May 19, 2013

Viral Video: Security Guard Assaults Photographers Taking Pictures

During last week’s accident in which a semi plunged into a ravine near the Ohio Valley Mall, a scuffle broke out between a mall security guard and a woman taking photos of the accident. Mall policy states photos can not be taken of mall property. The woman was asked by the security guard to stop when the two fought.


  1. all must obey mall policies.

  2. Taking a photo of a shopping mall from a highway! Lock their asses up!!!
    They will fit well within the new booming prison industrial complex, a private corporation.
    Be a proud American and only buy American Made Prison products.

  3. Just think, this woman was on welfare a few weeks ago and now she is protecting America's shopping malls with a BADGE. She is an OFFICER!

    When fast-food workers become bored with dunkin nuggets becoming an OFFICER and wearing a BADGE is gonna look very attractive as a career change, especially so when the pay might add 50 cents more per hour.

  4. Looks staged to me

  5. boycott the mall

    find out who the officer is then go to their residence and beat the crap out of him/her

    all cop actions are personal, forget those above them, it is you vs. them

  6. It looked a little staged because the "security officer" was a border-line retard. One that has probably seen a few decades of cop shows and movies and her ego is pumped up to fill the role of a real life "almost" real cop.

  7. wow whata bitch! I would love to rape her piggy asshole.

  8. I'd be willing to bet that mrs. kwap was on the rag when this confrontation happened.

    Example #500 of why women shouldn't be kwaps. That motorcycle chick kicked her F'n ass! Hell yeah!

  9. A "mall cop" taking her job very very seriously. It must be the training. Maybe mall security pukes are also getting training in israhell and are feeling especially pumped up for the job.

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  12. Total bullshit. The security gurard may have beeo out of place but the guy assaulted her. She grabbed her around the neck.She was assaulted and these people were being assholes.
    Have you ever had to be a security guard? If these people were there just to harrass her but no other reason than to egg on a response to get another you tube video.

  13. @John sholtes
    "Have you ever had to be a security guard?"

    Let me guess; YOU must have felt that you needed to be one OR are one this very day!

    No one HAS to be a security guard in my mind. How does that work in YOUR mind; was it by court order or something?

  14. @John scholtes

    You need to watch the vid again. Those people were just trying to avoid dealing with that freak of a rental cop, but the woman and her authority was going to take control and was PHYSICALLY aggressive towards the woman that would have none of it.

    Maybe it is not your mind and/or ears that are failing you; perhaps it is your mind. Get help and stop commenting.

  15. So if you own a business and there have been car break ins vandalism of gang drug activity in the parking lot of your business you should not have a security guard? Obviously unlike me none of you Alex Jones Bolshevik types have ever owned a business.The lady was doing her job and if the owner of the parking lot told her that they do not want people taking pictures in the parking lot it may be because they have had trouble with criminals who used pictures to set up crimes. The people were obviously unnecessarily harrassing her for doing her job. She was attacked.

  16. Do you really think that the group of people there with their cameras were there to get photo shots to set up a crime?

    You are a real head case. Keep reaching.

  17. Nothing like a good cat fight between two cows!

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  20. Do you really think that the group of people there with their cameras were there to get photo shots to set up a crime?

    You are a real head case. Keep reaching.

    No idiot I said that that could be the reason for the owner of the parking lot not wanting a group of non customers loitering around taking pictures and making videos.
    The security guard was just doing her job and this white Woman could have her life put in danger because a bunch of Alex Jones video hunters provoked her and now have her posted all over the internet as some kind of NWO Illuminate cop. Then The makers of this video posted this because she is a blonde haired Aryan and I am sure this will be interpreted as "The Gestapo." Then the sheeple at Mamis shit jump all over her.
    Why don't you focus on the non whites. The Mexican and nigger cops who are all over sites like Chimpout or New Nation News you can find so many to choose from. But no you chose this white woman who is working at a low paying job to vent your anger on.
    Then you have the above poster calling a blonde haired Aryan a cow. Typical sheep type response from a hater of white women.
    When we need more white cops just keep featuring the white cops the jews love it. Never post a nigger cop jew or Mexican cop so you can lead people to believe we are under a nazi police state

  21. There is something called authority. People who have never had any have a real problem with those who do. Most, like the majority of the commentors obviously have never had any. The woman was doing her job. If the ignorant jerks who stood around had obeyed the order of the person in charge (oh my, obey a person of authority? how dare I ask that) then none of the physical part would have happened. Do I think the guard needs more training, absolutley yes. She certainly should have just called the police over and had the trespassers arrested. However, for some biker girl to grab a uniformed guard by the neck is wildly out of line, I don't care if she was pushed. Then for these people to stand around and watch? And then for the slob to walk up and stop the guard from handcuffing the attacker is mind blowing!!! I'm sure these people were arrested at some point but I also hope that they see themselves on video and realize how wrong they all were. THIS MY FRIENDS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY. Are you teaching your kids this?? Good grief.


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