June 02, 2013

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast 5/31/2013

Mark is joined by Scott Rickard, former NSA linguist and regular commentator on Press TV to discuss Syria, Russia and Iran.





  1. Does someone know what Mark Glenn's real name or background is because one he uses is sure not ay-rab or even heeb name.

  2. His real name is Mike The Kike Delaney I think.

  3. he lives in north idaho

    his name is mark glenn

    he's american

    he's patriotic

    he's catholic with lots of kids

    former school teacher

    trained by a state, I don't know

    why not interview him?

  4. he lives on a neo nazi compound in idaho next to a bunch of nuclear waste & a communist china free trade zone
    & hates white people
    The typical contradictory resume for a truth movement leader.

  5. LOL ha mark muzzie glenn a Catholic???? yea right! and pigs have wings and fly

  6. Mark Glenn is a Catholic like Leon Penetta is a Catholic.

  7. Meat Squad is going slap happy over this one. Deep, deep resurch n' stuff.

  8. Mark Glenn is a hard core Catholic Christard. That's why promotes multiculturalism and immigration. He's being faithful to the teachings of rabbi Yeshua and rabbi Saul.


  9. Mark Glenn is a well-paid race traitor.

  10. No one is "former NSA".

  11. Mark Glen is a true soldier, talks the talk and walks the walk.

    You may not have to agree with everything he says but to slander him with Jewish like terms are cowardly and pathetic.

    So keep at it scumbags, you are not even worth the water that slashes up the backside whilst Mark is taking a dump. Lol


  12. Glen calls his wife an italian arab, the truth is out there folks...Praise Allah

  13. @ 1:33 AM

    HAHAHAHAHA! That's very funny Mr Glenn (or is that Anonymous?).

  14. US President George Washington:
    " They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, then the enemy's armees. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in...It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago,has not hunted them down as pests of society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
    in 'Maxims of Georg Washington'by
    A.A.Appleton & Co.
    Yes Mr.President, I agree. We need to " hunt them down as pests of society .." That's exactly what these stinking hebrews are , a pest

  15. US President Ulysses S.Grant :
    " The Jews are a class violating every regulation of trade established
    by the Treasury Department, and also
    department orders and are herein expelled from the department within 24 hours from receipt of this order."

  16. Benjamin Franklin :
    " In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity,
    have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated, have sneered at
    and tried to undermine the Christian
    religion, have built up a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially."
    " If you do not exclude them from the United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government.
    If you do not exclude them , in less than 200 byears our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish the substance while they will be in the counting house rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your
    children will curse you in your graves........Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics; they will never be otherwise. "
    The above is taken from an address delivered by Benjamin Franklin before the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787


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