June 17, 2014

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.06.17

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. Andrew and I will be discussing his books The Synagogue of Satan and In the Name of Yahweh. Calls are welcomed!

Below are relevant links for this program:

AFP Radio Network (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)



  1. Request cue: Charlie G. reviewing "In the Name of Yahweh" with ACH.

    'It has long been recognised by certain authorities that the struggle between the debased cults of blood sacrifice and the higher ethics stands out as the conflict of the ages, though it has been left to Professor Waddell to show that this was essentially a racial conflict from the beginning.'

    'In another line of tradition, namely the more familiar Genesis of the Old Testament, Ar-Thor—or Adar as he is also named in the Edda—and his queen Gun-Ifo (Gweneva) and his son Gan or Kan who succeeded him as the second Sumerian emperor, are known to us as Adam, Eve and Cain. There the serpent cult which Adam-Thor suppressed appears in the person of Satan, and it is significant that the British bard Cadmon, probably aware of the Edda version, rewrote Genesis in which he depicted Adam as killing the snake. Nowhere in all these parallel versions except in Genesis is Abel a brother of Cain. On the contrary, he is the mortal enemy of the Goths, and the leader of the human-sacrificing serpent-worshippers, and the successor of his father Satan or Wotan. Abel is Loki in the Eddas, the Green Man of the Arthurian Legend and the Baal or Bal of the primitive religions. All versions agree as to the killing of Bal by Cain, and the name Tu-Bal-Cain means Cain-killer-of-Bal. Our rediscovered history identifies Tu-Bal-Cain with Cain and with Gan, the second Sumerian king. It shows his killing of Bal as the final act in establishing the ascendancy of Adam-Tor and his Goths over the serpent worshipping, human-sacrificing aborigines of Chaldea. And again, nowhere outside the Biblical version is this act depicted as murder but as taking place in open battle.'

    --PILE: "Five Races of Europe", 1947.

    They calumnfiy Gan aka Cain, 'father of agriculture', but even in their inverted Bible narrative it was Abel who was the pastoralist and Cain the farmer; but they then promote Whites as the best farmers...?!

    Isaac's sons / Saxons. Faux Etymology.


    Starting point for objectivity might be reading "The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy" by McKINSEY, 1994.


  2. I like both John Friend and Andrew Carrington Hitchcock -- the latter's book 'Synagogue of Satan' was an education, for sure.

    However I believe Andrew is terribly mistaken in stating that White Europeans are ‘Israel’.

    He quotes the Messiah who said 'I have only come for the lost house of Israel' and leaves it there, suggesting that Jesus is only for 'Israel' (i.e. in Hitchcock's thesis, White Europeans).

    What he doesn't mention is the rest of Jesus' discourse, which is found in Matthew's account:

    Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

    He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yes, Lord,” she said. “But even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

    Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. (Matt 15:21-28)

    Note that the woman was not of the House of Israel – indeed she was a Canaanite. First Christ plays to the crowd, speaking in the 'exclusivist' way that his Jewish followers expected the Messiah to respond (“I have come only for the lost sheep of Israel”) and yet ultimately he acted favourably, in response to the woman’s trust.

    In this way Christ was making the point that his coming is not ethnocentric nor tribal nor racial – it is universal.

    Furthermore the Book of Acts reports many nationalities coming to trust in Christ, including an Ethiopian!

    There are countless examples in the New Testament where the Good News is presented to -- and received by -- all peoples from all parts of the world. As Paul would put it in his letter to the Romans: “For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God’s powerful means of bringing deliverance to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile”.

    Biblically speaking, Israel is not an exclusive race, but a unique person – Christ – into whom all men from all backgrounds are being grafted, 'for God does not play favourites' (Acts 10:34)

  3. In Rev 2:9 and 3:9, Christ is talking to CHRISTIANS here. Remember, the word Christian had not been invented at this time. If you were a follower of Christ, you were a jew because Jesus went around Palestine preaching old testament Judaism to Jews. Jesus was a circumcised jew who went to synagogue every day. He ate Passover. Some of his followers called him Rabbi. At the age of 12 he wowed the Jewish elders with his knowledge of the Torah and Tanakh. In Rev 2:9 and 3:9 Jesus is addressing his followers (Christians) and telling them "You have patience in putting up with these people who call themselves jews(meaning Christians/followers of Christ) but do lie and are in fact fake jews (i.e. fake followers of Christ). These are the letters that Jesus wrote to the 7 Churches. A lot of New Testaments have these words written in red. Jesus is talking to CHRISTIANS here saying some of my followers are half assing it. Those are the people he is calling the Synagogue of Satan. Its embarrassing that I have to explain this in baby talk to anyone who claims to be jew wise. It just goes to show that you people are blindly accepting what religious leaders tell you and not thinking for yourself. Jew wise Christians and CI people try to make it look like Jesus was against jews and judaism. Absolute non-sense. When you try to quote those passages in that context it doesnt even make sense. Go back and read those entire books.

