June 03, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.06.03

On this edition of The Realist Report, I will be announcing my split with Rodney Martin, who I originally co-founded the American Nationalist Association with.  I will also be discussing some recent news items and explaining the concepts of false flag events, PYSOPS, and media fakery, and the importance of properly understand these terms.  Past and current events, particularly the alleged Jewish "Holocaust" and 9/11, and how they can be classified as both false flags and PSYOPS involving extensive media fakery, will be analyzed as well.  Finally, the fact that fake events using scripted "actors" are being presented to the public as real via the mainstream media will be discussed.  Can we take at face value anything that is presented in the media?  Calls will be taken during the second hour.

John Friend.net



  1. He likes to straddle the world between CI & truthmilitia.com light paganism, & that is what he is
    John 10:12 hired Friend, the shepherd wolf
    -despotic troofr

  2. I have to apologize to our brothers in Europe. Yes, we do have tards that are this stupid in the US.

  3. Wow, this idiot race-mixer references that unhinged whack-job Keith from Truth Militia as some credible source.

    Talk about nutzpah! That guy is not at all credible. He is completely out of control of his emotions.

    Keith is best kept in the same realm as Martin Lindstedt. Batshit insane.

  4. Daddy why do you hang around with hateful jews and niggers that pretend to be white ? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

  5. John, if you can't see the difference between Rodney Martin and Delaney/Fink, I worry about you.

    Hoping you'll come to your senses.

  6. John Friend is a good Christian man. That's why he's not racist and bigoted. He married a beautiful Asian lady and they have children together. There is no room for racial prejudice in the Christian church.

  7. @12:23 We realize this kike.

  8. In 20 years Friend will be in the same batshit cave as Lindstedt and Keith-if not sooner, just listen to him whine.Doesn't sound like the other guys at that network asked friend to stick around.

  9. 12:23 AM
    Don't you have a goat that needs tending to?

  10. Look, people. John Friend is an IRRELEVANCY! Utterly worthless.

    What has happened to our sense of what's really important? Freedom!!


  11. John friend is no White nationalist, he is a race traitor who loves to chow down on some kung-pow pussy. He needs to go. John friend you are a race traitor, stop masquerading as a White nationalist.

  12. Johnny is starting to seem like the truth movement's hoodrat, can't stay with one unit for more than a few weeks, then its onto the next group, even cofounding a group only to bail within a few weeks, wow, what dedication, why not have just remained solo? Ah, ci gone went n dun fucked u up, are you now being puppeteered bh ths stinknfinks with the clear truth of yahweh? Bless u and good luck, albeit completely worthless as u path choosing abilty is lacking and obviously not guided by any higher power.

  13. Advocate for freedom instead of the Dick Clark of Alternative Radio dicks.


  14. 12:23 AM Preach on Pastor kike


  16. John Friend, Tanstaafl, Kike Sledge, ALL FAKE NATIONALIST, JUST A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES!!!

  17. 12:52, Rodney martin had a heart attack when John brought his little gook kid into the place to meet him. The whole movement wants nothing to do with him for his race mixing. He is a fucking hypocrite.

    "leave my daughter out of this"
    brings up his gook daughter.

  18. John is now in the CI camp?


    I don't think his new masters are going to think that high of him ultimately.


    Or, perhaps, that was the plan all along, eh!

  19. I don't hold Friend's asian wife and child against him, but one day he says anyone who accepts Jesus Christ is acceptable to God, and the next day he says white people and only white people are acceptable to God, excluding his wife and child. I would have to say Friend is a hypocrite and a liar, to say the least.

  20. Pancho: "JF has really chit in his shilly this time"

    Cisco: "oh Pancho"

    Pancho: "Oh CI-sco"

  21. 1:08 does that mean that John Friends chink kid only has a half soul?

  22. 1:14 AM
    You will have to ask John Friend but it seems likely Friend is most likely getting a whole paycheck

  23. This is all 100% jew orchestrated drama, it's about as entertaining as their tv.

  24. "This is all 100% jew orchestrated drama, it's about as entertaining as their tv."

    You're right. It's exactly the equivalent of "Eight Is Enough."

    What a waste of time and effort!

  25. American Nationalist Association is filing for 503C tax status? ROFL

    That Cisco Kid routine is pretty funny, but probably before most folks memory.

    NO MATTER WHAT you Edomite, murderous FINKSTER SPEW.

  27. Jews don't even have to troll this place. They can just sit back. Read the comments and laugh their fucking asses off.

    What a bunch of retards for the most part you guys are.

  28. 1:08 AM Friend ISN"T married to the Chink Anymore Retard.

