August 16, 2014

Angry Grandpa's Nuclear Meltdown

A reminder to Zapoper et all that - no matter how bleak or desperate things seem - there's always an American out there more insane than yourself!  Have a great Weekend Dudes!


  1. ROFL, every single second is worth watching.

  2. How do I like this? Never mind. How do I TEN MILLION likes this?

  3. I must have no sense of humour. All I saw was a demented old man in a state of terror because his nitwit son waved a red flag under his nose with full intention of setting him off.

    His terror was real. His driving was dangerous and as erratic as his speech is flawed.

    How is this amusing? Can someone please explain this to me?

  4. Watch the other pranks they play on each other. Grandpa is a total prick. He is nice at heart tho. Just rednecks messing around with each other. It's a White thang.


  5. I'm with Noor al Haqiqa on this one…this is the kind of shameless, pointless, useless pile of waste which lends credence to the Zio-Zoharist's assertion that the goyim are stupid and easily distracted.

    Let's stay focused, infuse our minds with good things and present ourselves in a more noble light.

  6. was all a skit for Grandpa's youtube channel! Not serious at all and how anyone can believe it shows just how gullible they are!

  7. this guy's last name is green before u start feeling sad for him

  8. 'Tis an obvious spoof-posted for laughs only. And yes, i *will* continue to spambox the obvious shills who attempt to infect this site with their poison.Get used to it trolls and "Lord" Haw Haw.


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