    Christianity is a universalist religion. It didnt start out that way because Jesus was only preaching to jews. Later, as part of the plan to get revenge on Rome for destroying the second temple, New Testament authors put this idea into the heads of gentiles that they were now jews. Paul says that god would justify the heathen (meaning gentiles) through faith and that if you come to Christ, your uncircumcision shall be counted as circumcision. Does that sound like a religion that was meant onlt for a certain race? This historical Jesus, who was a jewish supremacist kike would have never gone for this. He upheld the exclusivist, jew-first teachings of the kike bastard Moses. Only later, after Christ's alleged death burial and resurrection did the gospel go to the gentiles as part of a plan to impose proto-Bolshevism (Christianity) onto the Romans as a WMD. The New Testament is replete with this idea that when you come to Christ, you are part of Israel now.

    Another set of verses that CI and jew wise Christians always misquote are the ones where Jesus is talking about how the Pharisees (jewish leadership at the time) were the son of the Devil.
    There have always been divisions within Judaism. Jews have always agreed that jews are #1 and that Israel should be exalted, but they have had major disagreements about the best way get this done. During this time period, there were many jewish sects that had disagreements about the best way to exalt the jewish people and Israel. They condemned each other as heretics, etc. The jews still have these disagreements today. They have riots in the Knesset over whats best for Israel. Jesus and his little band of followers were just one of many of these jewish groups that didnt like the Pharisees. They didnt like the way the Pharisees had a pussified, lack luster, leisurely attitude toward politics, religion, etc. The Pharisees were compromising with Rome and Christ hated that as did many other small jewish offshoots. Israel was never going to become a powerhouse with the Pharisees running things.

    The Pharisees rejected Christ as an eccentric jewish preacher-a kook of sorts. At first he was trying to get them to accept him (remember the parable Jesus told to the Pharisees about the builders who rejected the useless stone and that stone wound up being the cornerstone?). At first he wanted those "evil" Pharisees to accept him. Only when they rejected him as a kook did he start calling them the children of the Devil.

    CI leaders and teachers are misleading you people. You are being MASSIVELY manipulated and you dont even know it.

  4. I really like JF, but he's seriously misinformed with this CI shit. If all of us Whites could go back in time in a time machine and observe our ancestors. If we could watch our great(x100 or so)grandfather and grandmother and aunts and uncles enjoying their everyday lives, and watched how peaceful they were, living a simple life... and then a garrison of knights and foot soldiers storm into their village or city and threaten them with death if they don't convert to the new christ religion that has sprung up out of Rome (NOT Judea I might add) that they and their children and livestock and crops would be butchered and burnt.

    I wonder how many Whites would be christians if they saw a firsthand account of how the "glad tidings" of jesus came to Europe. Millions of our ancestors succumbed to this fate.

    Christians MUST stop trying to live in a box and being such apathetic drones. This shit is poison and is the biggest hindrance in the truth movement. We will never defeat the jews with the sword in our right hand if we are holding their jew book in our left.

  5. @ Brian Albritton,

    Correction: this [obvious] CI shit

    And you do have to wonder - when CI believers who can read and write and have access to the internet without censorship by the Federal Bureau of Prisons number in the single digits - how so many of them manage to clog up the pro-White/anti-Jew blogs and radio shows?

    They're busy bees, I'll give them that. But what gibberish!

  6. @ Brian Albritton - "the new christ religion that has sprung up out of Rome (NOT Judea I might add)"

    That is a very important note to add that many seem to forget or overlook - the basic notions and doctrines of Christianity were born in Palestine aka "the Land of Judea" and descend from the Jews whereas Roman Catholic Christianity is basically the same idea as "Khazar" Judaism.

