December 10, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.12.10

Guest: Michael Walsh, the author of Witness to History, (1996) ~ (2013), The Triumph of Reason – The Thinking Man’s Guide to Adolf Hitler, Heroes of the Reich, and several other wonderful and informative books, returns to visit with Deanna today.

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  1. Ironic how Hitler infiltrated the DAP (the original NSDAP) under orders from the Jew run German Military and then took it over.

    Ironic how Hitler conducted the Beer Hall Putsch and is sentenced to 5 years in prison for treason where he writes Mein Kampf in 9 months and is then released.

    Ironic how the Reichstag Destruction enabled the same type of Laws as the WTC Destruction.

    Ironic how Hitler ordered the "Night of the Long Knives" which entailed the murder of Germans without trial, similar to the assassinations of truth tellers after 9/11.

    Ironic how Hitler's body magically disappears, never to be found.

    Ironic how there are Nazis who are now citizens of Israel.

    When the USA has been destroyed, will idiots be worshiping George W Bush as the last great President? After all, he was a supposed Christian, flag waving Patriot, dedicated Nationalist, protected our borders with the Secure Fence Act, cared for the children with the No Child Left Behind Laws, Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Controlling the Assault of Pornography Laws, Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, Bankruptcy Reform Act, Healthy Forests Recovery Act, American Jobs Creation Act etc............

    Anyone can turn anyone else into a Hero or a Traitor. Statistics/Numbers are not the only things that can be manipulated to tell a story, so can Words/Letters.

    I go back and forth on Hitler and this is why.

  2. "....Ironic how there are Nazis who are now citizens of Israel...."

    Documentation Please....

  3. "Tanya Gold talks to the descendants of Nazis who have embraced "Judaism" in Israel.

    LMAO! Yet we all know the citizenship requirements of Israel (blood). Who was it again that determined who was a Jew vs Aryan (or "honorable" Aryan) in Germany?

    Furthermore, in my personal opinion, Rudolph Hess MAY have been hated by both sides and kept incommunicado for 46 years because he figured out the duplicity when he sought to make peace in 1941.

  4. If Hitler had not reacted quickly 1934, Röhm and the SA-leaders would have killed him.

  5. "If Hitler had not reacted quickly 1934, Röhm and the SA-leaders would have killed him."

    Says who, the murderer? Do you understand what MURDER is? Can hero worship excuse multiple murders without trial? What other murderers do you support? That is the problem with hero worship, one can blindly support ANY action that their hero commits, while condemning others for the exact same actions.

    Hero Worship always entails Hypocrisy.

    Ironic how Hitler was comfortable with murdering fellow Germans but was extremely upset about the Night of Broken Glass when Jews were murdered. Then again, Jews were sent to those nice little Camps with doctors/sports/theaters/whore houses etc.. to be PROTECTED from War and only died by accident, as the result of Allied bombing and resulting food/medical shortages.

    With all the rhetoric from Hitler, how many Jew Bankers were put to death? Say that number again.... I would have no problem with the streets being lined with hung Jew Bankers, after a public trial of course.

    Ps. I hear Al Qaeda hates Jews and Israel as well... LMAO! How many stupid Arabs join Al Qaeda because they believe Al Qaeda is fighting against World Jewry to save Islam/Arab Nations? Ironic how they are actually being controlled by Jewry to destroy Islam/Arab Nations!

  6. I read the article.

    1) It's a Jewish source; or written by a jew. Not that it isn't true...we know Hitler did indeed have jews in the military; half-jews etc. But I'd guess this "population" of so called converted jews from the nsdap in Israel is relatively small.

    2) What is your point overall here Ken? Are you suggesting Hitler was a Zionist tool?

    That certainly is a theory.

    My problem with this whole debate is the way in which the jew has used Hitler; the holohoax; ww1 and ww2; as leverage for power and corruption and world domination.

    The ONLY reason, and the only reason I ever defend Hitler and the NSDAP is when Hitler and the NSDAP is used to further propagate the lie of the jew. Period.

    Ken....if you are just sick and tired of the Hitler worship, I agree with you. There has to be a balance.

    But I continue to ask myself why they push this meme so far down are throats and coming out our asses! Every single fucking day I have to see negative Hitler propaganda on the Tv or in the news or in the movies. Everyday!

    It is working obviously. So I do think it is important for us to know the facts and to be able to argue against their position when possible.

    I agree the Hitler worship and the Nazi regalia is just totally unproductive and honestly quite stupid.

    As to whether Hitler was on their team I guess it will be debated over and over and over. Only if and when the jew's lose hold of power will we ever get the real answers.

  7. Roy, I agree with you on the sickening Jew Mass Media/Hollywood mantras regarding Nazis and WWII. But I might ask, why does the same Jew Mass Media/Hollywood push the Al Qaeda, Evil Islam and 9/11 Lie even though they run Al Qaeda and did 9/11? Its called controlling the opposition in order to destroy BOTH sides for a 3rd agenda. Stop considering only the 2 False Dichotomies as laid out before you by the Jew and their puppets.

