February 14, 2014

Sandy Hook: Fallacy or Fact?

AFP reporter Keith Johnson dissects what he considers to be the fallacies in Professor James Fetzer's "Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook Was An Elaborate Hoax."          Show-page

American Free Press




  1. http://americanfreepress.net/?p=15503 did you miss this one whoolie ?

  2. This Sandy Hook debate is the song that never fucking ends!

  3. I predict in excess of 10 comments

  4. Notice how Michael Collins Piper and Keith Johnson don't want to talk much, if at all, about the Boston Marathon bombings.

    That's because it's harder for them to make the case that there weren't crisis actors there, and because there's not an emotional appeal that they can make with SH to those who are predisposed to not find much or anything suspicious about the official govt-approved theory, and instead are shocked and outraged about those who would dare seriously question whether any children died there.

    While these two and others want to make it about Jim Fetzer's 10 assertions or umpteen assertions, the real issue is whether crisis actors were used or not. Don't lose sight of that with all the other points they try to debate.

  5. So Keith does a great job demolishing Fetzer and now you move on to the Boston Marathon bombings FauxCapitalist?

    Let me guess. You are a no planer and believe in media fakery too.

    Do you by chance know Cass Sunstein?

  6. I listened to both debates; I have no affiliation with either parties involved; and I will just state what I believe to be the truth as I perceive it: I think that the evidence is in favor of a "hoax", although that word has connotations. I respect Piper but think he did not debate the facts. This is a critical issue that strikes at the heart of media culpability in our own manipulation and appeal to any emotion distracts from empirical evidence. I do not thnk any chiildren died, but the greater problem I perceive hete is the divisions in the truth community. We mst not be so quick to label those with different interpretations as shills of th enemy, but try and foster a dialectic healthy for seeking out truth. We make these through arguments. All parties to some extent were guilty of ad hominem attacks. It is this way in the JFK community as well; and especially so in 911 discussion. Meanwhile we are all talking to the choir and not engaging in effective action. Use your own logic and intuition, and note historical precedent. Do not attack anyone who tries to get at the truth, but try to expand the debate beyond conventional parameters. You can always disagree.

  7. @solfeggio

    you are absolutely right. what the so-called debunkers of the sandy hook hoax can't seem to explain is how donation sites existed even prior to the shooting itself. here's one yt video about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSUAXBChnbE

  8. [img]http://www.ask8ball.net/assets/images/main/8ball.jpg[/img]

  9. [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41oWJ6wVErL._SY300_.jpg[/img]

  10. [img]http://galleryplus.ebayimg.com/ws/web/220624492487_1_0_1/1000x1000.jpg[/img]

    10 Comments as predicted by rodin

  11. Exposing Supremacists,

    Aren't you rockclimber, a former admin of this channel? If so, why are you no longer an admin. Did you fall from the "truth tree" after it was shaken, as the banner on this site indicated yesterday?

    I'm pointing out how they are whipping Sandy Hook, which is an older event, and not saying much after MCP made a big deal of "wheelchair conspiracy theorists", thinking it was all fun and games until people ganged up on him for what he said about SH.

    Even Deanna admits something is suspicious about Jeff Bauman, but doesn't have much else to say about it now.

    This newer event than SH presumably deserves similar attention later, and it may be forthcoming, further serving to divide everyone.

    Maybe some people alleged are Sunstein shills, but you don't think that part of the game was to create arguments between both sides?

  12. Exposing Supremacists,

    It's very revealing you would take my point and turn it into a personal attack. If you are rockclimber, I can see why you're no longer an admin on this site. Others like foonle aren't going in for these personal attacks and division with all these comments and podcasts about SH.

  13. Replies
    1. You got that right, RJ. Bat shit crazy runs amuck at conspiracy and White Nationalist websites. Especially as of late. Maybe Cass Sunstein's and Mark Potok's trolls are working overtime.


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