August 08, 2014

All you folks taking all this for granted can kiss my ass.

     Including Circus Maximus Nick that wouldn't even help me with today's synopsis. " Just copy and paste last week's one " Is what I was told.

I' ve been wasting huge amounts of time posting here and it's all taken for granted. I do have a life apart  from this little blog.


  1. Grizzom, I totally appreciate your blog. There are a lot of viewpoints and internet podcasters I would have never heard of if it weren't for you.

    Thank you for doing this. I for one appreciate it.

  2. Must be something in the air. My Mum had a big fall out with her cousin today..

    Yr blog is of course highly appreciated, including by those already in the know...

  3. -
    Grizzom, many sincere thanks for this treasure trove of information you provide here. For years I would go to Drudge, but now I come to Mami's. I was blind, but now I see!

  4. All I can say is thank you Zap and the entire crew at Mami's and Outside Radio - you guys are awesome. The posts here are very much appreciated by me and I'm sure many, many others. Cheers guys ��

  5. -
    And John Friend, could I take the opportunity to say how much I appreciate your programs and writings. I discovered your work via Mami's and you have enriched my understanding of things greatly. Your gracious manner and style, even when interacting with those who disagree with you, is highly commendable.


    Nicolas Gomez, I am a follower of Christ, and subscribe both to the Old and New Testaments (without the former, the latter is baseless).

    With that said, Charles G has the right to critique and negate the bible if he chooses (I believe his reading and interpretation of it is erroneous, but that's not the issue here).

    Moreover, Mami's is free to publish Charles G if the admin deem his material and opinions worthwhile.

    All sorts of points of view have been given the green light here -- including my own verbose opinions and ample bible quotations -- so what's good for one should be good for the other, so to speak.

    In the end it's all about exposing the darkness, and letting the light of Truth shine.

  6. Thank you so much for all the information. It is highly appreciated.
    I wouldn't mind donating a little bit if possible.

  7. Really love your posts. Hope that you can keep it going. Not many other sites that post this information! If not, best of luck and thanks.

    Just know that you are appreciated.

  8. appreciate all your work here,good day and good work to you there.

  9. I enjoy this site. I stop by a few times a day. Some shows that are linked are questionable, however, I dont have to click them.. Keep up the good work.

  10. Thanks! Most useful blog site I've come to know. God Bless you folds.

  11. Heck, he is a doofus, just don't bother posting his stuff. No gratitude, no attention.

    You guys take a lot of stuff from a lot of fools. It is not easy for sure.

    But heck, you are not allowed to have your own lives! You belong to the world.....

    Seriously, though, thanks for the stuff you do. It simplifies life for many of us. If we don't like the stuff offered we don't need to go there....

  12. Zap... you are loved and appreciated. As Del would say... Feck the begrudgers.

    Enjoy the day.


  13. you all are awesome for doing this! im always to busy to thank you Zap

  14. My 2 Cents: I value all of the Hard Work all you Gentlemen put in to this site! As a newbee to the awakening, I can tell you that Mami's attracts some really friendly Chaters also, unlike some other Click Chat rooms that Slam the door in your face. I learned more about the World we live in on Mami's in the past year, then I did scratching my Nuts for the past 48 years in the Jewish crafted world I use to live in.
    Grizzom/Mami's Cures Mental Blindness,, Keep moving Guys!
    Thank You!!

  15. Ignore those who say all you do is copy and paste. What you do is provide a one-stop place to listen/download shows. It's a useful service and I, for one am grateful to Mami and co.

  16. Zap, I for one definitely appreciate your synopses, and when they're not enough, as you know, I write my own on here. lol.

  17. I sad to see zap is having a serious Vyzygoth moment. I'm going to get in touch with him some time today and see what I can do to help take off some of the load and give him a break for awhile

    For those that don't know Mamis is a "joint" effort and Zapoper and Del do most of the work I Mami/grizzom just started the blog with some of my friends and now a days I'm just one of the minors player.


  19. As Mami stated, I had a Vyzygoth moment last night. I guess I'll post the shows for today and take a break this weekend.

    BTW. Fuck off Nick. LOLLL

  20. Well, I for one think you're Awesome!! And I look forward to your "little blog" everyday. Keep up the good work! Cheers to all that you do, and Thank You.

  21. I'm sorry if last post was take. Wrong... I don't mind it being deleted...
    I am really do appreciate your site... Your mamis shit is the DrudgeReport of the tru Truthers... MamisReport aka DrudgeShit is favorite go to site... Thanks Guys
    Ps: I'm just frustrated by the in fighting it make me wonder why "Can't we all just get along" and go after the enemy : )

  22. Ps: if you wonder why my grammar sucks? It's because I use my iPhone and I have big thumbs and its to time consuming to spell check it : )

  23. to the people that actually thought to take Zap seriously regarding ungratefulness, feck off LOL

    Interesting how a post like this generates so much more attention than having people actually comment on a lot of the informative posts that frequent here.


    The I consider ALL the admins here my friends and praise their efforts that have allowed me to make friends with people from all over the world

  24. don't mix weed with wine zap LOL

  25. Tá obair na Mallacht na ranganna óil


  26. Hey Z how far back do you keep archives? If it's everything, then could you implement a per month index? Just a thought, prompted by a desire to find out when and on what premise I started to call out the AFP crew, to a chorus of unbridled hostility as I recall....


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