June 03, 2013

US Military Blocks Access to Christian Website, Due to “Hostile Content”

Testing, Testing...
Weeks ago, The US Military blocked access to the “Southern Baptist Convention” website, due to ‘hostile content’. It has since been unblocked, but was this a beta test, to gauge the outrage in planning for future Internet censorship?
by Cassius Methyl at intellihub.com

Update: With thanks to a diligent contributor, it appears that the intellihub article has already been explained on the Christian Website in question. Head over to the following link to read the churches own take on the matter. Christianitytoday.com


  1. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/female-israeli-soldiers-punished-racy-photos
    topLeftCorner clickImages
    -allowed kerfes

  2. evangelical christianity should be banned from the USA military, especially baptists


    because they are Zionist controlled and the Zionists are the enemy, so allowing a Baptist in the US military in the door is like

  3. allowing the enemy into your camp

    christianity is the enemy of freedom

    don't ever forget that slave

    Baptist billboards often proclaim that "free thinkers" are going to hell

    a free thinking man is the health of a free state

    Baptists are against freedom, they want a theocracy

    all baptist preachers are the enemy of freedom, don't ever forget that

  4. Pentagon Denies Relationship with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein; Instantly Complies with His Demands - http://1newsjunkie.blogspot.ca/2013/06/pentagon-denies-relationship-with-anti.html

  5. Your prejudice against religion has blinded you to the whole point of the article.
    Maybe you didn't even bother reading past the title?
    To help you understand, here is a section of the most relevant part of the article:

    "The bottom line is, the US Military, and government, have absolutely no right to inhibit anyone’s free speech. Yet, they continue to break their own laws, and molest the constitution. The elephant found in the room after this event is, will pro human rights activists, liberty activists, ‘anti government’ whistleblowers, and other ideological combatants of government and corporate propaganda be censored? We must take a firm stand for our first amendment rights, against this disturbing idea of Internet censorship."

    There. Hope you can grasp what the original author was trying to convey to your limited perception. By all means if you disagree with the concept of religions,then feel free to say so. But at least read the article first before making yourself look like a dickhead?

  6. The US Military blocks thousands of websites. This being blocked is a good thing.

    The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) experienced an intense struggle for control of the resources and ideological direction of the now sixteen million member denomination. The campaign began around 1960. It was launched with the charge that the seminaries and denominational agencies were dominated by liberals. Its initiators called it a Conservative Resurgence[1] while its detractors have labeled it a Fundamentalist Takeover.[2] The movement was primarily aimed at reorienting the denomination away from a perceived liberal trajectory[2] and towards an unambiguous affirmation of biblical inerrancy.[3]

    So we should let American soldiers visit websites about how everything in the bible is true?
    Considering how much evangelicals are prevalent in the army (which is to the point where it's more acceptable to be gay there then a non christian), promoting insane versions of Christianity shouldnt be tolerated. It's a security risk.

    June 3, 2013 at 1:24 PM
    It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL for the US Government to promote and enforce religion on it's citizens you stupid fuck.

  7. This is more proof that "there's no persecution of Christians in the US" is an evil lie. I'm sick of it. Unfortunately, on some of these comments the usual disgusting stereotypes and blanket statements about Christians are going strong. That's 1 of the reasons I quit listening to shows from Renegade Broadcasting. Also quit because of the blanket statements, self-pitying paranoia, etc., about other groups of people. Thank you for posting this because IS persecution of Christians in the US and it's mostly the written/verbal kind such as done with this Baptist website.

  8. the us military has never cared about free speech and if you ever served you would know that

    america is a zionist occupied nation

    the enemy is in the gates

    anyone that is a zionist is a traitor, anyone that is a christian zionist within the government or military is a security risk

    do you remember when the USAF evangelcial nutballs stole nukes from Minot a few years ago?

  9. Your obsession regarding religion is still blinding you to the fact that the article wasn't about the promotion of christianity. It was about the US military using that particular site to gauge public reaction ahead of any projected Internet take-down.
    So, the only stupid fuck here is yourself for yet again failing to understand basic English. Or sentence structures. or anything that involves actually thinking about what you've read first, before going off on yet another tirade against Christianity.
    Sometimes i really do wonder how you lot have survived this long. Evolution should have weeded out the dumbfucks by now i'd have thought. C'est La Vie

  10. Also want to say that not all Christians think Israel is all innocent and to be supported no matter what. I'm 1 of these Christians that isn't part of the above mentality. We DO exist. I'm sick of the blanket statement that we all think the above. Also the 1 that says we're willfully and/or literally stupid. An FYI to those who push this disgusting lie: there's Christians who RESEARCH their beliefs INCLUDING info from those who are AGAINST Christianity. I've done this for years. I've also researched all other world religions, etc. At least some of us aren't willfully ignorant.

