October 24, 2013

The Sandy Hook Massacre: School Demolition Crew Sworn to Silence

Employees of a construction company contracted by Newtown to demolish Sandy Hook Elementary School must sign non-disclosure agreements before commencing work on the project, scheduled to begin October 21.
The contracts reserve the right to pursue legal action against workers who publicly discuss what might be observed as the 57-year-old structure is leveled. Penalties also apply to employee attempts at removing any physical remains from the site.
Exhaustive in scope, the agreement requires workers to refrain from leaking information on virtually anything encountered on Sandy Hook grounds during or after their time of employment with Consigli Construction, the company subcontracted to carry out the demolition.
***Read article at Global Research***


  1. Hmm I wonder what they are so afraid of. Who would even want to buy souvenirs of that incident? Something smells a lot like gifelte fish. 50 million to build a 8 million dollar school... Oy Vey such a deal...

  2. The official state investigation report of the Sandy Hook "massacre" has been delayed since June and it sort of looks like they want the building to be totally demolished before they release their fake report.

    What is so funny now is that people are pushing for toxicology reports on Adam Lanza and they want to show how drugs caused this behavior. Alex Jones and Jon Rappaport are pushing this angle too. They want to show it was drugs not guns that caused this.

    Problem is the truth lies elsewhere. This was a government false flag attack from start to finish. We have zero proof of any of the deaths happening in the way they are told in the official story and we really do not know if any children were killed at all at the school.

    Yes, drugs can cause psychotic breaks so a bit of that truth may be put in the mix to absorb the blame, but this was a sophisticated multi-layered planned government evil psyop and false flag event from start to finish. Saying drugs caused Sandy Hook is like saying "extremist" Islam beliefs caused 9-11.

  3. One more thing. No media has tried to talk around to townsfolk and the townsfolk seemed to be keeeping their mouth shut under some kind of powerful threats. Soon all of America will be clammed up like that town in Connecticut.


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