July 23, 2013

Microsoft drove the bus off the cliff, now it tries to speed up

Microsoft has driven off the cliff into the death spiral and rather than change direction they are trying to speed up their ‘momentum’. Endless reorgs, paid analyst reports, and flat-out lying to anyone who will listen won’t help, they can not succeed from their current position.
Last fall SemiAccurate was one of the few voices criticizing Windows 8, WART, and Surface. The mainstream press seemed too welded to the MS advertising revenue stream to dare even hint that the emperor has no clothes, but anyone even looking at the facts had to admit the trio was doomed. In light of the utter meltdown of Surface that the company announced yesterday, let’s do a little recap before we point out why this $900 million loss is a minor bump in their death spiral.      ***Read article at SemiAccurate***


  1. So Microsoft sucks and nobody's buying . . . What happens now? That's what I want to know.

  2. yup eveyhting they do is a massive fuck up ,windows , IE, ZUNE , WIN 8, and now xbone and their greedy DRM scam , event though they reversed their DRM policy it is too little too late ,fucking kikerosoft , everything jews touch urns into complete shit


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