March 06, 2014

RT Anchor Quits on Air


  1. Was she paid off to do this?
    Let's see who she works for now.

  2. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on your way out (going to work for CNN ABC NBC are ya?
    How much money were you paid for this??

  3. I'm sure she was paid to do this. No doubt about it.

  4. She is very likely Jewish. Her grandparents came over during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 when they kicked the Jews out of leadership positions.

    David Irving-The 1956 Hungarian Uprising was Against Jews.

  5. So her Father was a veteran, and her family fled from jew terroists like Bela Kun(Cohn).
    Let me get this jew logic here, because her family fled from red terrorists, her father the fought side by side with the terrosists against the people you oppsoed this jewish red terror?

    Warped and paid jew mind resigned, Liz Wahl(meaning in German choice/election) will certainly find a place at some american bullshit channel.
    I am not saying I like the still red spin of RT, but they are miles ahead in terms of delivering at least some facts.

  6. Paul T, 1956 was an uprising against red jew tyranny, which was ruthlessly and brutally suppressed by the Soviets, like they did in Berlin and Prague. I doubt her family left Hungary in 1956, but in the 1920ies.Her grandparents would be too young for 1956, I think.

    The US have many eastern crazy jews, who sucked their home country dry, and left for US, eg György Schwartz, aka George Soros the Vampire.

  7. She is apparently a jewess, so no fucking surprise there. How ANYONE can not see the jews behind the shit happening in Ukraine means only one of two things: 1. The person simply has not been exposed the level of information that Mr. Whooli has been posting here at Mr. Grizzom's site, among MANY, MANY OTHERS who have done similar things, or 2. THEY ARE KNOWINGLY PERPETUATING LIES AND HALF-TRUTHS AND DISTRACTIONS TO KEEP THE FOCUS OFF OF THE DEMONS WALKING-ON-TWO-LEGS WHO ARE ORCHESTRATING ALL OF THIS SHIT.

    There are simply no other options, given the TREMENDOUS amount of exposure that has occurred of what is really happening in Ukraine.


  8. 1. Her grandparents, or whoever, fled Hungary under the USSR looooong before Liz Wahl went to work for RT. She didn't seem to have a problem with Russia when she got hired.

    2. The Hungary rebellion was a popular uprising against the Jewish communists, and the US did nothing to support them. In contrast, this rebellion was funded and instigated by the US. (RT is reporting that snipers fired on protesters AND police; that it was the same people using the same bullets; that it is believed that the snipers were working for the current US-puppet government.)

    3. Liz Wahl's linked-in page shows that she already worked as a "Contributor at CNN International"
    (After she quit, Wahl did a CNN interview with Inyourson's Pooper)

  9. Jews own RT,she got this act cleared before she did it believe me or they would have pulled the plug- so hokey- yes, Hungarians revolted against Jewish oppression- to talk about any atrocities without mentioning Jews simply links scapegoats

  10. he guys, we got fake free speech- Helen Thomas could of used a little of that!


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