  11. June 3, 2013 at 4:30 PM
    That argument is conjecture. Why would they test a site through military accesses computers?
    Also there could have been another reason why they blocked it, such as spyware and so on. The US is currently being beseiged by Chinese hackers, if anything it's most likely an issue about security.

    June 3, 2013 at 4:40 PM
    You've done a pretty lousy job of it then

  12. Yep, looks like I was right. You should check your articles before you post them, in the last day you posted this without checking sources as well as an AJ video from 5 years ago where he calls Rahm Emmanuel Hitler.
    Since no one wants you to host their shows anymore, and you need to fill the void with conspiracy 101 gibberish you should check sources first LOL


  13. Thankyou for pointing out the link to the information. As you are aware, we repost news from all over the net - & we aren't the only site that was guilty of believing that information was valid. I will post an update with your link shortly.

  14. America is a Jewdeo-Christard nation. It isn't worth defending on any level.

  15. Christian Organizations that Support Israel

    It is delightful to discover that many Christian organizations in the United States and throughout the world are vigorously supportive of Israel. In the view of these Christians it is the Jews and the State of Israel who are best able to carry out God's plan for the Holy Land, preserve the Holy Sites for all religions, continue the story of the Bible, and prepare the way for the return of the Messiah. Christians admire the Jewish stewardship of the Torah, the Christian Old Testament, through the ages. While Jews and Christians may not agree on all points of theology, we are joined in common purpose for the preservation and strengthening of Israel.

  16. Yes Christianity clearly under assault.Everythingchristian is completely censored and Satanist propaganda is flooding the streets internet msm and schools. Every block there is another Pagan of Stanist chutch and Satanists passing out tracts threatening that you will burn forever in heaven if you do not believe in Satan.
    Satan controls the internet too ans sites like Satanogena are taking over even all of the right wing anti zionist jew movements getting them stuck in the same Satanist religion that was started by the Advocaries of Jesus.
    if we do not immediately react to them and start burning witches at the stake and seeking out all the ones who have not accepted the good news we will lose control over thw masses and will not be able to carry on with the work og God. Pray for victory
    Come to our rally

  17. theft of nuclear weapons by Baptist loons

    the 2007 Israeli-Christian Zionist plot to overthrow America:


    In August 2007, at least six nuclear warheads were stolen from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. The moment they were loaded, they disappeared from America’s nuclear inventory, “location unknown,” something that is not supposed to happen. There is no possible “misinterpretation” of orders, no mistake, no “wrong label” issue.

    These weapons were stolen, pure and simple. Discussions of individual commanders having authority to deploy weapons, stories of accidents, confusion or political alignments within the Air Force are “red herrings.”

    Nothing is more controlled, more secure, more restricted, more classified, more protected than the nuclear arsenal of the United States. However, on that fateful day in 2007, a half dozen or more, hydrogen bombs, were plucked out of a secure bunker with no paperwork, no orders, nothing.

    "The primary impetus for this action is a belief by members of the “dispensationalist” pseudo-Christian heresy that pervades America’s military service academies that the United States should be subservient to the State of Israel.

    Over the past three decades, religious extremists have taken over the Air Force Academy, Annapolis and West Point, teaching mandatory classes in obscure religious beliefs, hatred of Islam and stressing obedience to an “Apocalypse Cult” that stresses pre-emptive nuclear war in order to bring on the “end times” and destroy all life on earth."

  18. Thank Satan that our government has finally heard voice of reason! We need to form pagan support group against christian anti-government activity!

    Hail Lucifer!

    White power!

  19. 4:30 PM

    foon1e, true said!

    Hail Satan!

  20. 4:15, 4:18,

    Hello, Christfuck spammer. Don't you have to go pray to your imaginary Jewish rabbi Yeshua Mashiach?

  21. The troops could never leave base and just go to any wifi outlet to get the truf if they wanted. but this is persecution of the martyrs isn't it. just like jews Christards are always being persecuted.

  22. June 3, 2013 at 4:40 PM
    You've done a pretty lousy job of it then-thanks! LOL. I really value the view of someone who doesn't even have the guts to put their real name but hides behind "anonymous". My real 1st name is here. You judge me from 2 posts...LOL. I've seen this type of ###*** before from cowards who hide behind "anonymous". Thanks for the laughs.


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