January 22, 2014

The Spingola Zone at AFP 1/21/2014

Deanna takes on the topic of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Truth or fiction?


American Free Press 



  1. Deanna is talking about the arrogant John "Friend" when she quotes this "At this point, it is safe to say that the official narrative of the Sandy Hook school shooting is fraudulent, and a major coverup and PSYOP is underway."


    Good for Deanna, still listening...

  2. I see that the official death register is considered to be very realiable. I don't have an opinion because I don't know exactly how it works. But I think it could be possible to lie to someone that somebody is dead and the lower official does according to this.

    Not just thos Parker but some others have acted a bit strangely in the videos and all of them hav demanded tightener gun control.

    I'n surprised that there can not be a debatte about these thngs. Just name-calling and crying etc. No one can say to me that I should suspect a hoax when there is parents and pictures of babies and the death certificates etc. The Jews behave juts in the same way. "How dare You question the holohoax? My 10 babies died in the holohoax and a hyndred of my aunts and uncles too. You are the lowest creature that can be!" No. There can be a hoax and a psyop. Especially when the children are included. That works in the best way when You want to touch the emotions. They can build in this way a Jew World Order where You can not question the holohoax or have a real debatte over it.

    Yes there can be the nocking of the mankind at the Bowl just in the same way than the WTC7 and the BBC etc. The motives could be the same as usually. The Talmud etc.

    How do we know that Adam Lanza does not have a new identity somewhere? Why is it a kind of crime to speculate in this way? It is not. I am very surprised that there is a block of names around the AFP who do not want an adult and civilised conversation about the events and who just vilify other peopleon the opposite side and who want to own the truth movement and to decide what You can say when You want to belong in it.

    Why should people keep their mouths shut?

    I think that this all is such a strange behavior that when there were nothing but this angry nonsense without any facts (Thank god we can now hear them in these podcasts) and hostile vilifying, Fetzer and Friend had a right to laugh at You in the AFP. They have waited a real conversation and got something different.

    Btw. I think that the Germans did not commit any crimea at Malmedy and the 71 victims were died at the battlse or some of them when they tried to escape and shoot bacl Perhaps I don't hurt anybody's feelings if I donät believe in the official Version of the US-Army. Both sides did not shoot the POW's. Hundreds of veterans have been examinated and almost all of the US-Veterns have seen or hear about the killings of the German POWs but very few Germans have seen that in their units (killing of the US-POWs).

  3. This sandy hook nose religion created by ed sharony aka goldburg makes me sick!
    Nobody belives the official story but these crisis actor chasers are worst then illuminati reptoid worshipers!Always when they reply to someone they pull million links to prove their idiotic points!Just imagine telling someone that nobody ever died and that everyone is an actor!!!Or the smoke machines on 9.11!!
    Bunch of idiots,these are all unemployed lonly men who have nothing better to do with their time!

  4. She did herself what she accused someone else have done. She ridiculed and framed and vilified. Very long time we did not heard anything but a lecture about infiltrators who want to own the movement and who don't accept views that they don't like. I see Piper is the guru who is always right. No he is not. He has made a terrible mistake f.e. regarding Putin and now this wird attack with Glenn.

    I have become suspicious. This is so strange and there are very strange persons like Glenn and ZCF and V Kuzniar Clark and everybody are changing now and leaving the past. Are the tears and the crying or emotions genuine? Or are they a weapon? The german politicians have a talent to cry real tears always when they heard a word "holocaust" or when they are speaking about the violence of the far right.

    Why crying and screaming and judging? What have Fetzer, Friend and others done? I can not see any crime or anything low.

  5. Gun control, medicine, Big Pharma, Obama-care etc. These are the motives and the general madness and attack.

    If every time when You say that there have been children murdered DS and others will say that nobody has any right to suspect, You can always do so and use it for Your own ends. So we must not play with the emotion-card. I think this show was very low if something has been.

  6. Great show Deanna!
    Cant wait for Keith Johnson vs Jim Frieand and John Fetzer debate!He will i hope put an end to their idiotic religion!Stupid dallas goldurg cult!