    The Roman empire adopted Christianity merely as a tool of control and expansion as the "Khazar" Jews are alleged to have done with Judaism.

    The Jewish role in the original Roman empire is a bit clouded though - to put it mildly - so knowing how much involvement Jews had with perverting the original Christ doctrines into a dogmatic mental prison of control may never be determinable.

    It is noteworthy though that the city that eventually became Rome started out as the city of Saturnia devoted to the "God King" Saturn with the Temple of Saturn as the cultural and social epicenter of the city and it's Saturnalia Festival one of it's most prominent cultural events(still celebrated today as "New Years").

    The Jews identify Saturn with their own "God King" and that is why they established their holy day of the Sabbath on Saturday - which started out as Saturn's Day(or Saturnis Day) dedicated to the now-deposed King of the Gods.

    Also as interesting side-note the 3 main Pagan planetary entities of ancient times(ignoring Jupiter in this instance) are Venus, Mars and Saturn - or by some of their ancient names Ishtar/Isis, Ra and El(Elohim).

    A rather interesting trinity given the prevalence of such Trinity concepts in the original Judeo-Christian doctrines - one could call it the Is-Ra-El Trinity...[/provocative speculation]


  7. The comment left by a Curt Beasley is word for word what a jew would say to try to discredit Christianity. I know because I have seen jews make this argument before.

    It's a shame that people are gullible to believe that Christianity was invented by jews to destroy Europe. The most prosperous times in Europe were a Christian Europe.

    There is nobody the jews hate more than Jesus Christ and the second most hated is Hitler. That is really all you need to know.

  8. "There is nobody the jews hate more than Jesus Christ and the second most hated is Hitler. That is really all you need to know."

    While that is technically true it is a bit much to say they "hate" Jesus as they do recognize him under the name "Balaam" as the only prophet of God greater than Moses in addition to being the "greatest antisemite" ever.

    And some Jews like to compare Hitler to being a modern version of Balaam and hence a "prophet" or "messenger of God"(as noted in the August 9, 1935 Canadian Jewish Chronicle article "Zionism in Naziland").

    Like Jesus/Balaam the "curse" of Hitler was turned into a blessing by their God as far as they are concerned.

    To quote yet again Rabbi Harry Waton's 1939 writings -

    "And, first, we must acquaint ourselves with Balaam. Of all anti-Semites that ever lived, Balaam was the greatest. His greatness is attested in three ways. First, the Bible tells us that Jehovah spoke to Balaam, and that Balaam believed in Jehovah. This alone shows that Balaam was great; the mere fact that Jehovah spoke to Balaam makes him great. Next, the Talmud tells us that Balaam was even greater than Moses. The Bible tells us that among the Jews there never was and never will be a prophet as great as Moses was. The Talmud tells us: among the Jews, but among the other nations there was one that was even greater than Moses and that was Balaam. The Talmud tells us the reason why Balaam was greater than Moses. When in the Last Day of Judgment Jehovah will judge the nations, the nations will say to Jehovah: If Thou hadst sent to us a prophet like Moses, we would also have accepted Thy Torah. To this Jehovah will answer: I sent to you Balaam, who was even greater than Moses, and yet you did not accept My Torah. But the greatness of Balaam appears in the method he used for the purposes of destroying the Jews. ..."

    "A Program for the Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semities: A Program for Humanity" by Harry Waton; Published by the 'Committee for the Preservation of the Jews', New York, 1939; Pages 53-57.



  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Progoyim, why dont you refute one word of what I wrote? You cant because Im quoting directly from the jew book and showing exactly what it teaches. The CI crowd reacts to critique of CI in the exact same way an asleep/sheeple/non-jew wise person reacts when you try to tell them that 911 was a jewish crime job or that the holocaust didnt happen. It doesnt matter how much evidence you show, they will clam up. They either clam up and refuse to debate with you and just make personal attacks, or they ban you from their site because they just cant take hearing the truth. They want to cling to their religion because it gives them hope (false hope) and a false sense of security.

    From what I can tell, the CI crowd does not study the text. Instead, they read William Finck, Eli James blogs and just take their word for it. If they were studying the bible itself they would know, for instance, that Christ was addressing Christians when he is using the term "Synagogue of Satan" and they wouldnt write a god damned book with that title trying to make the retarded case that this author is making. This is very very simple and straightforward and cut and dry scripture. Jesus was calling HIS FOLLOWERS the Synagogue of Satan, or a portion of his followers. He wasnt calling some other group of jews that because there is no other group of jews. Go read those chapters in Revelation in their context. You dumb shits.