  29. 2:12 AM Shut up you drunk Fuck!!!!!

  30. I aint drunk and you can call me by my name. I'm not an anon.

  31. What a classy guy to follow a religion that says your kid isn't a human.

  32. That John King that came on, from the White Voice, isn't he the fat one with the wierd eye who looks like a Wal Mart greeter?

  33. fwdetyb ,jomnh [pmgf csdswr zxsawer lokuyh budwer tewrsd comdow echegdwa sompotrestod
    Only te true christians who understand tongues gets that message and keep these words in your heart.

  34. US President George Washington:
    " They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, then the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in...It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago,has not hunted them down as pests of society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
    in 'Maxims of Georg Washington' by
    A.A.Appleton & Co
    Yes Sir, Mr.President, it's high time that we " hunt them down as pests of society ..." that's what these slimy hebrew bastards are: pests !!

  35. What ? Hebrew creeps the " Chosen People of 'God'?

    " Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever He
    had a chosen people...."
    US President Thomas Jefferson,
    Notes on Virginia,Q.XIX,1782 ME 2:229

    These hebrew parasites don't labor in
    the earth, these bastards live off people "who labor in the earth".

  36. 2:45 AM Hey for a long time people thought Blacks were less evolved and closer to apes, until the Fucking jews came in and taught us Blacks are humans and deserve welfare n sheeeeeit!

  37. US President Ulysses S.Grant :
    " The Jews are a class violating every regulation of trade established
    by the Treasury Department, and also
    department orders and are herein expelled from the department within 24 hours from receipt of this order."

  38. 2:53 AM Hebrews aren't fucking jews you idiot, The modern term jew wasn't even used until the 18th century!

  39. " I will be announcing my split with Rodney Martin" This is ALL CItards fault! head by that murderer Fink and his retarded cult follower zaney delaney!

  40. 2:55 AM , yes Sir , Mr. President,
    You should have kicked these hebrew pests out of the country, once and forever.These creeps should have been shipped in cattle cars to Birobidjan East Russia, that's where they belong.
    Here is one of these racist @#$%#, expressing the thoughts of his 'God':
    " Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet.We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact,compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement ( !!)
    Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
    Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Israeli Knesseth, quoted by Israeli journalist Amnok Kapeliouk, " Begin and the Beasts", New Statesman ,June25, 1982
    This racist creep received a Nobel Peace Prize, which proves that these hebrews must have hijacked the Norwegian and Swedish Nobel prize Committees .
    Fuck these racist bastards, these pieces of human shit ( excrement" )

  41. Anonymous said...
    2:53 AM Hebrews aren't fucking jews you idiot, The modern term jew wasn't even used until the 18th century!
    June 4, 2013 at 2:57 AM

    Why so angry ??
    you fucking hebrew piece of human shit ( "excrement")

  42. White Nationalist Movement ? What fucking imbecile thinks there is a white nationalist movement. We have a plethora of convicts, baby rapers, jews, crypto jews, race mixers, niggers, beaners, jew baby makers, christards, pagantards, creatards and just plain fucktards to choose from. If you follow any of these clowns, you should just buy a gun and blow your head off cause this movement is not going anywhere.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    2:53 AM Hebrews aren't fucking jews you idiot, The modern term jew wasn't even used until the 18th century!
    June 4, 2013 at 2:57 AM

    Why so angry ??
    you fucking hebrew piece of human shit ( "excrement")
    June 4, 2013 at 3:13 AM
    What language are these hebrews in Israel speaking ??????
    You lousy hebrew piece of human shit ( "excrement", fuck you , slimy creep

  44. 3:19 AM
    These slimy hebrews in Israel are speaking Swedish, hahahahaha ...

  45. Storm Troll is absolutely correct.
    You forgot the hebrews .....
    These JEWSA are a melting pot society.
    These 'movement' assholes are to stupid
    not to realize that this country is not a homogeneous society like Germany was in the 1930 ties

  46. Here is a funny hebrew story: a 'God' came down to earth just to tell a bunch of stinking hebrew goat herders and caravan robbers : "You lousy creeps are from now on my "Chosen Ones" !!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , lol
    one more funny hebrew story.....
    Christianity started with that hebrew female that had an affair with a hebrew ghost , ha ha ha ha ha, lol, resulting in a guy who wasn't heard of for 30 years, but suddenly appeared , walked on water , brought stinking dead bodies back to life , etc. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ,...........................lol
    I read in the jew book, this hebrew could feed 5000 people with 2 fish and 3 loafs of bread ....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ,
    We need more hebrews like that in this overpopulated world where hundreds of millions go hungry to bed every night , me thinks.
    Jeeeeesus where are you ???
    ps: the CI clowns consider themselves the real hebrews ,ha ha ha ...

