July 02, 2013

David Duke Show 2013.07.02

Today: 48 hours deadline to set the number for printing of The Secret Behind Communism. This program with Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery go into many of the fascinating aspects of Dr. Duke's new book showing its crucial relevance to modern world, and why this book can change the way people react to Zionism, and Jewish extremist power in the globalist world!

David's site

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  1. Okay... i got a question.

    David Duke just said "we are all jews... gentiles are jews"... and you do hear this all the time. So, if that is the case, who the hell are the non-jews?

  2. commenting again because i didn't click the follow up comments box.

  3. Wanda,

    I didn't listen to this one, but "we are all jews" is an expression, like the phrase, "common sense." Common sense is not a faculty, but it refers to a broad range of experiences, disciplines, and qualities, and so it is with "we are all Jews."

    No, we are not all jews literally but many of us have become jews virtually or culturally or even psychologically at times, by living in such a jew-run culture, i.e., multi-culturalism and the culture of the victim, for just a couple of examples.

    I mean, obviously, Christianity has Jewish roots, despite what Whites have contributed or done to make it non-Jewish. It's surprising how much Jewish programming has gotten into the culture and into our lives . . . My Italian mother still says, "Oy Vey!" Everybody thinks bagels are Jewish, even though historically they come from the Dutch.

    Even our language, White people's language, has been infected by this foreign element, you see, and from these numerous foreign influences we can be said to be "all Jews," particularly when it's unconscious and exists on auto-pilot in us. . . .

  4. I see what you are saying from a Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve perspective...

    So... the non-jews would be the unconscious among us? I can see that, but it can hardly be considered fair to poison people and teach them an Abrahamic religion and up is down and 2+2 = 5 and then blame them for that. Justify genocide for that.

    I don't so much as argue with you as point out the absurdity of our situation.

    By the way... have you seen this guy's YouTube vids... Marty Leeds 33? Here's a link... this guy is doing the straight up great work...


    He's got a whole channel... he's awesome.

  5. Wanda,

    I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.


    Wow! Thanks for that Mary Leeds 33 video. What a mind-blower, that!!


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