July 01, 2014

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.06.30

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Hesham Tillawi, PhD - Iraq And ISIS...The Truth

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Brian Gerrish - British Govt Starts Internet Censorship

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Getting Worse

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Rense' site


  1. Great Hour 1 Interview although Hesham should never feel any softness for any of these israelis anymore. those cockroaches have run out of any sympathies for any grievances they might have (boo hoo hoo) from me or for anyone else who is sick and tired of the shit they are creating in Palestine. FUCK israel a quadrillion times.

  2. 11 minutes into hour 1 Rense actually said that Saddam "morphed into a good guy" and he was "an extraordinary leader."

    Amazing what distance and time will make some people claim.

  3. @Abbott Horus - So from the sounds of it you think every Israeli of every age is responsible for every action taken by the international Zionist organizations(ADL, JDF, AIPAC, etc.), Israeli government or IDF?

    Are all Palestinians also responsible for the actions of self-serving "Jihadist" extremist groups and so forth that do horrible things in the name of "free Palestine"?

    Perhaps then we ... should never feel any softness for any of these Americans/British anymore. Those cockroaches have run out of any sympathies for any grievances they might have (boo hoo hoo) from me or for anyone else who is sick and tired of the shit they are creating in the world. FUCK the U.S.A/England/U.K a quadrillion times.

    Fuck it, let's just out-Jew the Jews and decide that all human beings(Jew or Gentile or any other classification) on Earth are responsible for the criminal and barbarous actions of even the smallest percentage of the human race and nuke the whole fucking world and extinct humanity for good - kill us all and let God sort us out.

    Yes, that would be much better than just focusing on holding the actual perpetrators and criminals responsible... [/cynical sarcasm]


  4. Note - to preempt the most likely response I will note that although most Israelis may be "guilty" of being Jews and most or all Jews may be "guilty" of trying to change the world in ways you personally do not like it is only a relatively small number of Jews and non-Jews/"righteous Gentiles" that engage in criminal and murderous actions to support that agenda.

    Most Jews and by extension most Israeli's have no personal criminal responsibility for the actions of those few who do kill, maim and persecute in the name of their vision of a "better world".

    That those few have the wealth and influence to make themselves the center of Jewish identity and culture and therefore gain defacto support from most Jews seeking ways to express that identity is not the fault of the average Jew.

    Well that is debatable just as whether or not the average American is at fault for what elements of their governing forces do in their name is debatable.

    But the "fuck them all!" attitude often leads down a slippery, hypocritical slope as more likely than not you are part of a "fuck them all!" for someone else.

    You can have no sympathies for them if you want of course but don't be surprised if others who see you as being responsible for their suffering have no sympathies for you and "what goes around comes around" back to you.


  5. @Unknown

    Maybe you forget that it's been more than 60 years since israel stole Palestine. and maybe just maybe a majority of those so-called israelis have one way or another know that the very ground they're living in is stolen land and in their name their gov't is murdering the owners of this land. have we heard loud voices of protestations from them? maybe a token few and that's it.

    seemingly sane arguments like yours are what actually cause this problem to fester. there are people who only are forced to obey what is right by force. can you argue with someone whose resolve is to let people suffer and be killed oftentimes in cold-blooded fashion?

    don't lecture me about your seemingly sane ways as the enemies of the Palestinians are hell-bent in extending their punishment to their victims ad infinitum.

    you even drag americans and brits to the argument when the situation in Palestine is singular not seen in countries such as iraq, libya, syria and others.

    your argument is clearly rigid and you think it applies to all. it's actually what a lawyer would say to try to circumvent a case. please never apply the situation in Palestine to what's happening to the rest of the world because there is nothing equal to it.

    if a group of people, stole your land, killed your family, destroyed your home then deprived you of the means to prosper and have a decent quality of life and reveled in it, what would you do?

    about 97% of israelis approved of op cast lead which meant they have no qualms of seeing the Palestinians murdered.

    so go ahead love those fucking cockroaches. let's not fuck israel a quadrillion times or even once. when will you people ever learn that these evildoers will never change? haven't you learned from history? even from the ocean of blood the Palestinians have spilt to wake us up? are you that naive?

  6. @unknown
    "You can have no sympathies for them if you want of course but don't be surprised if others who see you as being responsible for their suffering have no sympathies for you and "what goes around comes around" back to you. "

    oh now so i'm a murderous psycho who gets mad at my fellow psychos in israel. man, are you for real?

    you just post things to look like you know something when in truth you merely parrot worn out cliches and you think you're flowing with endless streams of morality. you're a fucking joke.


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