  47. anyone want to give us the gist of this show ?
    not interesting in listening to all of it just wondering what the story is

  48. The only good call was when obese white nationalist John King calls in and tells john he's fake because he has a little yellow monkey chimping around somewhere.

  49. 3:19 AM They speak Yiddish you dumb fuck piece of Rentagay goat worshipping shit!!!

  50. 3:08 AM Fuck you ZCF you mongrel Guido piece of shit!!!

  51. June 4, 2013 at 4:21 AM

    Feel free to prove that Israelis speak Yiddish instead of Hebrew

  52. Friend is a slimy sleazy little FBI whore.

  53. And you all are dancing to their tune both CI and pagan lunatics. Mami is a great place for psychiatrists to study pathogenesis of human mind.

  54. Anybody remember the girl in the red bikini from the 1980's movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" ? I'm sure 9 out of 10 guys (including any and all so-called WN's) that have seen that movie, not only remember her but have fapped to her



    It's only understandable if you're a red-blooded male given how cute that girl was.

    Well, surprise, surprise, she was 3 quarters Russian Jew & one quarter Chinese-Filipino !!


    "Her paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Russian Jews, and her maternal grandfather was Chinese Filipino."


  55. "Im a very honest person"

    That is others to decide, my Friend.


  56. RamZPaul: Michael Douglas Oral Sex Tips



  57. Fuck religion and fuck adolf hitler.

  58. Ramzie-boy should know well how to suck cock. Anti-feminist libertarian beta clown.

  59. June 4, 2013 at 5:27 AM
    The Jews are always sneaking Asiatic and Semetic aesthetics into films at key moments during films.
    No one was looking at her face.

  60. I've never wanked off to any jew hollywood movie and "Fast Times At Richmond High" was very stupid and immoral american teen comedy, like they did a lot of these in the 80's featuring that repulsive actor Sean Penn.

    I likes that german actress Hannah Schygulla, she had very erotic aura.

  61. Isn't that significant that John "Friend" likes to swing around with totally opposite gruops like CI, and half-pagan Truth Militia (Dana&Lugh). He doesn't seem to have any political or spiritual views of his own, all he does is befriends with all kind of nationalist bloggers and personalities, who has some kind of internet presence, but totally ignores commenters.

    Springola is right, he is an infiltrator, and his "firing" from job was just credibility move.

  62. Hannah:



  63. American people suck. Fuck off and die.

  64. John Friend sounds very fake and insincere person. Basically all this show was two hours of self-justification.

  65. John Friend is a no-planer as well? What a piece of disinfo shitbag! People actually died that day and many firemen have died since then from health complications. Explosions were all real, and towers really collapsed that day, killing thousands of innocent people.

    Only it wasn't job of arab highjackers, but CIA/Mossad/US government cooperation to start news wars and implement police state laws.

    CI is another lunacy, there is no scientific evidence what so ever about ango-saxon nations palestinian origins. Friend is not stupid, he is just disinformant and division maker.

  66. =

    Wow, 'agent' tags recognised here.

  67. ... but not

    'John Friend'


  68. Friend is not stupid, he is just disinformant and division maker.

    yep he got to work at least on Spin-gogo, Martinez... who next?

  69. Guys, the bottom line is this:

    Nobody is saying that you can't say that a non-White woman is pretty or has some nice features because that is perfectly fine. You are allowed to have non-White friends. You are allowed to say "oh wow,that puerto rican broad has some tits!"

    It stops when you put your penis in their vagina and mate with them.

    Andre, Scott, and John are all race mixers subverting the WN movement by banding together as racemixers.

    You cannot be an open and active White nationalist and love your non-White kids, I'm sorry but you just can't. You can be a supporter, but not active.

  70. 10:23 AM

    Sledge should join with them and start a rainbow coalition.

  71. When I first saw a commenter on a previous show say that John Friend had an Asian wife, I thought, "what a total fraud, if it's true."

    We know he frequents the comments from time to time, and the claim was made again, with no rebuttal, and now we have the confirmation.

    He is completely compromised as a "white nationalist" figure, even if he has had 100% good intentions.

    And he finally confirmed what we had noticed last year, which is that he is partial to the CI message, which makes him look like even more of a fraud, given what Yahweh has to say about race-mixing according to Rabbi Eli and Rabbi Finck.

  72. John Friend shows up on the scene, doing a bunch of interviews, and then gets an email from the same guy from the Jewish Defense League who threatened Mark Glenn, then gets fired from his job, giving him street cred.

