August 30, 2013

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.29

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd  - Bullshit is Fading Fast

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - My clavicle hurts. What can I do???

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - David Oates - Retarded speech is better than the backward kind.

Hour 4 - Available for the most advanced conspiracy fucktards.

Hour 5 - Ognir, DBS and Joeblow all get together and eat marshmallows around a camp fire and reminisce about the good old days.

Hour 6 - Grizz and zap are still arguing about the missing link.

Hour 7 - Zap is trying to find his underwear so that he can leave that fucking boring party ASAP.  

Hour 8 - Preppers build a fortress and then high five each other when it's done.

Hour 9 - Two morons kidnap Alexander Parkes' grand child thinking that they might get unlimited amounts of plastic money.

Hour 10 - Lindsey Williams finally mentions the Jews after 45 minutes of waterboarding.

Hour 11 - Alex Jones announces that he'll be the next news anchor for Nightline.

Hour 12 - Now that most everyone has fallen asleep during the previous redundant hours, Obama comes out of the closet and introduces his new boyfriend: Lord Lindsey.

Hour 13 - Tim Rifat discusses the satanic Jew's excrements and how bad they smell in comparison to cobalt 60 as predicted by Albert Pike.

Hour 14 - Great quotes from Tim Rifat including this little gem: " If you don't believe me, look it up on the internet "

Hour 15 - Freemasons and Illuminati alike get sick of it all and decide to move to Tel Aviv for some  well deserved peace and quiet.

Hour 16 - Zap goes to bed angry because Rense lost the keys to his server once again.

Hour 17 - del starts a row with rifat about radiation nuke fakery and the flat earth .... Note hour was cut short when del hit rifat with a daisy cutter pillow.

56k CF
Rense' site

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