  7. Deanna is clearly distraught that people are believing outlandish conspiracy theories put out by unknown people... that are not herself and her co-horts. After all the work she's/they've done to bring us the REAL, TRUE, TRUTH.

    One really has to listen to this blather to get a sense of the smoke she's trying to blow up everyone's arse.

    Adam Analz is a real guy and if you don't believe me you are a [ingrate, lazy, non-intellectual... ad hominem, ad hominem, appeal to authority, etc.]. Why don't you people care about these people who died? Who are REALLY, REALLY DEAD?

    OH G_D... 1 hour, forty minutes... the crocodile tears... nice touch !! Yeah... we've been played.

  8. Did someone get Payed or did someone get threatened? Don't need a psychology lesson prepping my subconscious to doubt the actions of these people involved in this SandyHook Scam! It does NOT add up, and to have uncertainty or lack of conviction that it did happen is completely "Normal" to anyone that understands how the American Government works & Her History of LIES to get the people herded up like the cattle they are. The Jews that run America have to Achieve complete Gun confiscation to move foreword with their Talmudic goal. What better way then to add a Few kids in the mix to soften up the Goyim.
    My Vote goes to: it was a HOAX!


    (what else ya need to know? lol)

  10. Another day wasted on these stupid fucking theories. Enough time has been given to no brainer no planer and Sandy Hook Nose theories that just chase people away.

    So frustrating.

    I hope after Keith Johnson stomps their little nads that they finally shut the fuck up but hey won't.

  11. With Mark Glenn and ZCF and these kinds of people she claims to have the command to say, what one should not say and who has a right to say something. So with these very strange men she suddenly has started purging and infighting with the veterans of these acticvities. "Credibility" in the eyes of the average citizen is one explanation and this without to consider what is the truth or may be or what is suspicious. For a year now I have heard this "lack of credibility" as an argument without any explanations. And often from these very suspicious persons in response various issues in various conversations. It seems that when somebody starts to speak about "credibility" he/she has lost almost all credibility in my eyes.

    I find this very disturbing. Crying and shouting and telling others to shut up. And this huge aggression when F and F and Tom made this program without MCPiper. This is not the acting of honest people. They are obviously dishonest. This gang consists of very suspicious persons like Glenn and why on earth has Spingola still promoted VKC and ZCF and fought on behalf of ZCF?

  12. weeeeeeeeeee're off to see the wizard!

  13. Sandy Hook = jew orchestrated HOAX

  14. This is a quote from Mark Glenn from his blog (comment to comment):

    "ed note–Truth, in my opinion, somewhere between many and most of these individuals like John Friend truly believe the nonsense they are peddling, and not because facts and figures have brought them to these conclusions, but rather because conspiracy-izing is like an acid trip for them that dazzles them and gets them high.

    That is not to say however that they don’t get support and direction from the enemy. The way it typically works is like this–The Jews see someone like Fetzer, Friend, Delaney, or whoever, whose ideas, mental instability or some defect of character can be exploited in such a way that benefits them and their agenda, such as starting fake rumors, creating diversions or divisions, etc. They will create a friendship with individuals such as these, lavishing them with supportive words and, most importantly, with $.

    “Hey Dr Fetzer, I LOVE what you did with your no planes theory–BRILLIANT…Here’s a $1,000.00 donation, and there will be more coming…Keep up the great work!’

    “Hey John Friend, that was GREAT what you did with Sandy Hook…BRILLIANT…Here’s a $1,000.00 donation, and there will be more coming…Keep up the great work!’

    “Hey Delaney, that was GREAT what you did with all the pro-Hitler stuff. BRILLIANT…We really need to wake the American people up to the fact that Hitler was a SAINT…Here’s a $1,000.00 donation, and there will be more coming…Keep up the great work!’

    etc, etc, etc…

    And all of it coming from ADL or some other outlet, who, via remote control, are able to steer problematic elements such as these in directions that benefit Israel and the Jewish agenda, and without these elements even knowing they are being used as puppets and pawns.

    So there really does not need to be any more skullduggery than this. The Jews know how to manipulate people better than anyone, and especially damaged goods such as the aforementioned."