    Then he starts the American Nationalist Network in the days before his former network, Truth Militia, gets taken down on Blogtalk.

    Then Rodney Martin has a heart attack right after driving back from Friend's place.

    I can't wait to see what amazing coincidences will happen next!

  73. CI and anti-Christ are both frauds, or useful idiots. This website is a fraud. There are anti-Christ gatekeepers in their chat 24/7

  74. So the dancing israelis were holograms too ? Wow !

  75. 11:10 AM

    WTF, he really had a heart attack? Is he ok?

  76. WTC towers were holograms too, John? 185,101 tons of structural steel, hauled away to China, all holograms as well? War on Iraq, another hologram?

    You fucking creep.

  77. 11:14 AM,

    I agree with you. These rabbi Yeshua haters are going to pay eventually. When rabbi Yeshua returns in all his heavenly glory, he's going to incinerate all these non-believing gentiles and burn up the entire earth with them. Then the New Jerusalem will descend from heaven like a shining star. How glorious it will be!

  78. real alarming things from the first part of his show (try not to repeat points already made)
    1) He is trying to recruit people to join facebook.
    2) His "new" show will not be sort-of but ALL-IN about CI.
    3) He told us his real job, the job he has been trained for (by guess who) is "the editor" which includes changing the actual content.

    Looking at the 1-3, couldn't one just easily switch the order of importance, like change 3 to 1 w/o question?

    4) usual, I support Delaney but I support zcf but I support Spingola, but I want zcf & Spingola to go away some where but Delaney can stay but he needs to clean up his act. Rodney Martin is great guy but he is a liar, cheat & fraud.
    It's kind of odd how Martin, who wasn't doing anything, actually is launching a real website in days w/ full radio shows & not relying on talkshoe or others, while recovering from a heart attack.
    but then again, how is Martin getting this done, but that's a question for another day w/o friends.

  79. 12:46 PM
    So, which is it, do you get a paycheck, or are you a free retard?

  80. 1:00 PM,

    Do not mock rabbi Yeshua and his followers, you filthy gentile. The day of reckoning approaches. Yeshua will return with his angels and defeat you dirty non-believing goyim.

  81. 12:46 PM

    Why don't you just accept Christ and we will all be happy.

    Jesus loves you.

  82. 1:03 PM

    I have a free bible for you. Just send me your e-mail.

  83. 1:03 PM

    We can do it easy way or hard way, now wich is it? When trouble comes, there are no coconuts around.

    Accept god, my boy.

  84. 1:03 PM
    What purpose does it serve to promote hatred and animosity of Christians, who have the same interests as you?
    I'll tell you, none, it's counterproductive.
    Every anti-Christian is a piece of shit, working for a paycheck or a free retard.
    Which is it, are you getting paid, or are you a free retard?

  85. 1:07 PM
    I think you're a free retard.

  86. Anti-Christians have never done a thing against jews, they have always been their best allies. Anti-Christians are paid subversives or useful idiots.

  87. June 4, 2013 at 1:09 PM

    "Same interests". You don't know where these comments come from, they could be jews or mental patiens for all we know. Obviously they they are eighter payed to monitor mami or they are some unemployed losers. In both cases their opinion doesn't matter, just pitty that there are no ignore feature in reading comments.

  88. I will tell you right now any website that does not ban anti-Christians is a fraud. This veneer of free speech is only a front so that paid subversives can use this website to control the conversation.

  89. Free speech is the jews biggest scam. Jews always promote free speech, as long as they control the medium of the conversation.

  90. Just don't mention Christ, that will set them on to ramble mode, spamming hundred times about "rabbi Yeshuha" or what ever their imaginary friends are.

  91. 1:20, I agree. Do not mention Mashiach. Worthless gentiles do not like that. Gentiles are separated from the nation of Israel because of their unbelief in Mashiach and his Father Yahweh.

    G-D bless you, brother.

  92. 1:09 PM, I am not promoting hated and animosity of Christians. I am just telling them what Jesus said in the gospels and what the book of Revelation says. I am a Bible believing Christians. Are you?

    Jesus and the book of Revelation clearly state in no uncertain terms that when Jesus returns all non-believing Gentiles will be destroyed with fire, as will the entire earth. And then after this the city of the New Jerusalem will descend from heaven shining like a star. In fact, the book of Revelation says that there will be no more need for the Sun because the city of the New Jerusalem will be so bright that it will provide all the light that we need.

    Hallelujah and Amen.

  93. 1:40 PM
    You're a low life piece of shit, you've never told the truth in your life.
    Is this the economy of the future? Paying scumbags to spread anti-Christian propaganda on the internet?

