September 03, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.09.02

A Race For The Future

Kyle has “UrbanJungleGirl” on the show to discuss the realities of race, the war against white people, battling with words, organizations of our enemies, and solutions that could help lead us toward victory.

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  1. Good conversation with urbanjunglegirl. Refreshing. For White people only.

    No censorship of words as on some alternative websites I know.

    White supremacism? The U.S. government is the biggest Supremacist entity anybody knows -- forcing unproven social theories onto an innocent, ignorant public. Craig Cobb from North Dakota said that -- apparently on Carolyn Yeager's broadcast recently.

  2. UJG's use of the Nigger word and previous work with AJ and Stadtmiller? Sorry but you are so inflammatory you are likely a jewess who doth protest too much; like so much of the non-truth bowel movement. I did not listen to all of this; I am a southern lady (highly educated) and your words are offensive. I have not listened to Renegade since they all started sounding like drunks; really good tools for the jews; just like those who constantly bash God.

    Why I think UJG is a jewish troll.

  3. Renegade is a strange fruit. Transformation from nihilist drunken clowns into militant racialists is somehow not very convincing.

    Something in their voice tells me that they are not totally serious, do not understand what they are really dealing with or maybe just playing popularity games.

    What goes to "Urbanjunglegirl", she seem to think that Alex Jones was genuine before 2001 and not jewish plant from the beginning put there to replace William Cooper.

  4. sftx STFU Using the word Nigger makes you a jewish troll ? I guess the whole white community I grew up with are jews then huh ? Here is a quote from Dr William Pierce " The " it's the jews " crowd tend to see jews everywhere, except in the most important place .... the mirror " Jew Whiners, Jewthers, and Jewtards somehow think that if you get rid of the jews that Niggers and Muzztards are going to magically act Human, this is not the case. Feel free to incessantly whine about jews while never doing a fucking thing. Great show Urban Jungle Girl keep up the good work, keep saying nigger as much as you please it will keep the multicult gutless faggots away. Hail Victory !

  5. This is an excellent show. Trolls need to go somewhere else your attempts to start fights between renegade and mami (more left orientated people) have failed and will fail

  6. Lord knows Kyle & I haven't always seen eye to eye since...well, since he found out i was a "Brit-Fag"!¬ Lol.
    But i found this conversation between himself & UrbanJungleGirl to be Frank, Honest and ,dare i use a "Dukeism" here? - fascinating!
    Those that try to tar any group out there with one brush or another are part of the problem all our truth groups face. They certainly aren't part of the solution.
    All religions are ripe targets for critical thinking. Same goes for Other dearly held Philosophies & Political Positions.
    If you can't openly discuss-without resorting to ridicule,profanity & stupidity - any subject we know is important, then you're professing Censorship is a *good* thing?! & we all know that Isn't the Truth at all.
    Sftx , Papa Doc John et all. You are entitled to your own opinions here. But be aware that this Comments section is actively moderated - & anything deemed Stupid,Inflammatory or just an attempt to set people at each-others throats *will* be straight in the Spam-Box.
    Have a nice day now.


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