    The bible is a jewish book written by jews. Its designed to manipulate gentiles-both old and new testament were designed with this in mind. Thats literally all it was designed to do. The old testament teaches jews to hoard wealth, be aggressive, etc while the new testament is teaching gentiles no not hoard wealth, be passive, dont resist evil, etc.
    But even if it wasnt written by jews with a jewish agenda, Europeans have no business entangling themselves in middle eastern religions. Period. The European couldnt be more different from a middle easterner.

  11. @ Curt Beasley - Although I don't disagree with your assessment of the "Jewishness" of Christianity and the Bible at all it should be noted that there is a symbolic distinction within the mystical realm regarding the "Synagogue of Satan" Jews/Israelites.

    As noted in the Book of Enoch and numerous other mystical/"occult" works there is a an ancient notion that Jesus and Satan were brothers - Jesus to the right of Gods Throne(his 'Right hand man') and Satan/Lucifer to the left of Gods Throne(being left-handed is evil).

    I've got that silly little Devil on my one shoulder and an angel on my other... oh my, what shall I do? Which way shall I lean? :p

    Satan is considered "Gods most beloved angel" and "the brightest star in Heaven" prior to the rebellion and fall from grace.

    To quote a famous poem about the Cross of Lorraine by Charles Peguy -

    "The arms of Jesus are the Cross of Lorraine,
    Both the blood in the artery and
    the blood in the vein,
    Both the source of grace and the
    clear fountaine;

    The arms of Satan are the Cross of
    And the same artery and the same
    And the same blood and the
    troubled fountaine."

    Of course this duality concept dates back to myths far predating Christianity, as does 99% of Christian symbolism and underlying mythology which were used to craft the 'Good Book'(Old Testament) originally.

    What most Christians can't comprehend is that Christianity itself is arguably one of the most "Luciferian" religions around idolizing Satan/Lucifer without realizing it under the identity of "The Holy Spirit" within the Trinity - hence why "Luciferian" Freemasonry produced and dominates the "Novus Ordo" Christian sects that broke from the Catholic Church.

    "The Devil is in the details."

    Freemasonry and the occult doctrines are dedicated to a singular primary notion - Universal brotherhood or the "Brotherhood of Man".

    The Brotherhood of "Darkness and Light".


  12. Added note to last post - this is why Hitler said Christianity was a 'bastard child' of the Jews, and that Bolshevism was an extremist version/extension of Christianity.

    Of course those who crafted Christianity have a different understanding of it than the Goy that follow it blindly do.

    As the "Strong Lion of Victory" Leonardo DaVinci put it -

    "There are 3 classes of people:
    -Those who see.
    -Those who see when shown.
    -Those who do not see."

    Sadly most of the religious goyim will never see.


  13. I dont put any stock in these religions. Firstly because they have jew fingerprints all over them. But also because I realize that these Bronze Age religions were man's first attempt at philosophy, medicine, explaining the unexplainable. We didnt know what germ theory was for example. So if a plague broke out, we thought the gods must be punishing us. Or we didnt understand plate tectonics. So if there was an earthquake we thought god was angry.

    Imagine how terrifying life was at this time when these things would happen and we didnt understand why they were happening. Life expectancy 4000-10000 years ago was about 25 years. People dying mostly from their teeth. Infants and mothers dying during childbirth at a very very high rate as well. This was a terrifying time to be alive and it was shrouded in mystery. If you had any imagination at all you could come up with some terrific explanations for the unexplained. Thats all these ancient religions were.

    Man, during this time of ignorance, invented thousands of gods and religions before the jews came along with their private god they invented. But the jew put a new spin on it. They made their god ethnocentric. This is how they have been so successful in subverting and abusing gentiles for so long. This religion is the means that kept them together and reject mixing with outsiders. The old testament is replete with this idea of not mixing with outsiders. This is a middle eastern religion and in typical middle eastern fashion it is a closed religion. Judaism is a tribal and ethnocentric religion that was born out of the ethnocentric capital of the world-the middle east.

