September 10, 2013

David Duke Show 2013.09.10

Today: Dr. Patrick Slattery filled in for Dr. Duke and spent the hour interviewing Argentinian political analyst Adrian Salbuchi. Adrian Salbuchi described the Israeli connection to the unrest in Syria as well as the real nature of the "Arab Spring" as a form of "coup d'etat technology" being wielded by the global Zio-elite to engineer social discord and weaken the Arab nation states. He went on to describe how the same model has been used in South America and the Soviet Union, and as this coup d'etat technology gets increasingly sophisticated it will be turned against the United States. He concluded that the ultimate aim is a world government that would have recognized legal authority over the nations.

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1 comment:

  1. Salbuchi is always very insightful and seems to have much depth of knowledge about history and geopolitics.

    I wish they would have developed much more the Israel connections to the "Arab Spring" type operations in the Middle East. I know the connections are there and that they are strong, but Israel, and US Zionist entities, always seem to mask or subdue their involvement. We know who benefits (cui bono) but we need to expose more the "follow the money" aspect as to exactly who is stirring up strife in these countries and how they are funded. Need to show exactly where CFR, Trilateral Commission, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Royal Institute of International Affairs, get their funding and where those dollars come from.

    Strong sovereign nation states is something that the forces of evil in this world have plotted and schemed against since the beginning of time, and all the powerful moneyed people in every country are in on the schemes to weaken and destroy nation states and get the big death and slavery system known as world government going full force.


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