June 12, 2014

Time for Congress to Investigate Bill Gates' Coup

The story about Bill Gates' swift and silent takeover of American education is startling. His role and the role of the U.S. Department of Education in drafting and imposing the Common Core standards on almost every state should be investigated by Congress.

The idea that the richest man in America can purchase and -- working closely with the U.S. Department of Education -- impose new and untested academic standards on the nation's public schools is a national scandal. A Congressional investigation is warranted.

The close involvement of Arne Duncan raises questions about whether the law was broken.

Thanks to the story in the Washington Post and to diligent bloggers, we now know that one very rich man bought the enthusiastic support of interest groups on the left and right to campaign for the Common Core.

Who knew that American education was for sale?

Read More Here


  1. Common Core is about the dumbing down of the American youth, which is necessary for the New World Order of which Bill Gates is a key figure. Bill Gates is no philanthropist but a global criminal on a par with his colleague George Soros.

  2. Even without Common Core, schooling will continue to be controlled by "The Synagogue" aka "The Cathedral" in DC. I'll bet you won't find a single non-Hasid school in the US that doesn't worship MLK as a semi-deity. Neocon Ravitch is fine with that.

  3. And here is one of those chosen people on his payroll who says his unearned white privilege led him to help write common core!

    Dr. David Pook told attendees Monday at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics that the “reason why I helped write the standards and the reason why I am here today is that as a white male in society I am given a lot of privilege that I didn’t earn,” the higher education watchdog Campus Reformreported Thursday.

    And below, in a somewhat related story, MSNBC managed to include almost all of the poor mistreated minorities, except the Jews. They actually claim that white parents never have to warn or reach their children how to behave in front of cops. Thats a bold face lie and almost an insult to blacks in general; in other words white children are smart enough to know and black children are just plain stupid and have to be told.

    The shit these people come up with is mind boggling yet the commie liberal retards eat this shit up like its candy/skittles.


    MSNBC panel agrees: Being white, straight, male is ‘trifecta of privilege’

    MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts told contributor Mike Barnicle that his three sons have hit “the American trifecta of privilege” that Trayvon Martin and other minority children have not, National Review Online first reported.

    Mr. Barnicle lamented the fact that he never had to teach his children about the appropriate behavior to use around law enforcement, “but if you’re a black person, you do that … it’s part of raising your children.”

    The anchor interjected, saying it’s because Mr. Barnicle’s children are a product of privilege.

    “With all due respect, I mean, your three boys have hit the American trifecta of privilege,” he said on “Morning Joe,” to which Mr. Barnicle emphatically agreed.

    “They are white, straight males, presumably … and from there, we go downhill,” Mr. Robert’s continued. “So, if you are an ‘other’ in this country — and that means if you are an LGBT, if you are Hispanic, if you are black, if you are a woman right now — we are fighting to prove why ‘other’ is not bad, and why we are due the value of our American rights.”

    “Trayvon’s rights were obviously violated,” he added. “Stalked, followed, presumed to be suspicious from the get-go.”


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