    As far back in time as you want to go, middle eastern groups have had this fear and hatred of assimilation. They put up boundaries between themselves and didnt intermix or intermarry. Middle eastern politics have always worked this way and this is how they work today. They form these groups and dont mix with outsiders. When one group comes to power, that group oppresses the other group. Jews are a middle eastern group-if in no other way, psychologically. This ideology is completely antithetical to the behavior of the European. We have never been ethnocentric or tribal. Just the opposite The European has always had altruistic tendencies and compassion for other groups. This is why we are having so much trouble getting any kind of nationalist movements off the ground. Whites are not ethnocentric. We never have been unlike the jew who has had 4000 years of practice at being rabidly ethnocentric.

    The idea that the compassionate and altruistic European is actually the fiercely ethnocentric ancient Israelite is the most absurd assertion ever made. The two couldnt be more different. Sorry CI believers.

  14. @ Curt Beasley - I think we are in almost complete agreement except for on the issue of intent.

    I do personally believe that notions such as those expressed by Rabbi Wise in the 1800's and by many other Jewish scholars are correct in that Christianity and all other "Abrahamic religions" were purposefully created to transform humanity to a more mystical Jewish ideal(as the Jewish mystical Zohar says these Jews are the "Chosen Few among the Chosen People").

    From a primitive and tribalistic human civilization where every tribe had it's own religious and mythical and cultural ideas and traditions and fought over them frequently - many them such as the Pagan cults practicing human sacrifice being very "uncivilized" by modern standards - to a smaller number of larger "organized religions" established by conquest and 'the sword' that allows greater social order under a singular notion of God.

    The ethnocentrism of the Jewish people was purposefully designed to ensure that while spread around the world under their "diaspora" to "spread the word of God" and establish the great organized religions of today they would not become "corrupted" by the Gentile world and forget to continue their mission as Jews.

    Hoarding wealth and dominating society on every level(legal and illegal) and encouraging gentiles not to do so under these religions was always just part of the plan to ensure that the next stage of this human transformation would be achievable by them.

    Their end goal is to bring about a world of universal brotherhood built on the "pure deism and ethics of Moses and the Prophets", to quote Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise.

    E PLURIBUS UNUM - From Many, ONE

    "We Jews have given birth to the masonic fraternity as a cosmopolitical institution; but we consider it no favor to admit you in the lodge, provided, however, you leave your sectarianism outside of the consecrated walls. We have given you Christianity to convert the heathens gradually to the pure deism and ethics of Moses and the Prophets; still, we consider it no special favor bestowed on you from our side, that you have the privilege of being a preacher in one of the churches."


    Rabbi Wise - "America's outstanding Jew and leading rabbi during the 19th Century":



  15. "We have given you Christianity to convert the heathens gradually to the pure deism and ethics of Moses and the Prophets; still, we consider it no special favor bestowed on you from our side, that you have the privilege of being a preacher in one of the churches"

    I had never heard this quote before. Its interesting because if you walked up to an old testament jewish supremacist like Moses or Isaiah and said that Judaism needs to reach out to gentiles and give them the gift of Judaism, they would probably bash your brains in.

    The Talmud says that jews should lie to gentiles and not disclose the true meaning and teachings of Judaism to a gentile and that if they do reveal it to a gentile, then that jew should be put to death. I am highly suspicious of what that quote says. All jews have ever done is lie to gentiles.

  16. Indeed, a Jew should never be trusted outright for many reasons including the Kol Nidre however in this case if the shoe fits...

    Freemasonry is based out of ancient Jewish mysticism and is a "Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explenations (sic) are Jewish from the beginning to the end,..."(with a few exceptions).

    I can't recall who it was at the moment(I'm thinking Albert Pike) but a major Freemason also once described the doctrines of Masonry as "starting where [Jewish] Kabbalism leaves off"(paraphrasing for lack of direct reference ATM) or something like that.

    The nature of Masonry's mystical systems does center around the "Brotherhood of Man" concept and transforming the world into a single universal form of 'pure deism' that is espoused by and descended from the mystical aspects of Judaism - Kabbalah, Merkabah and Chassidei Ashkenaz mysticism and such.

    The Jewish foundations of the so-called "Abrahamic religions" combined with this modern Jewish founded "cosmopolitical" agenda does seem to support Rabbi Wise's comments.

    Also note that the symbol of the "Cross of Lorraine" representing Jesus and Satan as "Brothers" was also a major symbol of both the Jesuits(Templars v2.0) during the colonizing of the 'New World' and by the Templars v1.0 during the great Christian Crusades(was used by most Crusader armies under Templar command).

