December 27, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.12.26

Guest: Michael Collins Piper, author of False Flags: Template for Terror, and many other books. The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind by Gustave Le Bon 1896

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  1. Once again, Mike Piper said nothing to refute any of the specific evidence put forward for crisis actors at Sandy Hook or Boston.

    And he keeps putting out Cass Sunstein and his memo out there, as if the U.S. government wasn't already adept at infiltrating legitimate fact and evidence-based research movements -- 9/11, anyone?

    He said that if you listen to Alex Jones, you will feel as if he's supporting your belief -- whether crisis actors, or no crisis actors at Sandy Hook, and he said he didn't know whether Alex Jones believes crisis actors were used at Sandy Hook.

    I can 100% confirm that Jones does not support the view that crisis actors were used at Sandy Hook, because he is highly paid not to say such a thing, and his main role after his staged Piers Morgan rollout to the mass public was to gatekeep any evidence concerning crisis actors at the Boston Marathon bombings.

    Really, Michael, you should know all this, since you've been talking so much about Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombings lately, but really saying so little.

    Sorry that you received so much hate mail over your views on Sandy Hook. The more appropriate way to deal with the trauma is with a therapist and not taking to the airwaves on various shows and repeating the same narrative over and over again about Cass Sunstein being behind what you regard as disinfo operations ever since Sandy Hook, and us all being "had" by them.

    Ed Chiarini, for example, is an obvious disinfo agent. Do you really think he was put out there claiming there were crisis actors at Sandy Hook whilst also claiming the Queen is Betty White, because no crisis actors are being used, nor were used at Sandy Hook or Boston?

    What purpose did that serve? It served to discredit the use of crisis actors at Sandy Hook and Boston, and anywhere. But why? Because there weren't any? If there were no crisis actors used there, then why such a blatant attempt to discredit the notion?

    And for those of you who missed it, Mike Piper implied that he believes the official government story about Sandy Hook, that it was Adam Lanza who carried out the whole thing, and that he *may* have been mind controlled.

    Again, for the litany of problems with Sandy Hook, see Sofia Smallstorm's excellent presentation here.

  2. Correction:

    I spoke too soon. Mike Piper DID refute *some* of the specific evidence, but only three-quarters of the way through the interview. I figured he wouldn't, since I had listened to four other shows entirely, where he hadn't.

    He mentioned the Governor of Connecticut's mention of drills, Robbie Parker's reaction, the parents not being able to see the bodies the same day, Adam Lanza being able to carry the alleged weapons and weighing only around 150 lbs., and the death certificates not being released, but his rebuttals were very short and superficial.

    To summarize, he said the Governor was referring to legitimate drills, that Robbie Parker was having a natural reaction and people have all sorts of different reactions, that it's not uncommon to not let parents see the bodies the same day in such a situation, that kids he knows of 150 lbs. or less can carry that many guns, and the unreleased death certificates are basically meaningless, since they could've just faked them like Obama's birth certificate.

    He did admit that he hadn't watched Sofia Smallstorm's presentation until Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, which was very obvious, based on his recent shows on this matter.

    Basically what he's saying is this: Cass Sunstein called for cognitive infiltration of groups back in 2008, and talk of crisis actors sounds crazy to him, so therefore all this must be Cass Sunstein's work.

    Does that sound scientific or of sound reasoning to you?

  3. you're absolutely right, the demolition of the 9/11 myth was started by a few people very early in the conspiracy and because of their works, 9/11 was exposed as the hoax that it really was. this is the same thing as sandy hook. piper and glenn acknowledged years later after 9/11 its fakery. they only saw it when a lot of people have already proven its contrivance. perhaps piper can care to explain why websites were already posted asking for donations for the sandy hook victims days before the event really took place. that alone should make anyone suspicious. or that some personalities there really were proven to be crisis actors

    these people glenn, piper and i hope not deanna will be embarrassed to admit their mistakes when sandy hook will be proven a real false flag event.

  4. Sandy Hook and No Planer nonsense are typical "look over here" tin foil hat stories while the jew is pumping you in the rump roast, very hard each and every day without even giving you the courtesy of a reach around while he plunders this sinking ship.

    I don't waste my time on such nonsense. Expose the hook nose.


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