March 06, 2014

Scott Horton 2014.03.05

First interview M.J. Rosenberg

Journalist M.J. Rosenberg discusses the AIPAC convention attendees converging on Capitol Hill to vigorously lobby Congress; Obama’s surprising, repeated defiance of the Israel lobby; and how John McCain’s longevity and temperament might be the death of us all. (Duration: 24:34 — 11.2MB)  Note: @ Lindsey. No need to point out the obvious in the comments. LOL

64k CF Download

Second interview Grant F. Smith

Grant F. Smith, director of IRMEP, discusses the national summit to reassess the U.S.-Israel “special relationship” in Washington on March 7; the topics and scheduled speakers (including Scott Horton); and why the individuals who commit crimes on Israel’s behalf are too big to prosecute. (Duration: 22:58 — 10.5MB)

64k CF Download

Third interview Pat Buchanan

Pat Buchanan, a syndicated columnist and former presidential candidate, discusses the national interests of Russia and the US in Ukraine; some deep background on Ukraine, the Soviet Union, and Cold War realpolitik; the competing bailout packages from Russia and the EU for Ukraine’s basket-case economy; the lesser-known great crimes of WWII; and how “natural borders” are breaking down global institutions and nation states. (Duration: 38:42 — 17.7MB)

64k CF Download

No Agenda Global Radio


  1. The Pat Buchanan interview is not posted.

    You posted Grant Smith twice.

    If you still have it handy, would love to hear Pat's take on Ukraine.


  2. I don't know what you're smoking but I just verified all the links and they are all OK.


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