  94. 1:36 PM
    Do you suck cock and type at the same time? Do you get paid extra for that?

  95. 1:45 and 1:47,

    You non-believing Gentile scum better repent and turn to Yeshua now, or else you'll be sorry. The day of judgment is at hand! You will be thrown into the lake of fire and tortured for all eternity when Yeshua returns. Yeshua loves you.

  96. 1:36 PM

    Sorry, but i dont understand your hebrew dialect.

  97. 1:56 PM

    ENGLISH? Do you speak it?

  98. 1:56 PM
    You'll be sucking cock and drinking jew jizz the rest of your life, even jews have to drink the jew jizz, for a paycheck.

  99. Mami's retard brigade:


  100. lol some of the rentatards are hiding as anonymous!
    spread the gospel of the goat pagan warriors!

  101. America is a total decadent shithole. Blacks, whites, jews, everybody. I prefer even if communist China ruled the world, at least it is unicultural, uniracial society and people there are polite and well mannered and don't act like a bunch of prepubecent kids on a schooltrip.

  102. You people must show John friens some respect. As Delaney said if you are white you are CI know it or not. So Face it we are all real jews. John Friend got blown off by the Catholic Rodney Martin and that is what the Catholics are really good at blowing people off. Martin learned how to give great blowjobs from his priests when he was a kid.

    Now John Friend is leading us just like John The Baptist into greener pastures.

    Now that you realize that we are real jews then we have to give out teachers like John Friend their rightfull title.All jewish teachers are referred to as Rabbi.

    From no on it is Rabbi John Friend.

  103. 2:45 PM

    Right on, rabbi Anon.

  104. 2:45 PM
    John Friend's a piece of shit and you're a piece of shit. You and CI are good friends, you took turns sucking each others cocks in prison.

  105. Who these comments always turn to shit after few sensible thoughts? I have strong sense that there are special kind of people who work 24/7 to take care of that, payed or just "special".

  106. Rabbi John Friend will lead the way back to Christ after everyone has finally broken free from the bands of jewish sorcery and break free of the chains of christian slavery. The real Christians which now only include ELI, John Friend Andre kikestein, and the 3 loyal spammers who live at mamis are the leaders in a New Great bowel Movement called Christian Identity. Read the Sermon on the mount and do everything that Jesus says to do. Starting with plucking out an eye and cutting off one of your hands. Give everything you have to the poor and follow John Friend.Resist not evil, love your enemies, when a nigger asks for your shirt give him your pants underpants and tell him you love him. When he begins to kick your ass bend over and turn your cheeks.Go out and spread the good news that the end is near jesus is coming soon and We are all going up in the sky.
    Hallelua Praise jesus and yowee. Get on bended knees love love love.was Inudioa

  107. 3:35 PM

    You smell like shit, dude. How long you've been sitting behind that computer?

  108. 3:35 PM,

    It's very nice to another REAL Christian brother posting on this non-believing Gentile heathen website. Praise Jesus!

  109. Rabbi Saul of TarsusJune 4, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.
    - Ephesians 4:17-19

  110. Rabbi Saul of TarsusJune 4, 2013 at 4:08 PM

    Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)—remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
    - Ephesians 2:11-13

  111. Rabbi Saul of TarsusJune 4, 2013 at 4:09 PM

    so that the Gentiles may glorify God for his mercy, as it is written: “Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles; I will sing hymns to your name.”
    - Romans 15:9

  112. Rabbi Saul of TarsusJune 4, 2013 at 4:10 PM

    For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs
    - Romans 15:8

  113. Rabbi Saul of TarsusJune 4, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the Torah, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen.
    - Romans 9:3-5

  114. @June 4, 2013 at 2:45 PM
    dumbass, don't you listen to the shows you spam, you say Rodney Martin is Catholic, Rodney is not a Catholic and he is not CI. looks like you had a cock in your ear and your mouth

  115. suck your own dick

  116. 4:11 PM

    Looks like you're the only dickhead here obsessed about christianity here.
    People like you never go and say same stuff on pastor Hagee's website or even Christogenea, no, you prefer to piss off normal people, because you are mental.

  117. Anti-Christ spammer wants everyone to turn queer and suck cock so ant-Christ spammer can have friends

  118. What's the matter anti-Christ spammer, Christians blocking gay marriage in your state?

  119. 4:11 PM Lube stop acting a fool, we all know its you or one of you rentatard goat worshipping pagan fanboys.

  120. June 4, 2013 at 4:23 PM
    June 4, 2013 at 4:34 PM
    June 4, 2013 at 4:37 PM
    June 4, 2013 at 5:29 PM

    Oh, look, it's the Euro trash Christfuck retard.

