October 06, 2013


The Last Days of The Big Lie

The Holocaust Big lie

The Real Holocaust:

Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps


  1. I am happy for truth about the "holocausT" to be established more and more each day.

    Unfortunately, what seems to always go along with discoveries of what did or did not happen in the German camps is telling us how

    Hitler was basically a nice guy

    The camps were kind to the inmates

    and kind of operated like vacation resorts with orchestra concerts, etc.

    (Deanna Spingola and John Friend are good examples of those who have not taken care to not go down this wrong path and what nullifies much of the good information about the "holocaust" they disseminate.)

    No, no matter what facts are established about the camps and how much we come to see that the "holocaust" is a holohoax and manipulation tool stringently enforced,

    Hitler was not a nice guy.

    Hitler was a Darwinist and eugenicist. Aaryns were the superior thoroughbred race and certain humans had to be eliminated because they were "life unworthy of life."

    Hitler murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

    Hitler was just as much of a monster as Stalin and Cheney and Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Dr. Peter Singer and Barack OBummer.

  2. ".....Hitler murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people....."

    I call bullshit.

    Please provide some links/information which will back up your assertion.

  3. Jeannon you seem to be infected with jewish propaganda, even if you don't recognize it.

    Eugenics is not equal with genocide like americans are brainwashed to believe in, mainly by Alex Jones&Co. It means simply scientific approach to natural racial hygiene, taking care that healty and strong genes survive. This is infact very pro-life approach and practiced by Mother Mature every day by far more cruel methods.

    What America lacks, is proper eugenics movement, people with all kind of mental and physical defects are allowed and even encouraged to reproduce, inbreeding is still problem in distant areas of America and retards are awarded and people pretend that this problem doesn't exist.

    This is the main reason of America's downfall, constant decline of human quality, almost half of the young man are disqualified to serve the country, students are unable to pass even the most simple tests, people are sick and overly medicated with serious mental problems. No wonder rest of the world see americans as the most dumb people on the planet.

    This is ironic as America used to be pioneer of science of eugenics from 19th century up to late 1930's, even sixties.

    Germany used to deal with the same problems, as it was overpopulated, people suffered with cronic diseases and all kind of biological mutations, mental hospitals were overcrowded, etc. There was lack of hygiene and health education.

  4. Jeannon says that she is happy that the truth is now coming out about the holohoax but fails to understand that which she is saying. The 'history' of ww2 and the holocaust has been so adulterated that it will take decades to finally work it all out in order to have the final truth on that era. So Jeannon THEN makes an emphatic statement and accuses the NSDAP of killing thousands of 'innocent' people. Where did you get that from Jeannon? Perhaps 'thousands' were killed. But were they innocent? How would we know?

    What compels a person to be "awoken" to a certain degree; but then to go back into the fog and make statements such as Jeannon made.

    A good site you all should frequent is James Tracy's blog. He is a professor who was smeared in the press and in the academic community for having 'questions' about Sandy Hook. He needs our support.

    Most of his readers are enlightened. They see the Media lies. But some of them continue the lie of Hitler's Germany.

    I am convinced....."Thinking is the hardest work".

    Think people, and think some more. Then have an opinion.


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