    Who gives any credibility to these speculations? This man is a leader or one of the leaders who now are telling us who is who? Telling the truth about Hitler and the WW2 is "Hitler-worshipping" and thus You will lose all credibility? And is it really the ADL who is behind the promoting of Hitler? This Glenn is pro Putin and without any criticism admires the Chabad-Russia and lies about everything. And it is very important to him that no one is too much "pro Hitler".

    In the AFP Spingola is nearer Mr. Glenn than before. I hope she will not become one of his cohorts. I think the AFP has decided to attack some conspiracy-theorists. But maybe MCPiper has just talked and wrote in the way that made DS to reconsider and now she is declaring the same message. I think she is very vulnerable and one can easily make her believe almost anything.

    Btw there are plenty of freemasons who have infiltrated the societies. And there are jews too. Sayanims etc. They can do anything in the police, in the hospitals etc. They can alter and faslify medical reports (remember the autopsies of JFK or Mr. Barschel in Switzerland). When Siegfried Buback was murdered, the police ignored the stories of the eyewittnesses and Verfassungschutz/BKA/MND (All=Mossad) were helping in the covering up. The murderer was an "V-woman" and who was acting on the behalf of the Verfassungschutz.

    It is a real possibility that in the specific hospital there can happen anything, murders, fake-deaths etc.

  15. "Spingola still promoted VKC and ZCF and fought on behalf of ZCF."

    Oh come on drama queens. What is the problem with ZCF? Can any of you top his Masters of Deception book?


    You're all just being babies because he doesn't drink your Kool-Aid. In fact it probably helped chase him away.

  16. Ruupertti, whoever that is, said that I am "very vulnerable and will believe almost anything." The fact is that I do not believe everything and that seems to bother others. I do my own thinking and research. On Wednesday, January 30, 2013, just six weeks after Sandy Hook, two researchers, Dennis Cimino (with Jim Fetzer), introduced several ideas, which a vast majority of people believe:

    1) that no children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School
    2) that Sandy Hook was not even an operating school
    3) they introduced the idea that Adam Lanza died the day before by using an image of a purported Social Security Death Index record
    4) the idea that Adam Lanza did not even exist (contradicts #3)
    5) Mike Powers on Joyce Riley’s The Power Hour, on January 16, 2013, just over a month after Sandy Hook, said that logistically, Lanza could not have carried off the shooting
    6) The introduction of the Satanic worship idea, suggesting that even an infant participated in the way she sucked on her fingers
    7) Introduced the idea that it was all about gun control and the disarming of the public, ignoring the influence of psychiatric drugs in every public shooting
    8) re-introduced the scare tactic that the government has FEMA camps and 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber, hollow-point ammunition
    9) that the Mossad may have been behind Sandy Hook
    10) introduced the idea that other shootings were also hoaxes staged by the government
    11) introduced the idea that actors were used at Sandy Hook
    12) introduced the idea that Sandy Hook was a drill
    13) introduced the idea that officials were smirking at Aurora which would seemingly be applicable to Sandy Hook
    14) introduced the idea of premeditation

    Why should people accept Fetzer and Cimono's views of Sandy Hook? Do they possess some special intellectual endowment that makes them smarter and more perceptive than everyone else. Why should I believe them? Just six weeks after Sandy Hook, they told people exactly what to think and believe about the event. Who the heck are they to presume to know what happened. They weren't there, well at least, we can assume that they weren't there. Who is Fetzer that he should ridicule and become accusatory if someone questions what he has espoused. Why is it that adherents do not question Fetzer's alleged use of the Social Security Death Index but when I use the actual source, along with other sources, to show that all of those people did die, they are not valid sources.

    Having VKC or ZCF on the program does not imply endorsement of every one of their ideas. Throwing them into this discussion is irrelevant and a distraction. I give air time to a lot of people and try to treat my guests with courtesy and respect and expect that the listeners will make up their own minds about the issues.

    I think that it would be much more productive to look at the evidence in this case rather than my presentation of it. I am not a professional and have never claimed to be. And yes I am very sensitive and when I think of someone slaughtering innocent children, I become emotional. It is not pretense, it is who I am. I have challenged people to do their own research. See http://www.spingola.com/SandyHook.html Take the challenge. A very wise friend of mine recently said, “Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.”

