March 10, 2014

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.03.09

On this edition of The Realist Report, we will be hosting a debate between two astute independent researchers into the events of 9/11. Don Fox and OneBornFree have radically different perspectives of what actually took place on 9/11, how the WTC towers were destroyed, the role the mass media played, who was ultimately responsible and why. We will be debating these and other issues pertaining to 9/11 during this program. Calls will be taken in the second hour.             More@ John's Original Post
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  1. Okay, is it me or is it them? The nobody died crap is getting out of control. A couple months ago I recall someone actual saying that the assassination of JFK was a hoax. But now we have people today calling everything a hoax. I'm waiting for someone to come out with the Iraq war was a hoax.

    At one point OneBornFree says is Fox wants to believe an article he read about the body parts being found then that's his problem. Wow! How about thats his prerogative or choice instead of an attack on his belief. One of the first thing people will do is to attack the person and not counter or debunk what he says.

    JF states that the first reports of the number of people that died is suspect, which I disagree with as many over zealous journalists always get some facts wrong when trying to get their story out first.

  2. Here is a summary I made:

    14m - Don Fox said he thinks people were killed in the towers
    20m - OBF accused Jim Fetzer of chickening out of debating him
    25m - Fake victims with image morphing technology
    26m - No mention of Zionism as a motive
    - Said, as a personal freedom consultant, it's not really that important who the groups are behind it
    30m - Some crazy laugh in the background when Fox is talking
    37m - OBF said he can't definitively conclude that planes or missiles didn't hit the buildings
    38m - Said it's a waste of time to investigate how towers were destroyed
    41m - Evidence of faked tower collapses - low res images of collapses
    43m - Suspicious CNN "live" collapse footage of zoom-in with seconds before collapse
    49m - Temperatures were so high 6 months after 9/11 under North Tower, appears there was an underground nuke
    50m - Music playing in background while Fox is speaking -- probably OBF playing his guitar
    51m - OBF said he hasn't watched video of Newton Burkett despite seeing post on Clues Forum
    54m - Asked why would you accept what they say about dust samples given what government has said about other things about 9/11
    57m - Music in the background again as Fox is talking
    58m - OBF admitted to playing his guitar in the background, thought his mute button was on
    1h3m - Brad Fetchett has half his face missing
    1h3m - Elizabeth Wainio suspicious picture
    1h4m - Louis Mariani an alleged passenger of one of the flights - said he is a sim modelled off of the singer, Luis Mariano
    1h5m - Psychological barrier of dealing with thinking that people were actually killed
    1h17m - John Friend said Steven Rosenbaum was the Jewish guy behind the videos of 9/11
    1h19m - Fox called empty towers story a load of BS, saying there are videos of people in the towers
    1h21m - OBF says he's an anarchist
    1h26m - Says he doesn't think it was exclusively Jewish interests
    - John Friend says he strongly disagrees with a lot of what OBF said
    1h30m - Fox said it appears the nukes were Israeli nukes - Dancing Israelis
    1h34m - OBF said speaking as a personal safety consultant, said if Israel and race of Jews didn't exist, another group would be doing the same thing
    1h36m - Said it's beyond his ability to discern which particular group is behind it
    1h39m - He said he disagrees with the notion that if you get rid of the Jews, then everything will be hunky dory, and it would make no difference
    1h43m - Said dealing as a personal freedom consultant, he deals with individuals
    1h47m - Fox said most of the public has moved on, doesn't want to know, and it's not a real 9/11 truth movement, but filled with a bunch of half-truthers
    - They would have to come to grips with how corrupt and evil the society is
    1h48m - OBF said Fakeologist show is an excellent show
    1h50m - Said he doesn't believe in group movements, he only believes in individuals

  3. Thanks for the summary Faux

    "1h48m - OBF said Fakeologist show is an excellent show"

    Hence his comments defending jews.


  4. this is what John Friend was aiming for to set himself up as a
    third party
    with 2 people angry at each other

    rense ran an article of Friend's the other day which was bereft of facts
    so I guess rense forgave him on the
    henry makow thing

    speaking of these German Jews, Guardian ran an article last couple of days a/t Finland's German Jews serving in Nazi army

    abirato has this australian guy on his show & this guy's #1 job is to attack anyone when they just merely mention the word jew.
    always thought that whole aussie thing was just some Hollywood act w/ criminal types behind the scenes

    there is a lot of good stuff that I get out of these 3 hoaxsters but I understand what I am dealing with.

    Abirato is a hobbyist, who likes to run his toys in a mild way

    Chris Kendall is a guy who needs someone to talk to

    Simon Shack is sincere but he is jew so your real interests & his will only be by coincidence.

    funny stuff from Ukraine:
    Ukraine US ambassador came out of his shell & announced he is going to:
    send the FBI & Treasury Department to help Ukraine find lost funds
    (bet none of them come from current oligarchs)
    so odd, I thought those two were confined to US shores.

    2) US will retrain the Ukraine police to be more honest & transparent.

    the whole thing is a sham anyway because Putin will most certainly take over the entire Ukraine.

    It's probably one of these drills you guys love to talk about.

  5. I'll bet you that in 25 years they will have a conference in Santa Barbara --

    10:00 we will discuss the JFK conspiracy. the smoking gun....who killed JFK?

    3:00 We will shift our discussion to 'how' the towers fell. Media Fakery? or controlled demolition.

    Snacks and drinks at 6:00.

    Drive home safe and we will see you in 10 years to discuss the Moon Landing, as well as 'who' killed JFK and 'how' those damn towers fell. This time for real....we promise.

  6. OBF, you say the show lasted 102 minutes. so all done then by when, 10.30? So, at what time do you say WTC7 fell?

    Now, this is a question, OBF. What time do you say WTC7 fell? Was it still standing at 5.00pm? I believe it was. doesn't that complicate your 102 minute theory?

  7. John Friend is another professional shit stirrer. He mixes Sandy Hook, media fakery, no planes, and other nonsense with credible theories. I cannot and will not trust this guy and will by no means ever, ever promote him.


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