    How's it going, dumbass? I remember that one time you tried to claim that Jesus' disciples weren't Jewish and that they didn't have Hebrew names. Remember that? Wow, you're pretty stupid and uneducated. Did you drop out of school when you were 12 years old?

  121. June 4, 2013 at 4:23 PM
    June 4, 2013 at 4:34 PM
    June 4, 2013 at 4:37 PM
    June 4, 2013 at 5:29 PM

    Christfuck tard, why do you get incensed when people start quoting the Holy Bible? Are you a Bible hater? You must be, because every time the Holy Bible is cited, you have a temper tantrum.

  122. Bride of Christ are you tired of the same old Catholic children do you wait for your dead jew to return. Oh how long will he take to cum inside you. Oh how you luve that dead jew. How long you await the time when you will no longer have to get on bended kneww befora a statue and get to kneel down in front of the living gawd when he cries out eat me eat me drink my blood.

  123. Real Christians swallow.

  124. 5:40 PM
    Only two kinds of people hate Jesus, cocksuckers and jews. You probably just like sucking jew cock don't you.

  125. 5:40 PM
    Jesus, cockbreath, you read all of this shit, you really are a desperate cocksucker.

  126. 5:45 PM
    I'll bet you suck cock 24/7, did mommy teach you?

  127. Judaism is a hoax, invented by stinking , parasitic rabbis, or do you really believe a 'God' came down to earth just to tell a bunch of filthy hebrew goat herders and street-caravan robbers : you lousy creeps are from now on my " Chosen Ones " ?? ha ha ha
    Or do people really believe the
    funny story called christianity , where a hebrew female had an affair with a ghost,the result was a guy named Jesus, who somehow didn't show up for 30 years, then decided to walk on water , or bring back to life dead people that were already smelly, or feed 5000 people with 2 fish and 3 loaf of bread etc.????
    A typical middle eastern idiotic story invented by hebrew lunatics, for European consumption.....

  128. 5:38 PM
    Remember when you homos got kicked off of a degenerate website for being too degenerate. The funny thing is, you still think you are going somewhere being a Jesus hating cocksucker.
    It must be a sad life being a stupid, lonely cocksucker.

  129. 6:25 PM
    Spam that 50 more times fudgepacker, nobody reads that shit.

  130. US President George Washington:
    " They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, then the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in...It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago,has not hunted them down as pests of society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
    in 'Maxims of Georg Washington' by
    A.A.Appleton & Co
    Yes Sir, Mr.President, it's high time that we " hunt them down as pests of society ..." and exterminate these rats , once and for all!! Yes Sir, that's what these slimy hebrew-jew bastards are: pests !!

  131. Mami's is totally infested by hebrew-jew rats , very interesting ....
    These pigs are everywhere , these stinking holohoaxters are panicking.

  132. What ? Hebrew-jew creeps are the
    " Chosen People of 'God'?

    " Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever He had a chosen people...."
    US President Thomas Jefferson,
    Notes on Virginia,Q.XIX,1782 ME 2:229

    These hebrew-jew parasites never labored in the earth, these bastards live off people "who labor in the earth".

  133. Lamb of gawd who takes away the sins of the world. Hurry up and take your sheep away.
    Hey Nemo AKA nonconformist, AKA Pagan Warrior, AKA Fuck all Beliefs, AKA anonomous etc jesis waits for you. He really luvs you.You are one of his favorite brides.

  134. Anti-Christ spammerJune 4, 2013 at 6:46 PM

    5:40 PM
    I said a bad word with Christ's name, tee,hee,hee,hee. I'm naughty, I'm just like the jews! I need a spanking!

  135. 6:43 PM
    There are no bigger losers than you. You got kicked off of a shitty website for being retarded, and you won't leave. They post Delaney's shit here, that must really burn you retards up.

  136. Look here Nemo AKA nonconformist, AKA Pagan Warrior, AKA Fuck all Beliefs, AKA anonomous etc got his self another name Anti Christ spammer.
    Everyone thought that Nemo was gone but he has been here all this time fighting the good fight for the jew messiah.
    Memo have you been cavorting around the pastures because there has been an outbreak of Bovine STDs. We all know avbout your lost goat because you keep asking about her.Have you resorted to Cows now?Is it true what they say that they have pussies just like women?

  137. 6:56 PM
    You're a fucking homo. You want to snitch on somebody sooooooo baaaaaaaaad, just like school, or work, there's somebody who won't do what you want them to do, so you have to snitch them out.
    Do the world a favor and shoot yourself, loser.

