October 27, 2013

Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper


Noam Chomsky sets A@E for 9/11 Truth straight


  1. Noam Chomsky and Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth are both crooked, not straight, entities. There is no way crooked Chomsky can set anyone straight, much less an already intractably crooked organization such as AE.

    I have tried to explain in various places that A&E was a government disinfo psyops from the get-go. It was part of the orginal sophisticated planning for the follow-up/cover-up phase of the 9-11 event. The planners knew there would come forward a 9-11 "truth movement" so they put Dr. Steven Jones, his acolyte Mr. Richard FlimFlam Gage, the many spin-off sub entities of the government Steven Jones /Gage scam, at just the right moment, late 2005 and early 2007 for AE part of the scam. They were so well funded by blackops government funds that they took over the "911 truth movement" almost entirely including 911blogger site and 911truth site.

    I do not completely hold to any person's theory of what happened to the Towers and like some of the input from all of them, and the student who stood up and asked some benign questions of Richard Gage in the following two videos of one 2010 AE meeting is a Dr. Judy Wood follower, but he asked some simple clear innocent questions. Watch flimflam dishonest Richard Gage's treatment of this student, and watch how the audience member GageGroupies get just as obnoxious as him. Makes you want to vomit.

    Abraham Hafiz Rodrique (Illinois medical student)

    Richard Gage Questioned at AE911Truth Presentation (4/12/2011) by

    The Jones/Gage Big Lie has always been about subtly maintaining the official story of 9-11 including real planes crashing with real passengers and real muslim hijackers.

  2. Funny, one gatekeeper talking about another one. I haven't listen to Corbett since he used to appear on Alex Jones. Both AJ and Corbett ignore the 800lb gorilla in the room and both believe the Nazis are in control and the Reichstag Fire was a false flag!

  3. What I do not understand is why nobody has bothered to pull the original building permits for the those three buildings (I, II, and 7), and published, for all of us to see, what the architects who designed these buildings had to say about how to demolish them.
    Building permits issued in NYC require a "demolition plan" as part of the submission, and, whatever was submitted originally would be the very best architectural study as to how to bring down those buildings onto their own footprint.

    Once the original demolition plan is published, studied, and reported on by experts, then we could draw a critical comparison between what was called for in the plan, and what actually happened on 9/11. The odds are that the buildings were actually demolished in a manner called for in the plan, and, a study of the plan (made public) would reveal that the actual collapse was what one would expect should the plan had been followed, as originally submitted to the New York Port Authority.

    What I suspect would happen, should anyone try to pull the permit and publish the demolition plan for all to see, is that the New york Port Authority would NOT allow that portion of the original building permits to be viewed by the public. I suspect that the original demolition plan would be highly redacted, or outright concealed as if it were "classified". If anyone could make a true announcement that an attempt was made to pull the permit and view the demolition plan, and was denied access, that alone would tell any doubters that something very fishy is afoot in NYC. Building permits and demolition plans are supposed to be open for public viewing!

    I've wondered about this for a long time now, and, the few times I've gotten through during radio call-in shows about 9/11, I was poohoo'ed as if the original demolition plan was of no consequence. That just tells me that unless your approach is somehow "sexy", or peppered with mystery and the allure of the "unknown", then a down and dirty reading of the dry pages of a demolition plan just doesn't garnish listener interest. But it is the dull roll-your-sleeves-up type of dry reading of these plans that would yield the best comparison as to what actually happened on 9/11 to bring down those buildings.

    All this verbose and speculative swirl over the years about 9/11 is like looking for a splinter by examining every square inch of skin except the very spot where the splinter has pierced the skin. That original building permit has the key to figuring out how they demolished those buildings - spot on without the need for speculation nor wild out-of-this-world hanky panky theories.

  4. JLynn,

    This radio show may be of interest to you.


    Wednesday, September 11, 2013
    Howard Lewis III

    Twin Towers: built-in demo plan?
    Posted by Total at 11:59 PM 33 comments:


    I only listened to a little bit of this but this show guest said his father was to be a chief contractor of the WTC Towers construction. He said his father saw the plans and the plans included building in explosives into the concrete and other places in the building and there was a plan to destroy the buildings in the future. He said his father backed out of the deal. He said he had all the papers and proof. I do not know if the man has a website and I did not read the comments on the show.

    The whole thing sounded too fantastic for me, and I kind of thought the guy sounded a bit shizoid. But maybe I am wrong.

  5. In 2006, Dr. Wood published a paper with Morgan Reynolds documenting the group of holes in WTC6 & WTC5 as well as the major segment of WTC4 along with WTC3 that went missing & the "dustification" of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7. But folks were too involved in stoning Dr. Wood to look at the evidence she presented so clearly. That is, most people seem to prefer drama instead of facts. That’s why it’s used so effectively in cover-ups. Few realize that Wood & Reynolds resigned from the Fetzer-Jones "truth club" in August 2006. Then they published the most effective article to date, addressing a huge amount of evidence that still stands un-refuted to this day.

    So why didn’t people realize this?

    If you remember, pretending to be in a fight with each other over Wood & Reynolds, Jones & Fetzer then launched a new distraction campaign. This had nothing to do with Wood & Reynolds because they had resigned the Fetzer-Jones "truth club" months earlier. But the distraction worked & few looked at the paper Wood & Reynolds published in early October 2006.

    What can we learn from this?

