January 18, 2014

Feds Say PTSD Vet Has to Turn in His Guns

Feds Tell Veteran He Will Lose 2nd Amendment Rights Because of PTSD
Tim King and Jerry Freeman Salem-News.com

When did serving your country become a crime?

(MYRTLE CREEK, OR) - If Pat Kirby has his guns taken away by the federal government, then everyone else is probably going to eventually face the same thing. The clock is ticking. Pat Kirby is a decorated Oregon Vietnam Veteran with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). He never imagined he would receive a letter telling him he will have to turn over his guns, or face imprisonment.

Read more here


  1. Considering that the MAJORITY of veterans who served in Gulf Storm are disabled, and I believe most of them are 100% disabled, this is going to be something that veterans, and those currently "serving" their masters, are going to have to decide if this is in any way acceptable.

    The-writing-is-on-the-wall, and if veterans allow themselves to lose their right-to-bear-arms, then WE ALL ARE INEVITABLY GOING TO LOSE OUR RIGHT TO SELF-DEFENSE; it is really that simple. If the cabal can not use PTSD, or other mental disorders, to do it, then they will damned-well find ANOTHER avenue to disarm the population.

    There can be no doubt that this is their intention; the only question is are the stupid- and ignorant-masses going to accept the unacceptable, or is this going to be where veterans say enough is enough?


    NB: My understanding is that Gordon Duff is a 100% disabled veteran due to PTSD, and he sure-as-Hell would be subject to losing his 2nd Amendment right if this is allowed, so I am very curious what he will have to say about this case/situation, whether on with Mr. Jeffrey Rense, or in an article on his site.

  2. Of course he has to turn in his guns. Have you ever been around these PTSD people? They anger is a huge issue. Unfortunately the military mentally ruined these people and they can't cope. The VA gives them worthless drugs which further cause mental anguish. http://truthalliance.net/Archive/News/tabid/67/ID/10076/Drugging-our-TroopsThe-Creation-of-Psychopharmaceuticals-Multi-Billion-Dollar-Market--CCHR-releases-latest-article-in-its-Military-Mental-Health-investigation.aspx

  3. Here is an awakening for you all. True story. Now tell me these men are just fine to own firearms? The military of today: rotten, deliberate life destroyers all in the name of service to your country. This is an abomination!


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