April 29, 2014

jewish Racism Revealed by L.A. Clippers’ jewish owner Donald Tokowitz

The Times of Israel Headline about Jewish Clipper owner Donald Sterling says it all. It is headline that would be verboten in the American mainstream media.
It reads:
“Clipper owner:  Black Jews treated like dogs in Israel.”
In actual tape recording he says:
DS: It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.


  1. This will backfire on the NBA, TMZ and Sterling's girlfriend due to the illegality of the recording.

    But the bigger picture, contrary to Lindsey's take how this is benefits whites, is the blacks and the liberal commie media will still make Sterling a white man and whites will bear the brunt of the repercussions.

    Good points made by this black man, here's a couple;


    Benghazi? IRS? Fast & Furious? Worst recovery in US history? Black umemplymt up 12 to 12.4%? Labor participation low? Let's talk Sterling.

    Sterling? Omg! Owner of worse sports franchise in North American history says mean things--while hiring black coach, paying Paul $18mil.

  2. The ludicrousness of the entire scheme right before your eyes. DS makes a true comment of how Israel treats blacks and instead the stupid Americans get outraged that he said he didn't want his whore taking pictures with blacks! The insanity of this nation grows daily!

  3. Where's Charles Manson when you need him.


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