART!

    Being Jewish or not was not the purpose of me being on the program unless I was lied to to bait me into engaging in a "devil-log" with pond scum haters of American Indians which most if not all JEWS were and are....just like all of YOU! Damn...must make you JEWISH too...ya think?

    I speak Lakota and Vietnamese too and lived in both "countries" so what does that now make me?

    I know about the holahoax, talmud, kabbalah, zionism etc and have exposed the same but that was not the reason I WAS TOLD as to why I would be on Deanna's program as she invited me to discuss the SUBJECT at hand just to remind those of you are function at the pig shit for brains level.

    So I end up being ambushed by punks and punkettes who have their own personal hate agenda" of bullshit to avoid/divert the fact they are RACE HATERS of American Indians and in agreement with how they have been treated etc by THEIR WHITE KKK FREEMASON "relations" etc. AND if any of you bad ass wannabe's want to come and spew the same shit in the faces of some folks on Pine Ridge...I can arrange that for you :)

    I will say this...I am a Constitutionalist...4 years in the Corp...2 in combat and I after the show consider those/you in Deanna's audience my "domestic enemies" in spirit. IF any of you personally want to meet in person to discuss my "identity"...I welcome the "discussion"!


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