June 24, 2013

'Second NSA whistleblower being ignored'

Press TV has conducted an interview with James Corbett, Editor of the Corbett Report.com from Osaka about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the cat and mouse game of evading US extradition.

1 comment:

  1. Cannot help but notice that Corbet,Greenwald and everyone who is promoting that Snowden has released information on NSA to the public is jewish or working for them like Alex Jones. Everything that has been revealed has already been common knowledge on the internet and even reported previously on CNN and Fox news about the government surveilance on tweets phonecalls, and interntet. The things never mentioned are the Israeli companies like AMDOC who had access to all phone reconds preceeding 911 and the Israeli spy networks who have for decades been spying on America. Like Assange who was pro Iraqui war pro zionist these "Leaks" always leave out mentioning Israeli involvement in information gathering when Israeli is behind the TSA,, NSA, and all of Homeland Security spy operations.


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