July 22, 2014

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.07.22

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Delcroix of Outside Radio. Del and I will be discussing a variety of subjects, particularly focusing on the role that the Jewish controlled mass media plays in maintaining and perpetuating Jewish tyranny and control.

Below are relevant links for this program:

The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)
A View From The Bog



  1. i am on youse guys side regarding tptb

    usually i stay away from the how of 911

    for those that are into the sept clues theory

    please go on yt or do a web search for september clues debunked - read and watch


    no offense to your point of meant.

  2. @gerry, as you said, you usually stay away from the how of 9/11.

    I watched a bit of that debunked video two years ago, like the supposed debunking of the "nose out" shot, and didn't feel like watching the rest.

    Thing is, there's not only the one angle of the "nose out" shot -- there's also one on the other side, and you have one of the TV anchors say that the plane has gone right through the building, so it's not some glitch with the one Fox feed.

    The main point of September Clues isn't "no planes" or fake images -- it's media complicity.

    The doc may have found certain misinterpretations or false conclusions that Simon Shack made, but if the media wasn't complicit, then tell me why the New York skyline looks like the surface of Mars, especially on the NBC feed, and the CNN feed at parts, compared to the blue skies of most of the purported amateur videos?

    Also, what about the sudden zoom-in of the Fox "nose out" feed, to capture the perfect shot of a plane going into the South Tower, where it couldn't have been seen before in the wide shot? And what about the CNN sudden "live shot" several-stage zoom-in on one of the towers within a second or so of it collapsing?

    And if that wasn't enough, you have several anchors and commentators telling us how it all looked "just like a movie."

  3. Why would a National Socialist dishonor the Seastika by spraying it on a Jewish house?
    In NS Germany, Jews were barred from flying the German national flag and using state emblems. Instead they were identified by their insignia, the David star. If you'd spray anything on a Jewish house, it would be that.

    NASA indeed is a complete hoax. Moon landing, ISS, Mars rover, probably the entire Copernican/Gallilean wordview is faked since NASA "proved" that the earth is round when they shot a pictures of earth during the "moon landing".

    *Black taxi drivers in Ireland! They pay taxes, man. They are Irish now. Wait 150 years and they will lose their melatonine and grow red hair...

  4. Many of the youtubers that do an excellent job exposing the Satanist illuminism Hollywood produces, especially in the music industry, always say that Satanists control Hollywood.
    If you present them the facts that Jews run Hollywood, they deny that.

    But more and more people do get it. Shows like this go a long way, my friends.

  5. @faux

    "The main point of September Clues isn't "no planes" or fake images -- it's media complicity."

    You couldn't be any-more wrong. The whole entire thesis of Sep clues is that it was ALL fake, all we see, told etc is ALL fake. Manhattan was closed down and smoke machines were used, to hide the REAL, way the towers fell, come on.

    Another point he, Shackstein always side steps the JW/JP. Always. It's the "nutwork".

    If pointing the finger at the "media" you should always note WHO runs and controls ALL that comes out from that source. If you don't and use generic term "the media" you are hiding a VERY KEY component the problem. Actually, you are leaving out the problem entirely.

    By simply stating "the media" It leaves out the biggest part and to me further pushes this it's Whites/Europeans running the world. Completely excusing the Jew's influence and control. There are shabbot goys, but are they in control o the output from this mystery media group? I doubt it.
    You of all people, having been around a while should be aware of what Sep clues is leaving out on purpose.

  6. 21 minutes in, Del mentions Ab from Fakeologist, and the mental block he has in accepting Jewish involvement in media fakery.

    It's deliberate, it's not just some oversight. He chooses not to see it, for whatever reason, best known to him.

    He talks about 9/11 and other psy-ops playing out like a "Hollywood script," and he knows who runs Hollywood.

    Del made an important point that Ab has reached a certain point, for whatever reason, that he can't get beyond it, and therefore, as a result, in my view, Fakeologist.com is a limited hangout.

    1. You aren't living too far from nice but dim Tim. Who is this guy who woke up two years ago, built an empire and is now spawning. He blames the nutwork, the media military nexus, Order of Malta, Vatican in fact anybody but the J. Smiling diffident slow talking gatekeeper. Call around Jason find out who's paying for it.


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