October 05, 2013


In closing his September 11, 2013 Opinion-Editorial for the New York Times, Russian President Vladimir Putin had the audacity to question the concept of 'American Exeptionalism'. Putin wote:.
"I would rather disagree with a case he (Obama) made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal." 
Well Mr. Putin, it is clear that you are just a jealous loser and small minded hater. Allow us to educate you as to why America is exceptional in so many ways.


  1. One thing that is both good and exceptional about the US is armed citizenry.

  2. maybe Vlad should have stuck to
    America is gay

  3. I am not an "Americanist" or what is called "a patriot" but the USA does have some good redeeming qualities.

    One of the major positives of the USA is that many of its people have a serious love of the truth, know when they are being lied to and manipulated, and become active for truth as their main weapon to the best of their ability.

    I think people in Russia and the former Soviet Union had any love of the truth trained out of them many decades ago. The people are desensitized to the tyranny and manipulation of them by their government. They recognize their media is nothing but one big lie after another (RT TV included) but they just do not care anymore. They are just in basic survival mode, and as for religion, they are perfectly willing to accept Russian Orthodox religion as true Christianity although any quick search on the web will show you that that religion is a state run religion.
    Communism and totalitarianism and rich oligarchs are still very much a part of that country and society but the people there just are oblivious to it, while Americans are outraged by it all in the USA because it is so contrary to what we have always been taught about the founding and principles of the USA.

  4. You're joking, right? You mean perhaps, Amerika USED TO HAVE good, redeeming, qualities. Today, Americans allow the jewsmedia to do their thinking for them, so I don't know how you can say they seek any truth other than game times. They have no clue the both the media and the US gov are lying straight in their face. They like to hear they're "exeptional" because they're so damn stupid, and they can go to Walmart. What founding principles are AmeriKans aware of? Thanks to the internet, at least I suspect there are a few that share my views. Americanism is a joke. Diversity much?

  5. I will state this very simply... Vlad Pootin sucks... Tomatoes media sucks. America is the land i was born into... they can keep their cheap shots to themselves.

    We got problems, we'll sort them out or not. Does their opinion of us (low) help us or obfuscate matters?

  6. And i agree with you Rodin. I like how you stated that too... short and sweet, because the truth is simple.

    It is the lies that require obfuscating. Jews... freemasons... useful idiots, you better real-eyes, you picked this fight, we will finish it.

  7. Living in neither the US or Russia (or the UK or Europe for that matter) it's always a hoot to sit back and watch mainly Americans make sweeping statements about people in other countries while defending themselves when many if not most of them have NEVER experienced life anywhere else. It used to be worse in the early days of the internet as many, many americans exposed their sheer ignorance of anything outside their borders and just assumed that everyone else in the rest of world lived their lives by american guidelines. I can't remember how often we used to string along americans in our own forums (our country domain was in the url!) discussing the value of something in dollar terms while americans were arguing full bore that we were getting the price wrong - until we had to explain that the rest of the world DOESN'T use US dollars!!! LOL!!! Just one tiny example of many.

    JEANNON's post above is just a typical example of the kind of thing I'm talking about, specifically the third paragraph. JEANNON, have you lived in Russia & experienced life their? If so what part and for how long - "Russia" is a MASSIVE country/continent and it's people are VERY diverse! Do you know any Russian people personally and have you discussed their culture in any detail? How many? What part of Russia are they from? What ethnicity are they? There are endless possibilities and if you have no or little experience then to make simple, very generalized sweeping statements like you have is ignorance of the highest order and I make no apologies for saying that - it's not an insult, I'm using the dictionary definition. I can also tell you that some of your very sweeping ASS-U-MEptions are quite wrong although I'm willing to accept that for this comment post you should just accept that as my opinion only (I can't obviously prove to you here & now why I'm qualified to know that)!

    There are "positive" things in EVERY country just as there are "negative" although those are very subjective terms. However, my experience over the last few decades is that generally speaking americans are quite often the quickest, and loudest, to expose their ignorance of nearly everything & everyone else around them. I can only put this down to being brought up in a culture where you are constantly bombarded with the cultural programming that you are "the best country in the world" and this leads many of you to simply make assumptions about others based on that indoctrination. The real problem arises when people "believe" that and even when you try your hardest to shake that programming I would imagine, judging again by my observations, that it is very hard to completely shake something that is so deeply rooted! Good luck to all those working on it though as obviously visitors to this blog and others like it are not quite as much your typical as-deeply brainwashed 'muhrikans.

    Please don't take anything I've said here as an insult - it really is just an observation based on a lifetime of experiences & observations made while I've travelled and lived in many different places among different cultures and got to know people at grass roots level :)

  8. Should we confuse jew orchestrated propaganda with reality?

    Reality: Pootin is a billionaire oligarch.

    Not Reality: Everything in the Tomatoes Media that they showed to us was jew propaganda, and/or the result of social engineering and mass poisoning of food, water, air as well as everything we read and see... and outright insulting to the thinking, feeling people here in America.... right down to fake media events... very obvious.

    Reality: People, ordinary everyday people EVERYWHERE... just want to live, love and be happy, safe and prosperous.

    Not Reality: Americans have any say over their governments than any other country out there...

    But in the final analysis... we do have guns and not everyone is going to turn them over and they are, by and large, not registered and don't throw stones if you live in glass houses.

    Reality: If freedom dies in America... the world is fucked.

  9. Wanda, i agree about Russia and fake media, but what has this "freedom" brought to the world? Slavery under jewish tyranny while american's brains are rotting under economic prosperity, but mental idiocy.

    People are lucky if they are willing to survive what is to come, in Georgia there are stored over 50 000 guillotines and hundreds of thousands of five person coffins. If heads are gonna roll, and they will, it would be gun owning white people... There are several other possible scenarios prepared, if people resist. Only option is to fight back, but americans are too weak and demoralized.

    There is only one liberty - liberty to survive through power of will.

    There are four great steps of Great Terror: first - get rid of the aristicracy (French Revolution)

    second - get rid of the upper and middle class (Russian revolution)

    third - get rid of the working class (Western welfare society)

    And final step will be get rid of the white race in general, as we are living in that period since 2001.

    All under name of Liberte, Egalite and Fraternite!

  10. Papa Doc...

    A better choice of words would have been the illusion of freedom.

    50 thousand guillotines will require 50 thousand humans willing to lop off the heads of other humans... like a job, day in and day out... lopping off heads. I don't have a tremendous faith in my fellow man, but that's not going to happen.

    And i have to say, if you think it will, you got some nerve taking jabs at Americans... you will believe anything.

    I don't have all the answers, and i can only speak for myself and endeavor to separate reality from bullshit.

    Keep it real.

  11. I believe Mike over at Tomato bubble made a mistake here. And I believe he made that mistake because we are all so desperate for "hope". We want so badly to believe in hope. We want to believe in a leader who will threaten the Jew World Order. Putin "appears" to fill that role. But is it natural or scripted?

    It is my opinion that Putin is just a FOIL. Time will tell. But I believe it is a mistake to place Putin on some pedestal of hope. That would play right into their hands.

    The Christian Zionists are Impatiently waiting their Armageddon and their Rapture. According to their theology, Russia must attack Israel. The Christian Zionists make up a huge population of influential people. The JWO must continue to cater to this population

    So you can see this 'drama' playing out in the media.

    Tomato Bubble is reinforcing this script, albeit naively.

    Time will tell.


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