October 24, 2013

For First Time Ever, Majority of Americans Say: Legalize It!

With 58 percent support, the number of those favoring the drug has jumped a dramatic 10 percentage points since November 2012—with the momentum showing "no sign of abating,"
read the story here


  1. I am certain that there is an ulterior-motive for the legalization of cannabis, and most likely has to do with keeping the population much more docile, as that is what cannabis-intoxication inevitably does.

    I know that many of you partake, but I just want you all to be intellectually-honest about WHY this good-news is allowed to be, and it is obvious that the cabal is looking for as many ways as possible to keep the stupid and ignorant masses, stupid and ignorant, and even MORE docile.


    NB: I am ABSOLUTELY not against cannabis, in any way, shape, or form, but I know how the demons walking-on-two-legs think, and it is obvious, at least to me, why there is now the big-push for legalization and acceptance of cannabis-use.

  2. just to clarify... ur argument against cannabis(THC) is that it makes you more docile...? also this legalize movement is just another jew op?

  3. IT DOES make people much more docile, in-general, and I DO believe that this is a way to get another intoxicant to placate the already stupid and ignorant masses to CONTINUE sitting-on-their-asses doing fuck-all to change what has happened to us all.

    You can disagree all that you want, and that is your prerogative; however, as I said, I know how these creatures think, and it is only logical that they would allow this to be legalized so that they have a two-pronged victory:

    Tax it to collect EVEN MORE money from the people, as you know that it will CONTINUE TO BE ILLEGAL TO GROW YOUR OWN!!!, and secondly, most people who smoke cannabis are made VERY docile, which is not necessarily a bad thing if you want to just "chill", relax, and enjoy yourself, but there is no doubt that in the minds of the cabal, ANYTHING that placates people and keeps them distracted from the evil being committed against us all, is only ever beneficial toward their end-goal.

    I will NEVER waver from this belief as to why there is NOW a push to legalize, or at least de-criminalize, cannabis use.


    NB: I know that people are going to say that the cabal still enjoys all of these MILLIONS of people in-prison for non-violent drug-offenses, and YES!, they do, and de-criminalizing cannabis-use WILL NOT change this drastically. MARK MY WORDS: "They" will still find ways to lock-up people for non-violent drug-offenses involving cannabis-use, PRIMARILY BY FORCIBLY TESTING YOUR BLOOD AT CHECK-POINTS, AND IF YOU ARE FOUND TO HAVE "ANY" THC IN YOUR BLOOD, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT SMOKED THAT DAY, YOU WILL UN-RIGHTLY RECEIVE A DUI.

    This is the level of evil that the human-race now faces, people, so PLEASE take-a-step-back and see how this WILL be used against the masses, when it SHOULD be something only positive.

  4. It would benefit us if marijuana was readily available. It can be used for many, many, medicinal applications. I don't want any of the jews medicine. They're trying to kill us. I'd rather grow my own.

  5. Mr. Red, I DO agree with you, but I am just being intellectually-honest and saying that even if it is legalized, "they" will NEVER allow you to "grow your own", and we all know it.


  6. To my ear "legalize" sounds like legaleze for control and tax it... i hope we don't take the bait.

  7. Decriminalize like how it was.

    No bureaucrats (Jews)should ever have any involvement or say with a naturally occurring plant.

  8. Of course I understand this move to legalize can only come from one group. Only jews could be behind it, and perhaps it will just be another diversion for the media to carp about for years on end. Sadly, until we get our asses together as an outspoken, cohesive, group, we have near no power to prevent anything these fiends want to do.

  9. To me, the issue always comes down to, do we want to do what is good for the people or not. Do we want to look after the "general welfare", the "common good" of the people.

    That also involves caring about our country, its borders, its rule of law and the honest operation of our government and its people in all aspects - national sovereignty.

    We have criminals running the ship of state who are blowing up the ship piece by peice.

    The only weapon we have is recognizing truth and speaking truth.

    I think cannibas is good for medical use, is good for pain management, and may even cure cancer. It may also be good as a recreational high. Of course, the hemp variety of cannabis plant is great for many practical purposes too. But do remember that these good uses of the plant will simply be used to carry out their overall greedy evil plan.

    As for the recreational use aspects of it, the controllers always have two or more goals that are accomplished with every new law or action. Always one of the perks is that it will bring in big money for them, but another goal is to degenerate the culture, cultural Marxism. More and more people going around stoned all the time will certainly be a giant step toward destroying a country and making way for the police state.

  10. Totally decriminalize it.
    Everyone should use the Rick Simpson method and make cannabis oil by the boatload. It is good for everything. Smoking it doesn't cure jack.

    I recommend making the oil with pure alcohol: Everclear or similar. Then you can save the remainder and use that in a smoothie or something after you let the alcohol dry off. I wouldn't use any toxic stripper like rubbing alcohol or naptha.

    Making weed legal is not going to destroy society.


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