    The truth was right in front of us all along but manufactured controversy was very effective in distracting people away from the facts. There are people trying to convince us that we know so little & that we’ll never know what happened unless some specified criteria is met to the point of ad nauseam. Why would someone want to divert others away from the truth & try to convince them not to look? This is Déjà vu with Jones playing victim & claiming others have personally attacked him as well as the faux Jones & Fetzer fight to distract people away from the facts. The truth is known & has been known to those looking for it past the cover-up. Dr. Wood’s book has nicely gathered up an enormous amount of evidence. She leads the reader through the evidence while asking them questions to help them see it for themselves. Any honest person who reads that book will know what happened by the time they finish it. No exceptions. So why aren’t people reading her book? Because they prefer to create doubt & suspicion & believe false propaganda & argue about opinions of rumors of hearsay...around & around in circles on forums...instead of simply looking at the facts, just like those running the cover-up have taught them to do.

    The question is, will people just continue to marginalize those presenting the truth or will they realized they’ve been duped for 12 years & don’t want to continue being duped by those running the cover-up? Dr. Wood has mostly stood alone through all of this. Why has there been such a far reaching campaign to denigrate her? No one has ever refuted anything she has presented. They’ve only refuted the false propaganda about her & assume they were refuting her work.

    Let's learn from this or history will repeat. AE911truth first opened their website about 3.5 weeks AFTER Dr. Wood submitted her Request for Corrections (RFC) to NIST. She was the first to submit an RFC that blew the whistle on the contractors for the NIST report. Can you say “damage control”? Then she filed a federal qui tam case that could have blown this whole case wide open, including putting people under oath – if there were enough supporters.

  6. Emmanuel Goldstein said...
    In 2006, Dr. Wood published a paper with Morgan Reynolds documenting the group of
    Give us title of article and link if possible. I have read it and probably have a copy but others should have it. The holes are Dr. Wood's strongest "evidence" and no one, including her has sufficiently explained them to my satisfaction.

    Dr. Jones and Dr. Fetzer were never very close and really had no strong personal affinity from the get go, so you need to re-evaluate your assessment there, and also check your dates and history.

    Dr. Fetzer seems incredibly naive at times (I pegged Jones from the beginning but Dr. Fetzer took a bit longer) and Dr. Wood seems incredibly paranoid at times and Dr. Reynolds seems almost vicious at times. These are personality flaws that we have to just work around and overlook as best we can.

    I have tried to stick with Dr. Fetzer’s work for the most part though he has disappointed me recently on a few matters. The fact is “they” got away with 9-11 and there is, zero chance, according to Dr. Reynolds of getting a good case going in court. So all of this WTC building destruction work is falling away. Dr. Jones and even Architects and Engineers are fading off the scene and morphing into latest phony “truth” group called Rethink911.org.

    One thing I think we all agree upon, except perhaps government issue Jones and Gage groups and groupies who always tried to maintain the real planes and crashes and hijackers myth, is that 9-11 was a false flag event and the official story is a Hollywood theatrical production of a highly sophisticated type planned for by Zelikow and others.

    They are continuing to hit us with big false flags and are bringing down planned police state on USA. They seemed to having ready and waiting "off te shelf" false flags that they can operationalize on us any time they want.

    The general public is so easily manipulated and fooled, and for me, only answers to my Christian prayers for a personal love of the Truth is the only thing that helps me in all of this.

  7. JEANNON said, "Dr. Wood seems incredibly paranoid at times and Dr. Reynolds seems almost vicious at times. These are personality flaws that we have to just work around and overlook as best we can."

    Jeannon hasn't presented any evidence that she is a qualified medical professional or even met Dr. Wood. So it would appear that Jeannon's derogatory statement about Dr. Wood is more of a reflection of Jeannon's own character and motivation. :) What motivates Jeannon to engage in such vicious attacks? I have found that people engage in character assassination when they are unable to refute the evidence but have a need to cover up the facts and divert people away from it. From Jeannon's comments, it appears she wishes to manufacture controversy instead of address the facts. The post by Jeannon is an excellent example of how the cover-up is maintained.

    Will people just continue to marginalize those presenting the facts or will they realize they’ve been duped for 12 years & don’t want to continue being duped by those running the cover-up? Why has there been such a far reaching campaign to denigrate her, such as demonstrated by Jeannon?

    Again, the truth has been right in front of us all along but manufactured controversy has been very effective in distracting people away from the facts. Why are there are people trying to convince us that we know so little & that we’ll never know what happened unless some specified criteria is met to the point of ad nauseam? Why would someone want to divert others away from the truth & try to convince them not to look?

    The truth is known & has been known to those looking for it past the cover-up. Dr. Wood’s book has nicely gathered up an enormous amount of evidence. She leads the reader through the evidence while asking them questions to help them see it for themselves. Any honest person who reads that book will know what happened by the time they finish it. No exceptions. So why aren’t people reading her book? Because they prefer to create doubt & suspicion & believe false propaganda & argue about opinions of rumors of hearsay...around & around in circles on forums...instead of simply looking at the facts.

    Those who promote false information about others reveal themselves as promoting disinformation and being a part of the cover-up.

    Those who promote character assassination instead of discussing the evidence reveal themselves as being part of the cover-up.

    This download is the Foreword and book review of "WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?" by Eric Larsen, Professor Emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice 1971 – 2006 (35 years), plus the Author's Preface.


    9/11 Finding the Truth by Andrew Johnson


    Jim Fetzer as a Disinformation Op



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