  138. John Friend we cannot neglect our Afdriacn brothers because like you they are real jews. Just because they have darker skin because of being burnt from the hot African sun they are our brothers and are direct descendants from Adam and Eve.
    Eli your jew rabbi needs to do more research going back even further so we can all get along.They like you love to mix up the races and just because they rape white women that is onl understandable because these white bitches need to breed.Deleny knows a womans place id in the kitchen taking care of babies.genowatimsayn?

  139. These hebrew-jew holohoaxers are pests, as US President George Washington , (6:30PM)calls them , yes,yes , that's what they are. These
    pests and their gentile supporters, treacherous accompices, who betray their own people by serving these hebrew-jew pigs and pests, NEED to be exterminated .That's what one does with pests !!!!

  140. Look here Nemo AKA nonconformist, AKA Pagan Warrior, AKA Fuck all Beliefs, AKA anonomous etc got his self another name Anti Christ spammer.
    Then he went back as anonomous ans said you want to rat out people soo bad showing that it is really Nemo. He is the one who is on this site 24/7 defending the faith in the jew messiah.He took his admission down already.Fuken Nemo the CI christard who lost his goat.

  141. 7:50 PM
    Are you retarded, you're just bizarre.
    You fill up a thread with spam that nobody reads, I doubt it's hurting this John Friend guy at all.
    You make such bizarre statements about Christ and Christianity, that it looks like a retard wrote it.
    I would say the only way you are influencing the few people who read this shit is the opposite of what your posts imply.
    You're either a retard, or you work for the pope.

  142. What ? Hebrew-jew creeps are the
    " Chosen People of 'God'?

    " Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever He had a chosen people...."
    US President Thomas Jefferson,
    Notes on Virginia,Q.XIX,1782 ME 2:229

    These hebrew-jew parasites never labored in the earth, these bastards live off people "who labor in the earth".

  143. http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/s7upso32ko/burger-bite_4707734_gifsoup.com.gif

    this is kyle's latest vid
    kosher too

  144. The two biggest Hoaxes in human history : hebrew/jews consider themselves the " Chosen People of 'God' " and certainly the " six million Jews gassed " by the Germans,
    who also allegedly , according eye witness reports,made lamp shades and soap, and hand bags etc. out of dead hebrew/jews ......
    Only filthy hebrew/jew parasitic swines are able to invent shit like that.

  145. Statement of Faith

    We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are divinely inspired, verbally and completely inerrant in the original writings and of supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and life.

    We recognize the value of traditional Jewish literature, but only where it is supported by or conformable to the Word of God. We regard it as in no way binding upon life or faith.

    We believe in one sovereign God, existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, unbounded in power and measureless in love; that God is the source of all creation and that through the immediate exercise of His power all things came into being.

    We believe that God the Father is the author of eternal salvation, having loved the world and given His Son for its redemption.

    We believe that Jesus the Messiah was eternally pre-existent and is co-equal with God the Father; that He took on Himself the nature of man through the virgin birth so that He possesses both divine and human natures.

    We believe in His sinless life and perfect obedience to the Law; in His atoning death, burial, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, high-priestly intercession and His personal return in power and glory.

    We believe that the Holy Spirit is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son; that He was active in the creation of all things and continues to be so in providence; that He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and that He regenerates, sanctifies, baptizes, indwells, seals, illumines, guides and bestows His gifts upon all believers.

    We believe that God created man in His image; that because of the disobedience of our first parents at the Garden of Eden they lost their innocence and both they and their descendants, separated from God, suffer physical and spiritual death and that all human beings, with the exception of Jesus the Messiah, are sinners by nature and practice.

    We believe that Jesus the Messiah died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice; that all who believe in Him are justified, not by any works of righteousness they have done, but by His perfect righteousness and atoning blood and that there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.

    We believe that Israel exists as a covenant people through whom God continues to accomplish His purposes and that the Church is an elect people in accordance with the New Covenant, comprising both Jews and Gentiles who acknowledge Jesus as Messiah and Redeemer.

    We believe that Jesus the Messiah will return personally in order to consummate the prophesied purposes concerning His kingdom.

    We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.


    Understanding that we at Jews for Jesus:

    -are under the authority of God and His word
    -desire to honor Messiah Y'shua and
    -are dependent upon the enabling power of the Holy Spirit

    We commit to the following core values:

    -Direct Jewish evangelism as our priority
    -An apostolic lifestyle of availability, vulnerability and mobility
    -Striving for excellence in all that we do
    -Deploying only front-line missionaries who are -Jewish or married to Jews (this and the next core value are discussed in the same article)
    -Principle-based operations and practice
    -Accountability to our mission family and the body of Messiah
    -Integrity and faithfulness
    -Creativity in our staff
    -Stepping out in courageous faith and taking risks for God

  147. My asshole is puckered, and I'm bent over, start fucking baby!

  148. RABBI JESUS CHRISTJune 4, 2013 at 11:38 PM

    My disciples, listen to my words. I want all of you to cut off your balls like I told you to in the gospel of Matthew. Don't delay. You can't enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are a eunuch.

