September 25, 2013

Teheran Conference part 5


  1. If Dr. Finkestien won't question the 6 million number calling us Flat Earther's then I'll call him out for what he is a Jewish Zionist Hypocrite... he care's so much for the palestineians yet he won't look into the only reason Israhell exists to begin with and that is the Holohoax... If it wasn't for the 6 million lie the jews would not get away with all of it's crimes... The holocaust indursty was a nice way to infilterate the truth movement keeping the goyim from looking to deep into the Holohoax... We need to break through the gatekeepers like Dr. Finklestien and Alex Jones types...
    PS: I somtimes wonder if you can trust any jews at all like brother bro Nathanel... Has he exposed the Holohoax?



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