November 11, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.11.11

Mark Weber, director of the Insitute for Historical Review, joins Kyle to discuss the great lies of the 20th century. The Allied victory in World War II and the subsequent Holocaust industry were essential for creating the impoverished and disgusting world of today, destroying ethnic pride in European peoples, opening up our lands to foreign invaders, and putting Jews in place as our unquestionable rulers.

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  1. Excellent Show Kyle Hunt and Mark Weber. I've listened to and read much of Mark Webers' work from the (IHR) Institute of Historical Review over the years. He's a wealth of historical information. A lot of revisionist historians of WW-2 history have experienced trials and tribulations, threats to their life and some outright physical assault for daring to present a more accurate and truthful version of history. There are many out there that don't know what some of the revisionist Historians went through in presenting a different version of this "sensitive" World-2 era. I appreciate their courage.
    The Jews, and their minions...lackeys, have captured...hijacked Europes' WW-2 history (or they like to think they have) and they've used it and continue to use it as a political tool...psychological weapon with which to manipulate the world.
    It is important to study and review history and it is important that history be forthright and accurate.History tells us how we arrived at where we're at today and it SHOULD teach us not to repeat the mistakes of the past. But, if our history has been politically corrupted to suit a minority of people then what lessons are being left for us to learn?

  2. Interesting link:

    By Popular Demand: The inside story of Mark Weber and the CIA-Mossad role in the coup d'etat at the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) and the subsequent destruction of Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight.


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