    Can you not see the similarities then and now? Do you desire a HERO to worship that badly?

    The Holocaust is not only a LIE but maybe the Camps were created to PROTECT the JEWS from the wars they were controlling on both sides? How many times do they have to control both sides before you/we get it? Heck, could these planned "Camps" in the USA not be prepared for a possible awakening of our citizens and the need to protect USA Jews before sending them elsewhere? How many people can fit into these planned "Camps" vs the population of Jews in USA? Do you honestly think Jews will not eventually be removed from USA as they have been removed 109 times before throughout history?

    Why didn't Hitler kill these nasty parasites? Why doesn't Al Qaeda kill these nasty parasites? We are told they are both enemies of the Jew, yet who do they ACTUALLY kill???? Arabs/Muslims and Europeans/Christians respectively.

    Why fall for the FALSE DICHOTOMIES they provide for you? Do you also fall for the FALSE DICHOTOMIES such as: Republicans vs Democrats, Capitalism vs Communism, Theocracy vs Atheism, Magical Evolution vs Magical Creationism etc... Can you not come up with your own ideas, rather than repeat the FALSE DICHOTOMIES as laid out before you?

    Of course most Nazis were non-Jews just as most Al Qaeda are also non-Jews, yet could they both not be controlled by a small group of Jews who provide the leadership/financing/propaganda?

    Hell, the USA is controlled by a small group of Jews who provide the leadership/financing/propaganda as they hide behind their puppet presidents/congressmen.

    The WORLD is full of sheeple people for the masses truly are asses; whether they are "Nazis", "Americans", "Al Qaeda", "Communists", "Capitalists", "Scientists", "Doctors" etc... 99% of them are simply brainwashed dupes who repeat a mantra while never having an ORIGINAL thought in their entire lives. If they even consider an original thought, they are soon slapped down by the 99% of idiots on both sides who repeat their false mantras.

    Lastly, how do you know the Half Jews Hitler accepted were not Full Jews? Because he deemed them so or made them into Honorable Germans/Aryans? Even as a kid, the Holocaust really did not make much sense to me. Why waste oil/transportation/housing/food on moving these Jews around instead of just putting a $.01 bullet in their heads? I also never cared for Hitler's stature/speeches/movements as a kid but after I found concrete proof of the Holocaust Lie, I felt COMPELLED to support him against those historical lies, as if I now found the Truth! But now that I am much older, I question things on a much HIGHER LEVEL than simply 2 competing sides as provided to me. Especially after seeing all the other false dichotomies humans are controlled by.

    Ps. Was not David Cole and his video "The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz" also not a "Jewish Source"? Or the many other "glimpses of truth" that can be found among Jewish sources?

  8. Hitler was a man that could do hard decisions. I appreciate that. He was not a cow so he could reject a coup-etat in his party.


  9. You are all just distracting the people away that the US were fighting on the wrong site in WW2 and were involved in gruesome crimes against Germans.Even general Patton finally recognized that.But Rheinwiesen mass murder Eisenhower a swedish jew was behind the killing of Patton before he could rise up his voice amongst his people back in the US.

    Read Hellstorm from Thomas Goodrich

    Hellstorm • chapter 1


    So you all better make the "Hitler Test" from John Kaminski

    If Hitler Won World War II We'd Have A Better, More Just World Today

  10. I think all the HItler worship was Jewish damage control.

    They milked the HollowCost for all it was worth and the lies were catching up with them. Having agents and minions push the Hitler was a Great Man meme simply bought them some more time.

    The Jews know how to set up a long range plan and they are expert liars. For them, it's just a business.

  11. Ken... your theory on the purpose of the FEMA camps makes perfect sense. Thank you for all your logic... well done.

  12. Ken....

    Interesting points. Things to consider for sure.

    I stand by my statements -- Hitler worship is over the top. There needs to be balance.

    And...I ONLY talk about Hitler or ww2 or the holohoax when it is being used to promote jewish crime and propagate the jewish world order.

    Otherwise, I don't bother with it.

    Will we ever know the absolute truth regarding Hitler in this lifetime??? I doubt it.

  13. Roy,

    I agree. Like I said, I go back and forth from week to week.

    I am a guy who NEVER worshiped anyone, even as a child I never had posters of movie stars or rock stars or religious idols. I moved quite a bit growing up (still do) and just could not stand how everyone thought their city/state/school/religion/sports-team/political party etc.. was the best. It still makes me sick to be around people like that, so that certainly plays a part in my views.

    It is ironic how its the lowest of our people (felons/criminals, poor white trash/Low IQ, tattooed/beer/drugs/heavy metal etc..) who seem to be the ones that worship him; the very people an "honorable" Hitler would despise. In fact, I have a hard time finding a single well known Hitler worshiper that I would trust my children or wife with, which makes me think I have been led down a rabbit hole by these types of people. So I guess its not just Hitler's actions but the type of people who worship him that also make me question things.

    With all that said, the two dead people I would most like to spend some time/have a chat with are Jesus and Hitler.


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