May 10, 2014

Timeline of Jewish Persecutions and Pogroms

A correspondent who wishes to remain anonymous has sent us this Timeline of Jewish Persecutions and Pogroms “as a reminder of the unremitting and pathological antisemitism that has bedeviled mankind from the earliest times up to the present.” 
He (or she) adds the grim warning: “Unless this pathological condition is stamped out at once, with all negative criticisms of Israel and Jews being criminalized and made subject to the severest penalties, a second Holocaust is inevitable. In addition, Holocaust denial should be made a capital crime in every single country in the world without delay and without exception.”

This individual of unknown sex and ethnicity (signed “SZ”) has challenged me to publish this Timeline of Jewish Persecutions and Pogroms “as an invaluable work of reference”, and adds:If you don’t, a thousand curses on you and your antisemitic readers!”


  1. Renounce your avowed supremacism over the rest of humanity. Return everything your race has stolen through Subterfuge,Corruption and off the backs of hard working non-jews. Give up pushing the lie of the Holocaust.
    Maybe then we might think again about confronting you for all your myriad crimes throughout the millenia. Until then, you will reap what you sowed.

  2. Americans don't know that but Jews in Europe have never been persecuted because they were jews.
    They have been prosecuted by the common people because of fraud and deceit and usery.They were always allowed to keep their synagogues.

  3. Imagine that. A world where "chutzbah" is consistently answered with a proportionally meted-out beating.

  4. "We have suffered so much that it only steels us to fanatical resolve to hate Our enemies a thousand times more and to regard them for what they are - destroyers of an eternal culture and annihilators of humanity." - Adolf Hitler

  5. Pay attention. There is an ugly painting called Rabbi With Cat I learned to hate in my teens. It seemed so valueless and ugly. I could not see why it was hanging with Magritte, Dali, Klee etc in the Royal Botanic Garden Gallery of Modern Art. Of course, now I know it is because it was Bolshevick propaganda, depicting the Russian pogroms against the Jews of the Pale. But what is VERY revealing is the depiction of the "Hand of God" in the top left corner, blessing the rabbi...


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