May 05, 2013

Uruguay scientists have genetically engineered sheep to glow in the dark

Crossing this herd may cause you to do a double take. This week, scientists in Uruguay announced the births of the first genetically-modified “glow in the dark” sheep.

The nine sheep were born as part of an experiment in October 2012.

Scientists say the sheep developed normally, without showing any other difference from non-modified sheep.

The researchers used a gene that produces a green fluorescent protein in jellyfish, to give the sheep that neon glow and make them easier to count when people are trying to go to sleep.    News Video

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  1. Pretty soon Rothchild will have his goyim herds glowing in the dark; perhaps after he trims his herd by 90% (a work in progress).

  2. your mom glows in the dark

  3. I'm actually a wolf and this gave me a huge wolf boner.

  4. Beware sheeple, he's comes illuminated one!

  5. if they could clone my dog to go work instead of me i would be very thankful !!


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