January 04, 2014

Irony On Ice! - Media Fails To Mention Passengers On Stranded Ship Were Climate Change Scientists



  1. We are now into yet another record cold winter. It's 40 below in Fargo right now and just one week into the official start of winter more than half the U.S. is under snow and record cold temperatures are forecast for New Year's day. The IPCC's most recent report admits we have had 17 years with no detectable warming, despite a slight increase in CO2. And setting a new gold standard for irony we have the MV Akademic Shokalskiy, an expedition of carboscammers out to prove Antarctic sea ice was being melted by global warming, hopelessly trapped by ice. Two attempts by ice-breakers to reach the trapped ship have failed and the crew will be evacuated by helicopter, leaving the remains of the research vessel to be ground into rubble by the ice. It should be noted that it is now summer in Antarctica. It should also be noted that despite this obvious proof to the contrary, the expedition's leader, funded to prove global warming is melting the Antarctic ice, is still insisting that the Antarctic ice is melting and we should ignore the obvious contradiction between his words and the real world.

    The global warming hoax is not about saving the Earth, it is about MONEY! Carbon taxes and carbon credits. Everyone taking part in this hoax has made a huge fortune. Al Gore, nearly broke after his last Presidential campaign, has made millions from his Carbon Exchanges (set up with the advice of ENRON's Ken Lay, to do to the Earth with CO2 what ENRON did to California with electricity. Scientists supporting the political agenda are well-funded, while scientists who dare point out that the world has actually cooled are suppressed. Remember "Hide The Decline?" Then there was the Climategate scandal where emails and computer source codes were leaked from the Hadley Climate Research Unit from the University of East Anglia that proved intentional fraud to scare up a global warming boogeyman with which to trick the people of the world out of their money, either as carbon taxes or forced purchase of carbon credits, and to force people into obedience to an eventual global environmental authority.

    The scientists who sold their souls for global warming funding are desperate to hang onto what little remains of their reputations, which is why, even as another arctic cold air mass sweeps across the United States, they are still wagging the warming at us all.

  2. What really bothers me about this nonsense is that we were not even allowed to enjoy the 20 to 30 year trend of milder winters.

    These people put themselves in the place of God. That we should a) feel guilty about the nicer temperatures, and b) we should actually pay for the privilege with cash as some sort of penance.

    Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it. I am not stupid and I never fell for the hoax. And it was in large part the entry way for me to eventually learn that nearly everything reported is pure 100% bullshit. However, I did have to put up with listening to many fools in the media and I spent what must have amounted to many 24 days trying to convince people I know that they were being lied to. And even though they would acknowledge my points, they still couldn't believe me because of the power of the propaganda in all its channels.

    So, I guess some good did come out of it. As it was a learning experience on how the scams work and how all these new religions operate in the world. Those being Darwinism, Heliocentrism, and Global Warming.

  3. http://notrickszone.com/2013/12/31/expedition-on-the-cheap-did-organizers-recklessly-negligently-put-lives-and-property-at-risk/


    How this same expedition was done 100 years ago by WOODEN ships ?


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