June 01, 2013

Sen. McCain loves terrorist's


  1. MC Cain is a despicable excuse for a demon let alone a human being. Sick perverted foul mouthed buzztard, bought and owned by the Israelis long ago when Abramhoff got him out of his gambling addicted debts and stamped the star of David on McCain's forehead.

    Those are the best dressed "rebels" to lead cannon fodder, er young men, I have seen in ages. When did "rebels" get fancy uniforms and top end weapons?

  2. ^^ Good points, Noor. Juan McCain should be taken to Club Gitmo in an orange jumpsuit and chains for collaborating with terrorists. What a F'n disgusting war monger.

  3. McCain should put his money where his mouth is, strap on an ak-47 and join up with the terrorists. Wouldn't that be a fitting end to an illustrious career of kissing jew supremacist ass.

  4. his fellow crime boss & protege, the homosexual Lindsey Graham used the op to stab McCain in the back.

  5. Jeff Gates explains who John McCain works for.



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