October 08, 2013

The People Speak with Jeannette LaFeve 2013.10.08

Guest:  Karen Hudes World Bank Whistleblower. Her appearance on Spingola here

Note: The first 5 to 7 minutes of the interview are missing due to the Shoutcast stream going offline just as the show was starting.

BBS Radio 2

32k CF Download


  1. Jesus Christ... where'd they drag up this bride of Franklin Stein?

    "Oh no, we wouldn't want to lose NATO, would we ??!!" Senator Lugie was upset by her news... you got to be shitting me.


  2. Karen Hudes is not on the up and up.

    I have thought about and tried to come up with some ideas about what her real agenda might be.

    I think that would be an excellent exercise in thinking and discussing.

    She seems to be saying, on the surface anyway, many right things, but you can also easily pick up some seriously susupicious sounding ideas.

    She seems to be pushing the idea of getting gold backed, non fiat money system as the dollar is about to crash and of course will no longer be the world's reserve currency.

    I have heard that a gold backed, or commodity backed, non fiat money system is a perfect set-up for the mainly Jewish international banksters to really force us into debt and slavery very quickly. This woman claims to be against international banking and claims she was fired from there.

    I really do not understand completely about fiat money's relationship to fractional reserve banking. I wonder if you can have fiat money system (the government not the Federal Reserve creates the money) without fractional reserve banking. Ellen Brown seems to say you cannot. To me fractional reserve banking is creating money out of nothing and declaring by fiat something to be money which has no backing of any kind - just fiat by the government is also money declared or created out of nothing. I just do not understand how that is real and honest money.

    Regarding Hudes being fired from the World Bank, remember firing people is one of the favorite tools of our deceivers. There are real firings, fake firings, and sheep dipping firings where you fire a person to lend credibility to some fake story the person is peddling in regard to some big fake scheme.

  3. I do not know if Deanna Spingola asked the right questions of this questionable person and it is somewhat disappointing that she even invited this person on her show. I did not listen to the show. I have already heard Hudes about 25 times in the past six months on many many different radio shows.

    Maybe Hudes' agenda is about a tried and true bait and switch deal. She baits everbody as someone who was at the top and on the inside in the international banking arena and here she is blowing the whistle on the corruption at the World Bank and saying all kinds of wonderful "save America" kinds of things.

    Maybe all of this throws people off (switches them ) of suspecting that Jewish international bankers (like her former self as a high-level employee of the World Bank are really not the problem at all. It is just corruption of people at the World Bank and at the top banks in the USA, and a money and banking system in the USA that just needs to be changed.

    She blurs the strong connections between Jews and banking of all kinds and at all levels and in all countries.

    Just a theory.

  4. I confronted her, personally, on-the-air during the Spingola interview, and it was extremely revealing what happened during that exchange. I strongly encourage all of you to listen to the Spingola interview, and that is all that you need to hear to know that this woman is suspicious.

    I sent her all of that information, personally, and NEVER ONCE have I heard her mention "The Financial 911 of September 11, 2008", EVER.



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