December 06, 2013

The Real Mandela 7/24/2013

Under white rule, blacks in South Africa enjoyed better living conditions than any other African country, where blacks kill each other in tribal warfare.
In 1994, the same year Mandela took power, the Hutu tribe killed 800,000 Tutsis in Rwanda. Similar tribal genocides have taken place in Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia, Chad, Mali, Zimbabwe, Angola and many more African countries. Tribal savagery and genocide has always been a way of life for Africans.
Since Mandela took over, South Africa has become a Third World country. It went from being the safest country in Africa, to being the rape and murder capital of the world. In Johannesburg, 5,000 people are murdered every year. Unemployment went from 5% in 1994 to 50% today.
***Read article at American Free Press*** 


  1. Lol, history from a self serving"white" point of view.No blacks in S.Africa till the white man came and made it a paradise!, Lol! "Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of blacks in South Africa aren’t natives, but came by the millions from neighboring countries only after the white Boers created a country with a thriving economy, education opportunities and medical benefits.

    Under white rule, blacks in South Africa enjoyed better living conditions than any other African country, where blacks kill each other in tribal warfare."
    So where's the black man gonna go since Afikaners desrve to own S. Africa, and whites deserve to own N.America with no blacks allowed. Whatever white ppl do according to white ppl, is wholesome and good. I tell you what, let's see some stories by other races echoing these self serving evaluations because if a belief is only adopted by one race, one has to question it's impartiality-As far as I am aware, Africa was black until invaded by white ppl and jews-but, then again, we always start "real" history at a time convenient for self serving interests of white ppl.You guys are why the jews are winning. I suppose blacks were better off in America before civil rights and if you answer yes, we know who your parents were, the ones with the distorted faces of rage as a 16 year old black girl tries to enter a public school formerly priviledged only for whites-Hey guys, there's no rule saying you have to be a racist bigot to be jewaware but sometimes it seems that way

  2. Appleseed... I posted a few on my FB page as soon as i got the word... and i got word because a friend of mine, who is a friend in real life, posted a tearful goodbye to the great man... i had to shatter that illusion.

    Mind having a look and telling me if i'm off the mark? They seemed right to me, but i'm not an expert of everything and i've not looked extensively into Mandella... here's what i posted:

  3. Johnny Appleseed....what is your race?


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