December 09, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.12.08

9/11 "Debate" and its Aftermath

On this edition of The Realist Report, I'll be discussing the 9/11 "debate" I participated in last weekend and its aftermath. Tom in Connecticut will be joining me, and calls will be taken during throughout the program. 

Below are relevant links for this program:

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)



  1. Here are my summary notes of this show:

    3m - Delaney and Roberts' ad hominem attacks against Simon Shack in the non-debate
    4m - John said it was a mistake to agree to the debate, without ground rules and a moderator
    7m - Said there are some things Simon Shack has said that he simply doesn't know about
    7m - Has seen no proof that Simon is Jewish
    8m - Said Scott Roberts had no idea what he was talking about
    10m - Tom said that the claim that everything is faked is insane -- said some might be doing it as a hobby -- saying it's harmless, except for when it's tied directly to what we can prove about 9/11, then it acts to discredit what we can prove
    11m - Tom called Delaney, Roberts and Anglin intellectually dishonest
    14m - Tom said he's convinced that one specific person died on 9/11
    16m - Tom mentioned Chip Tatum
    23m - Obvious actor of Harley Guy - Tom implied the Harley Guy was also in Sandy Hook - I remember Simon Shack disputing that notion
    26m - Andrew Anglin smears people he doesn't agree with as insane
    30m - Tom talking about "facts" that he doesn't want to get into, indirectly casting aspersions at Andrew Anglin, and his tactics
    32m - Brother Ryan calls in to make supportive statements for September Clues and its findings
    40m - He sent Mike Delaney a $50 money order for a Trutube t-shirt, said he gave $50 for the Renegade Broadcasting documentary
    41m - Deanna Spingola's alleged email to Caryolyn Yeager, according to Yeager herself, with Spingola saying she thought John Friend is Jewish, that Jim Fetzer is a CIA agent and is John's handler, and John saying he'd expose this on the broadcast if Spingola didn't respond to him that day
    42m - Said he doesn't want to have anything to do with any of these people who have caused problems
    45m - Said it's shown how dishonest Mike Delaney, Scott Roberts and Andrew Anglin are
    50m - Someone laughably said on Grizzom that Mike Delaney expertly refuted the no plane theory
    52m - Delaney ridiculously asked John if he believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny after stating his first main point about September Clues
    59m - Said it's a joke that Andrew Anglin said Mike Delaney was the most lucid he had ever heard him -- A joke that Delaney referred to Simon Shack as Simon Weisenthal, and uses all sorts of jew tricks
    1h6m - Disagreement with Carolyn Yeager over designation of 9/11 as a psy-op in comparison to holocaust as a psy-op
    1h10m - Tom asked why Delaney and Roberts were ad hominem in their attacks
    1h12m - Miserable looking supposed Apollo 11 Moon landing astronauts
    1h13m - Tom said you don't' hear about military failures, always a backup plan in case something goes wrong
    1h14m - Scott Roberts' strange logic
    1h16m - Concerns with Simon's statements like nobody died on 9/11
    1h19m - Caller Dave Mansfield calling in to take exception with John Friend talking about September Clues, talking about staged running crowds and firefighters as actors, which isn't actually in September Clues
    1h28m - They picked the North Tower to strike first because you can see the top of that tower, but not the middle of the South Tower, from many vantage points
    1h30m - Dave said he knows of four people who died on 9/11, tom said he knows of one
    1h44m - John said he doesn't think Delaney, Roberts or Anglin are agents, but doesn't want to have anything to do with them

  2. I think what has happened today is there is a generation of youth who can no longer distinguish fantasy from fiction after playing endless video games and watching jew movies. John Friend appears to be a part of that camp. Gullible to the point of being embarrassing and who better to brainwash them than the joos. It does no good to explain the ridiculousness of no plane theories, these guys think they have the 'truth' and will poo poo anything you say.

    I wish it would just go away but unfortunately it's here to stay. I can picture each person they try to convert imagining them wearing a tin foil hat they whole time their passionately explaining the no plane theory.



  4. On John's blog post for this broadcast, someone going by El Buggo posted the 5th protocol --

    "...To obtain control over public opinion, it is first necessary to confuse it by the expression from various sides of so many conflicting opinions . . . this is the first secret....."

    Ironically, John's reply is:

    "....Quite relevant indeed, thanks El Buggo!....."

    Ironic in that John is contributor to the confusion.

    Try selling 'no planes' to the general public. KISS = keep it simple STUPID.

    I'd say this whole thing is one big ass fuck and we are the bendovers. Hard to trust anyone anymore. blows my mind.

    Stick to WTC 7. Avoid the conspiracy shell game.

  5. I have new respect for John Friend...

  6. I know what you mean Wanda. I respect my asshole for the good work that it does every day. Most of what it does stinks but I still respect it.

  7. You might not like ANY of the personalities on either side of this "debate" but divorce yourself from this for a minute. Now engage simple common sense free from a dogmatic viewpoint for a minute if it's at all possible and just ponder this one aspect of the event...

    "No planes at all flew into the twin towers on 9/11 ie. what we were shown was actually virtual images of planes"

    Really? REALLY?

  8. Yes, Itzda, no commercial plane crashes 911. You have to have a mind of a child to make yourself believe the official crash reports 911.


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