July 30, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.07.30

Dr. David Duke has an amazing program today that includes a fantastic discussion with Dr. Hesham Tillawi on the Zionist Holocaust in Gaza. He begins by clarifying the fact that the problem goes well beyond what is commonly referred to as Zionism. The truth is that overwhelming Jewish community, both religious and secular all over the world supports the Zionist State and the mass murder going on now in Gaza. Every major synagogue and every major Jewish organization supports this crime. Jewish tribalism and racism is what makes Zionist power possible. Dr. Tillawi gives an amazing summation of the issues at hand and exposes the Jewish supremacism that threatens America and the world just as it does the people of Palestine. Incredible show!

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  1. Sorry, but Hesham Tillawi is wrong when he says every American is responsible for what Israel is doing in Gaza. He says this because he claims we pay for it. By framing this claim in such a way, he's implying American children are personally responsible.

    First, lets look at the claim our taxes as in income taxes. Not one dime of income tax is used to run the government, that money is used to pay off the interest of our debt.

    Second, the taxes that fund our government come from all the excise taxes included in the price of various products (tires, gasoline, etc) not listed separately on your bill. Unless a person can avoid these taxes he or she cannot be personally responsible. For example, we need water or electricity, which both bills include federal taxes as do phone bills

    Third, personally responsible in my opinion would be applied to someone who supports the Israeli criminal behavior.

    We don't control where that money goes and voting doesn't help because eventually almost all politicians will change their views on Israel.

    He also needs to stop using the word democracy when talking about what kind of government we have. He is either purposely engaging in this mind fuck to insert this communist word in the people's mind or he's truly a stupid moron.

  2. And I'll add this, he says that its up to Americans to stop the assault on the Palestinians because the Muslims in the middle east can't.

    Well maybe they should unite and put an end to the Israeli butchers. I think its safe to say that we as Americans have our own invasion and problems to deal with.

  3. 1776 - the last time Arabs united and took on the Israeli Military, the USA provided logistical and military support to help the Jews beat them back. What makes you think another attempt to take them on would fare any better?
    Also, your "National Debt" is run up by your Government mostly. Between the various scams they push regarding "Black Hole Budgets" for the Military/Industrial complex they are all beholden to. And the Debt itself which is wholly an illusion perpetrated on us all by the Jewish Central Banking System?
    The only way to break the current problems facing the USA and the rest of the West in general is for mass uprisings everywhere to remove every dual-nationality Politician and Jewish Enabler.
    ...sadly, the systems now in place are set up in such a way to dispose of anyone advocating or planning such an action. So it's all a moot point anyway.
    Face facts; all we can do is piss and moan about it all. But nothing we say is ever going to change one iota of Policy from those who believe they have a right to rule over you. Unless you're an active part of the corrupt system benefiting from the criminal enterprises, you're just an annoyance to them. Easily ignored and even more easily squashed.


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