August 21, 2013

Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians
Bedros Hajian interviews author and researcher Christopher Jon Bjerknes, who delivers a thought provoking presentation to the Armenian Community concerning the horrifically tragic Jewish orchestrated genocide of Armenian Christians that took place during the early 1900's.
Book pdf: The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians


  1. If the jews really wanted to genocide the Christians why do they subsadize the churches by tax exemption, writing off donations to churches tax writeoffs and sponsor so many christian tv and radio stations and so many internet videos and sites? Why are there so many jews who call themselves christians.

    The whole christian religion is a jewish creation invented to take down goy empires and nations. Look what they did to Rome and are doing right now to promote zionism and worship of their jew gawd jewhova. All of our European
    Gods are considered evil and Pagan is a profane word.
    Become are or your ancient European ansestors and if you want to believe in myths at least believe in the myths of the Aryans, Greeks and what used to be Aryan Egyptian and Vedic scriptures.
    We do not need a jewish messiah. Remember what jesus said in Zachariah 1:14
    "I will sweep away everything
    from the face of the earth,”
    declares the LORD.
    I will sweep away both man and beast;
    I will sweep away the birds in the sky
    and the fish in the sea—
    When I destroy all mankind
    on the face of the earth,
    declares the LORD."

  2. What the hell has tax exemption in the US got to do with genocide in Armenia? are you saying that there was no genocide of Armenian Christians by Jews just because it conflicts with your particular worldview? Perhaps it's your worldview that needs revising.

  3. You are talking about american christianity, sholtes. This is nothing more then zionist extremism in disguise to get white americans to die for Israel.

    If christianity is best way to control gentiles, they woudln't needed bolshevik atheist revolution. They use everything what suits them best, it could be even paganism if nescessary. White people need to know who is their main enemy.

    Not what, but who.


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