September 25, 2013

New Never Before Seen Footage Of 9/11 Will Give You Chills

A new video surfaced on the internet and arrived just after the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. According to, the video features "never before seen footage in NYC on 9/11."
Some of the clips seem unquestionably accurate. These include shots of the thoroughly dusty streets that only explosions of 9/11's magnitude could create. Others feature confusing dialogue. We don't always see the speakers' faces, rendering subtitles necessary.    (


  1. Collapse, collapse, collapse.

    Building fell

    down, down, down.

    Debris flying everywhere.

    That is the message we are supposed to receive from the first third I watched. That is a false message.

  2. Then you obviously wasn't listening to the soundtrack closely Jeanon. I heard Bomb & Bombs mentioned many times. Hardly the officlal narative. & the number of "Authority figures anonymously planting memes in to the onlookers psyche's - "terrorist attack-go home"..or "Gas Attack" - with no mentioning at all of any planes involved. That was the real eye opener for me.

  3. How convenient this comes out now.

    What a bunch of bullshit, and i don't mean this video.

  4. Here we go again. Ok Miss Disinfo. I'll Bite. What do you mean?

  5. Foon1e...

    I am typing this slowly because i know you don't read so fast.

    9-11 happened in 2001, right? So, did this video just come out or was it planned to come out right about now?

    I am talking about the perception management from all medias, from mainstream to alternative. We are on a need to know basis... and we, apparently, do not need to know... until they want us to...

    Can you grasp that? If not, please... feel free to hurl more insults my way.

  6. For a "Mistress Of Wordsmithery", your comments can sometimes be taken in multiple ways; not all of them clear.
    making a comment like :-
    "What a bunch of bullshit, and i don't mean this video." can be just as easily taken as a dig at the person who posted the item.
    Maybe you should choose your words more carefully, otherwise being called "Miss Disinfo" might be an epithet that sticks.

  7. The guy who says: " That's what's gonna happen to that building right there. " reminds me of the baseball cap dude that had all the answers on this old 9/11 video

  8. They seem to be part of the operation.

  9. That was my point Zap. I've never before heard anyone directing the narative in the background like that in previous vids. Maybe we're getting closer to the truth of how it all really went down that day?

  10. Maybe you should take your own advice Foon1e. I didn't personally attack anyone here... you did.

    Or is Miss Disinfo considered a compliment where you come from?

  11. Oh, hell! You two should get a room and leave the rest of us alone. LMAO

  12. Zap... that would be a case of opposites attracting.

    Christ... that would cause a magnetic polar shift.

    DISCLAIMER: I refer to the fake kind of magnetic pole shift hyped up by the media and not the real kind whereby magnetism, being a force of nature, like gravity, would simply and gently just move to where it needed to be.


  13. In one part, someone said something which I didn't quite hear and then a guy responded "Awww no man, that's an inside job."?

  14. I heard that too, Sigil. One of the black guys about mid through.

    Personally all I took from this video was ... it was just a home video by someone who was there.

    Why release at this time? Well, remember that there is a huge gear up for war going on at this time. 911 is an emotional and political touchstone, much like the Hollowco$t.

    We know Syria is a stepping stone to Iran should USrael get its way and they have been trying to connect Iran for years to 911.

    Israeli apologist Lee Kaplan pulled out that outrageous lie just a few weeks ago in a debate with Ken O'Keefe. He actually tried to prove Iran was involved with 911 which Ken quickly and effectively dealt with.

    This could be an innocent release ~ the timing serendipitous ~ but somewhat unlikely.

    It could be part of a general programme designed to whip up American war fervor any way possible, it could be precursor to a false flag.

    I just wondered how many of those people were still alive, what were they now suffering from, oh, look how thick that stuff is.... etc.

    There is no political message in this film. Just perhaps a subtle reminder of what "the bad guy" can do to the guy on the American street.


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