    It was also used on the "Free France Flag" and particularly as a symbol of "freedom" and victory over "evil Nazis" after the destruction of Hitler's German Reich in the aftermath of WWII(and a symbol of French resistance sometimes during the war).

    As I've said many times if you want to change the world polarization is key - as the Kabbalist doctrines denote the universe is kept in balance by 2 equally opposing forces which ONLY APPEAR TO OPPOSE EACH OTHER while actually working in harmony together to maintain the balance.

    Or perhaps change the balance as need be.

    "Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine —
    Are mine!" ~ From 'Tannhauser'


  17. Note that polarization worked brilliantly during the 'Cold War' - after failing to adequately scare the world with the fake Hitler "world domination" threat and only getting about 3% of countries of the world to submit to U.N systems by 1948.

    Then the Cold War polarized the world and the U.S.S.R and N.A.T.O ran international "protection rackets" requiring all those under "protection" or being given "assistance" to join the U.N body regardless of which side you are on(as noted by Brzezinski both empires shared mutual enemies and mutual goals and worked together to annihilate them and achieve them).

    At the end of it in the late 80's and early 90's around 93% of the world's nations had been coerced into or convinced to join the U.N body and low and behold the U.S.S.R just magically fades away to create a more united 'new world order'.

    This despite the U.S.S.R having had at least 3 trillion U.S dollars worth of "strategic reserves" of oil, natural gas, gold, silver and uranium known about since the 70's which were never even touched despite designated "strategic reserves" specifically being meant to stave of/fight economic troubles(and a cheap labor force was easily available).

    As noted in this video one of the U.S Senators mentions a Russian minister who's name/title he fuddles up making a concerned comment about Iraq "threatening the emerging new world order".

    Senators Speak about the New World Order while voting to approve first Iraq War -



  18. @ progoyim

    I wonder if you have ever read the jew book? I highly doubt it. 99% of christians haven't. They've only read the passages their pastors have given them and based their beliefs on the bible on those single passages.

    Its funny that CI is supposed to be the "true word of God" (just like all the other denominations think that their faction is the truth), yet none of the CI community gets along, much less agrees with each other. In all of the CI forums I've visited, half the people on the site hate Bill Finck and Eli James. James and Finck do not like each other. Thats pretty amazing if CI is gods true word.

    Common things I have been told by CI loons after destroying their jew book with their own scripture:
    The devil has deceived me.
    I'm a jew.
    The text is corrupted.
    I'm taking scripture out of context.
    It was mistranslated from the original Greek.

    But never have I been told" wow that's fascinating, I need to rethink this book."

    These CI kooks want this to be true and there's nothing anyone can do to change their simple minds.

  19. William Pierce, Adolf Hitler, Ben Klassen. These men are heros and mentors to me and none of them believed in spooks. Neither do I.

    I am only interested in worldly affairs and issues that effect us in the here and now. I dont give a damn about mysticism or spooks or any of that non-sense.

  20. @ Curt Beasley - You may not care about it but you not caring about the Truth doesn't stop it from being the Truth.

    The entire basis of National Socialism was in mysticism - creating a German mystical system built out of Christian values combined with older Germanic mythologies and creating completely new nationalized rituals and traditions out of those things to unite the German people and give them a "one mindedness".

    You can't have the modern world(or the ancient world for that matter) without mysticism - ignoring it's role is not wise even if you disagree with it's assertions and philosophies.


  21. I've heard those lies about the NSDAP for years and I have yet to see a credible source to back them up. Do you have one?

  22. Jews have had so much success in fomenting their jew world order due to the fact that judaism is a group evolutionary strategy. Judaism is a means for the jews to get ahead in life while putting gentiles into subjugation. This group evolutionary strategy is the one and only reason they have done well. It had absolutely nothing to do with spooks or mysticism or any of that bullshit.

  23. Brian Albritton,

    I am not CI. I am a Traditional Catholic, part of the Church that held back the jew for 1500 years.

    Yes, I've read the Bible.

    I suspect anyone who hates Christianity to be a jew. And more times than not I'm correct.

    Christianity and Judaism are antithesis of each other and that is why it is silly to suggest that Christianity was created by jews as a weapon. This absurd idea is not more than 100 years old.


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