    Truth is not a popularity contest or something to vote on. So what if Fetzer, Friend and others have previously produced their views on this event. Does that mean 'case closed' - no other views are allowed? I did not call them names or vilify them; I merely question their conclusions. That is my right and you right. I do not have a monopoly on the truth and I don't think that anyone else does either. We are all susceptible and vulnerable to what we read and see in the media, including the Internet. People should be open-minded enough to review all the possibilities, do their own research and then draw some conclusions.

  17. The whole evil sandy hook thing connected to the chabad, jewish pedophile mafia is a trap for those good people like deanna to fall into it. It is a distraction and it is controlled by them.We have more serious things to reveal that the sandy hook thing besides other staged jewisch main stream media topics!

    Stop the infighting! We have to reunite ourselves! We have no chance as an individual. And the evil jews know that. So they divide us through talmudic kabbalist jews like moses hess, marx, freud , in the last decades. And many, many, many good decent people have been killed and slaughtered to the millions on there talmudic, kabbalistic genocide agenda.Jews are chosen and connected to do the will of their father the devil as Jesus Christ who is one with the FATHER, warned us in John 8:44.

    And Wanda.. Who is misleading you?..

  18. I want to speak out everything that has bothered me in last months. I am very concerned about the things. SPLC-VKC does not deserve any air-vawes. I can not understand why everybody are beating John Friend without any proper reason. Just today he talked very well about Adolf Hitler. ZCF is very hateful towards Hitler and sounds like Glenn or even worse regarding WW2 and Hitler. I am very scared and therefore I must speak about these other things. I hope that there will be no Spingola that will start vilify Hitler and prefer softer revisionism or reject revisionism (the truth about WW2).

    Fetzer does what he wants to do. That is his business. He is a communist and I do not appreciate him. But he does not deserve crying and yelling. He can laugh at his opponents. Why is that something very horrible? Piper ad Glenn have been much worse. They have been hateful and ridiculed much more and their opponents are almost criminals according to them.

    Nobody knows what happened in SH. It is alarming when somebody is trying to silent somebody or prevent the conservation.

    I don't understand why somebody can accuse somebody being an infiltrator without any proof just like it was a self-evident truth like was said in this program. Maybe somebody other was meant too but in the end John Friend was named. Fetzer is more suspicious but it is too much to say that he would be an agent or something. That is very frightening.

    This seems like a purging-attempt.

  19. @Ruupertti
    What are you talking about?
    You are just claim pure nonsense and falsehood or the reverse about Deanna regarding here stand to hitler, meaning the truth, which is hidden by allied victors, meaning the all antichrist
    jewish and there stooges, counselors, marxists,leninists,bolsheviks,communists,zionists,capitalists the antichrist zionists in us,uk,fr,ca, au.
    Just check..

  20. I totaly agree with you Deanna!
    It has bocome a cult,a mindles religion!They atack fast and in groups! If you do not belive in their claims you are immediatley suspicious and probably a jew!

    I my self do not belive in official story,but do not belive in crisis actors and smoking machines on 9-11 either!

    Its easier to menage one psycho to run in to a school with a gun and shoot everyone around then to set up few hundred actors who will all keep their mouth shut!

    Their story has no logic,it all started with Dallas Goldbug!

  21. @Signifier
    Who are you? Nobody know you.You are not in any position to criticize Deanna! Nor are any here at all.What did you do other than criticizing good people.This is cheap you prevaricators regarding heavy self investigating of the truth and facts?

  22. @Sig
    You just did not answer my question.
    Who are you? Nobody know you other than criticizing good people. And if they ask who YOU are, you claim that they are sound foolish, hot-headed and touchy. This means. You are still in no position to criticise any here.Do you understand? And i repeat. You are in no position to criticise position good people here!

  23. "VKC is young too -- and has, however, developed a pattern of being predictably unpredictable."

    I suppose VKC is 35-40.

    "However, Deanna Spingola has developed a deeper foundation; the likelihood of her doing a 180 turnaround on Hitler is nil. (I don't know that she's ever read a single book by VKC either.)"

    Yes, but I am not afraid of her changing an opinion but what if she is sold out? Many people have rejected the truth from several reasons and startet lying with others.


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