  149. RABBI JESUS CHRISTJune 5, 2013 at 12:01 AM

    I've got two problems. Number one, I'm a compulsive liar. I know damn well, Jesus wasn't a rabbi, there was no such thing as a rabbi, until the 3rd century A.D., when they codified the oral law, which Jesus opposed.
    Number two, I'm a flaming fag. I refuse to acknowledge any god who refuses a man the joy of gay butt sex!

  150. Anonymous said :
    " White Nationalist Movement ? What fucking imbecile thinks there is a white nationalist movement..We have a plethora of convicts, butt fuckers, baby rapers,hebrew/jews, crypto jews,racemixers, niggers, beaners, christards,judeo-christards, pagantards, creatards and just plain fucktards to choose from. If you follow any of these clowns, you should just buy a gun and blow your head off cause this 'movement' is not going anywhere."
    Absolutely correct , this is the JEWSA , not Germany in the 1930 !!

  151. I personally think these hebrew/jew
    swines and there judeo/christards supporters, CI/real/jews , should shove these hebrew/jew 'holy books' up their assholes.
    Thank you, if you do ....

  152. 12:01 AM,

    Wow, Jesus, you sound pretty gay. Are you finally coming out of the closet? You go, girl!

  153. RABBI JESUS CHRISTJune 5, 2013 at 12:51 AM

    My children, I want you to follow my instructions to the letter. If you love me you will follow my commandments:

    For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”
    - Matthew 19:12

  154. RABBI JESUS CHRISTJune 5, 2013 at 1:10 AM

    12:51 AM
    Like I said, I'm a compulsive liar. When Jesus says this he means those who accept a vow of celibacy can do so if the wish to.
    I don't like celibacy. I like it in the mouth, in the ass and then in the mouth again! I'm a flaming fag! I hate Jesus Christ!

  155. I personally think these hebrew/jew
    swines and their judeo/christards supporters, CI/real/jews , should shove their hebrew/jew 'holy books' up their assholes.
    Thank you, if you do ....

  156. RABBI JESUS CHRISTJune 5, 2013 at 1:27 AM

    I like to mock the name of Christ, you know, because it's cool and trendy, like on tv.
    In reality I hate Jesus, the only time you'll here me mention his name is when I'm whacked on meth and bubba or tyrone or willy or all three are packing my asshole with dark meat.

  157. Like I said, I'm a compulsive liar. When Jesus says this he means those who accept a vow of celibacy can do so if the wish to.
    I don't like celibacy. I like it in the mouth, in the ass and then in the mouth again! I'm a flaming fag! I hate Jesus Christ!

    June 5, 2013 at 1:10 AM

    That's because YOU are a slimy parasitic hebrew/jew pig, a pest/rat, pests need to be exterminated.
    BTW :Don't worry you hebrew/jew pig,when tables turn , and they will turn , be assured, we certainly will make sure you creeps are found no matter what little underground tunneling you are hiding in ......

  158. Yes Jesus saves. Become a believer.

  159. Fuck jezus his jew whore mother and his holy spook father in the neme of the kikeskygawd the bastard 1/2 goost son and the holy spook amen


  160. Jesus preached tolerance of evil (i.e., Turn the other cheek, refusing to answer Pilate's charges, telling Peter to not strike his captors with his sword, surrendering without fighting his captors, etc).

    Thor, one of the traditional "pagan" gods of Norse mythology--through example, not by mere words(!)--taught that evil should be defeated (i.e., Thor is the champion of slaying wicked trolls, Thor led legions of warriors to battle against the Sons of Musspell at Ragnarok, etc).

    Jesus is best represented by his body, which he sacrificed by refusing to fight. Thor is best represented by his hammer, which he uses to slaughter the enemies of his people.

    Which ethos is commendable? Which ethos will save the West? The one that accepts perversion and tolerates evil, or the one that preaches that it should be eradicated?

    I submit to you that Christianity is going to be the ruin of the West, just as it was for the Roman Empire (i.e., Christians refused to fight and the Germanic peoples--the followers of Donner/Thor--destroyed Rome).

    Worship Jesus all you want; all I ask is that you not get in the way of those of us who will actually defend Western civilization.

  161. 2:25 AM
    Nobody is standing in your way clown, saddle up your goat and get going!


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